Resources Archive - Classy Mobilize & Empower the World for Good Wed, 27 Sep 2023 19:07:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Resources Archive - Classy 32 32 How Capital Area Food Bank Increased Donor Covered Fees and Conversion Rates Wed, 27 Sep 2023 19:07:06 +0000

The Results With Increased Donor Covered Fees:


increase in conversion rate


of donors covered the higher fees


more donors opted for the higher fees over the normal fees

Capital Area Food Bank (CAFB) supports the greater Washington D.C. region, including Virginia and Maryland. Each year, Capital Area sources and distributes more than 50 million meals. Every dollar donated provides two meals for those in need. 

Run Tests With Your Donors 

Over the past year, food prices have continued to climb, along with the number of people going hungry due to the lingering effects of the pandemic, including high inflation.

CAFB’s strategy is to relate to donors on a human level to inspire greater levels of giving. Their philosophy is that we’re all experiencing rising food costs, so it’s our joint responsibility to support each other through these challenging times. 

To optimize their giving experience for maximum donation potential, CAFB conducted a formal A/B test to identify impactful tweaks they can make to their donation site to raise more.

Testing Increased Donor Covered Fees

CAFB found that, on average, the organization’s food costs increased by 13%. In the fall of 2022, they tested two variations of an email campaign to see which inspired more people to cover a larger percentage of processing fees to help offset the costs of inflation. Both emails linked to a Classy donation website, which typically includes a checkbox to cover the 3% processing fees. For this test, that checkbox was raised to 13%.

One email detailed the story of a client, talking about the food accessibility challenges she was facing, and the other mentioned the current inflation struggles alongside the client’s story.

The original email, which omitted mention of inflation, had a higher click-through rate, conversion rate, and average gift size. Hearing about this beneficiary’s personal experience inspired action, whereas general dialogue about inflation seemed to distract donors from the powerful story.   

Testing Covered Fees on a Larger Scale

After the success of their email test, the CAFB team decided to run a similar test on their homepage. For one month, 50% of donors were shown the 13% covered fees option on the donation page, while the other 50% of donors were shown the typical 3%. 

Capital Area Food Bank donation page
Capital Area Food Bank Donation Page

The only change to the donation page was the covered fees, and the results were that the donation page with 13% covered fees had a higher conversion rate and higher average gift size. Since then, they’ve stuck with 13% covered fees.

On our Classy donation page, we increased the donor covered fees checkbox from 3% to 13% during a time of rising food costs. That small change made a huge impact, and we were able to support more clients with each donation.

Mary Beth Healy

Chief Revenue and Marketing Officer

Providing the Space to Share and Test Ideas 

One conclusion as to why the 13% covered fee tests were so successful could be attributed to the fact that inflation affects everyone, so it was easy to appeal to individuals and make that connection to their own personal lives. This test proves that if you’re willing to change small elements, they can unlock new avenues to raise more with less effort than creating an entirely new fundraising strategy. 

Right now, the CAFB team is deciding what’s next for their organization. Whether it’s inflation, the political climate, or natural disasters – all things that directly affect those that CAFB serves – testing and coming up with creative ideas is imperative to get donors’ attention and make meaningful connections.

Avera Foundation Increases Online Giving and Grows Supporters With Classy and Omatic Fri, 15 Sep 2023 16:44:12 +0000

Giving Tuesday 2022 Results:




raised of the goal


YoY increase in online giving

The Avera Foundation provides meaningful opportunities to support health and healing in the upper Midwest, currently serving the states of South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska. Whether donor contributions come in the form of monetary gifts, supplies, or volunteer hours, the Avera Foundation uses them to their fullest to extend, enhance, and enrich the lives of those in their communities.

The Power of an Integrated Tech Stack

Ahead of the 2022 giving season, the Avera Foundation knew certain components of their tech stack weren’t cutting it if they wanted to reach their ambitious fundraising goals. 

Their top priority was to find a fundraising platform that allowed them to remain closely connected with supporters between events and campaigns and keep in steady contact with their community throughout the rest of the year. Classy made it easy for supporters to give, and Omatic, a tool that helps nonprofits solve integration and data import challenges, made it easy to steward donors afterward. Together, the two solutions rounded out their robust tech stack in a way they were previously lacking. 

We looked at other software, but for us, there wasn’t a competition. It was always going to be Classy.

Elijah Bonde

Manager, Community Giving

The Biggest Giving Tuesday Yet

Giving Tuesday is a pivotal day for nonprofit fundraising. To ensure they made the most of it, Avera created a dedicated Giving Tuesday 2022 fundraising page on Classy, customized to reflect their specific goals and unique audience. With only a few months on the platform under their belts, the Avera team was excited to launch their first major Classy campaign.

Avera built a Classy crowdfunding website to amplify its “A Gift That Grows” campaign theme, connecting donations with local women’s and children’s hospitals. Their emphasis on personal storytelling helped donors establish a deeper connection to the cause, inspiring new and existing supporters to contribute one-time and recurring gifts.

Post-Giving Tuesday, Omatic made it easy for Avera to follow up with donors through segmented communications based on individual donor behavior.

Giving Tuesday 2022 Crowdfunding Page

Learnings From Giving Tuesday

Avera is constantly iterating, taking the learnings from previous campaigns and implementing them into upcoming initiatives. From their Giving Tuesday campaign, the Avera team learned it’s important to:

  • Know your story and tell it on every page
  • Get colorful and show off your branding
  • Hold onto tradition but don’t be afraid to step outside the box 
  • Hyper engage your donors

Avera also learned how critical it is to keep the donation process simple. What used to require nearly 10 clicks to complete a donation now only takes two or three with Classy. Donors feel like their time is being greatly valued and are less likely to drop off before completing a donation. 

Applying Learnings to an Annual Event

The Avera team then took their Giving Tuesday learnings and applied them to their biggest event of the year, Race Against Cancer. Utilizing Classy’s fundraising event software, supporters could register for the race directly or cover the registration fee by fundraising on the organization’s behalf. The results far surpassed expectations and have set a new standard for their events.

Avera’s Race Against Cancer Results 2023:


raised (record-setting total for a single Avera event)


YoY increase in dollars raised


YoY increase in total registrations

Race Against Cancer Registration With Fundraising Page

Following the event, Avera has the tools to more easily connect and steward supporters, thanks to Classy and Omatic. The success of the Race Against Cancer event is clear evidence of how great tech can help you raise more to do more.

Ghostbusters Raise $40k on Behalf of Starlight Children’s Foundation Tue, 12 Sep 2023 13:18:09 +0000

Peer-to-Peer Campaign Results:




teams formed


hospital gowns delivered

Starlight Children’s Foundation provides colorful hospital gowns, toys, video games, and gaming stations to seriously ill children in hospitals across the country. 

Who Ya Gonna Call? The LA Ghostbusters!

For many hospitalized children, one of the most stressful experiences is transitioning from their personal clothes into a hospital gown. That’s why Starlight Hospital Gowns, designed with recognizable characters, help ease anxieties, provide comfort, and ultimately bring a sense of happiness! 

Studies show that happiness can help hospitalized patients recover faster and with fewer complications. Starlight Children’s Foundation and the Los Angeles Ghostbusters, a cosplay group that provides fans with an authentic Ghostbusters experience, teamed up to deliver happiness to support the recovery of hospitalized children.  

The two organizations connected when the LA Ghostbusters decided they wanted to rally behind a good cause to do something more meaningful. Starting out with small acts of fundraising on behalf of the nonprofit, like DipJars at conventions and an event at a Star Wars-themed bar that raised $12,000, the Ghostbusters were eager to do more.

Starlight has established corporate partnerships in the entertainment industry, but they had never worked with Sony. When they reached out to the entertainment giant with the idea to create Ghostbusters-themed hospital gowns, the film studio was all for it. 

We often limit ourselves to thinking that corporate giving is all about large donations. Sometimes, it’s about securing a brand’s support or their stamp of approval. That’s enough to excite and rally communities around a shared purpose.

Madison Shearer

Senior Manager, Fundraising and Events

Ghostbusters hospital gown
Marshmallow Man holding a Ghostbusters hospital gown

Don’t Sleep on Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

The LA Ghostbusters worked with Starlight to activate Classy’s peer-to-peer fundraising platform and recruited over 20 Ghostbusters groups around the country (and one in Italy!) to reach a wider network of donors. 

Tapping into niche fandom communities through podcasts, online forums, conventions, and more, the Ghostbusters groups started fundraising in the fall of 2022. By March 2023, they had reached their goal of raising $40,000. Enough to fund 1,000 Ghostbusters-themed hospital gowns and one gaming station.

In June 2023, the Ghostbusters-themed hospital gowns were delivered to many hospitals, including some that care for medically underserved and vulnerable patients and in cities where Ghostbusters groups fundraised. This ensured groups saw the local impact of their hard work.

Peer-to-peer fundraising page
Peer-to-peer fundraising page

Year-Round Starlight Advocates 

Starlight is planning a multi-pronged grassroots fundraising strategy, with the Ghostbusters and other fan groups playing a key role. The plan is to incorporate these groups as permanent players in their peer-to-peer fundraising efforts.

With year-end on the horizon, Starlight is focused on optimizing its donation and fundraising processes. They’re working on refreshing their website and will simplify the giving process for everyone involved with embedded donation forms

Coming soon, Classy’s new customizable campaign builder, Campaign Studio, will allow Starlight to tell their story and those of their fundraisers with less stress and more impactful results.

Reeve Foundation Increased Donation Volume by 57% Period over Period on Classy Thu, 07 Sep 2023 19:34:58 +0000

Results on Classy in the Last Year:


PoP increase in donation volume (July 2022 vs. July 2023)


total funds raised PoP after adopting embedded donation forms


overall conversion rate

In the U.S., 1 in 50 people are living with paralysis. The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation was founded as the couple struggled to find resources to help their family find new normalcy after Christopher’s spinal cord injury. The National Paralysis Resource Center focuses on the day-to-day challenges of living an independent and fulfilling life.

Checking Out the Competition

In 2019, the Reeve Foundation decided to transition away from Classy to take a chance on another solution. Fast-forward to 2021, and they realized the solution had over-promised and under-delivered. Understanding Classy’s potential, the Reeve Foundation was open to learning how the platform had evolved its product offerings since they left. 

It didn’t take long for the Reeve Foundation to recognize Classy’s increased pace of innovation across the board, specifically in Facebook fundraising and its events software, Classy Live. These developments, and those slated on the product roadmap, inspired their organization to rejoin the Classy community.

Offering Multiple Ways to Give

The Reeve Foundation prioritizes ease of transacting by offering multiple payment options like credit cards, ACH, and PayPal. With embedded donation forms, the appeals are simple, with clean layouts, concise text, and minimal required questions when checking out.

Reeve Foundation In-line embedded donation form
In-line embedded donation form

Of Classy’s many campaign types, the Reeve Foundation uses every single one. Depending on the event or fundraising opportunity, just having the options available makes planning and publishing a new campaign idea a breeze. Some of the campaign types that the Reeve Foundation uses include:

According to Classy’s 2023 State of Modern Philanthropy report, supporters who engage with multiple campaign types are 4x more valuable than supporters who participate in a single campaign. 

Expanding Events and Campaign Capabilities

Now that the Reeve Foundation is back on Classy, they are excited about the new, innovative features being launched. Coming up, Classy is releasing a campaign builder called Campaign Studio, which will make creating visually appealing campaigns even faster and easier.

What now takes me an hour to set up on Classy used to take days on our previous platform.

Kelly Lamb

Development Manager, Team Reeve Endurance

Events are still a main priority for the Reeve Foundation, and they plan to expand existing events across the country. By utilizing Classy Live, the team will be able to reach more donors via in-person, hybrid, and virtual events.

Feed My Starving Children Sees 3x Industry Standard Conversion Rate With Classy Thu, 31 Aug 2023 13:58:01 +0000

Results on Classy in the Last Year:




conversion rate for embedded donation forms


published transacting campaigns

Feed My Starving Children fights the overwhelming amount of malnutrition and undernutrition people are experiencing worldwide. The nonprofit transforms these critical issues into tangible stories to inspire a connection with the cause. They introduce the story of a real child to donors, reminding them one gift can feed a child. 

Facilitating Multiple Ways to Give

With Classy’s comprehensive fundraising suite, which offers multiple ways to give, customizable campaigns, segmented email appeals, and diversified payment options, Feed My Starving Children is able to provide a great donor experience grounded in storytelling. By customizing the experience to align with donors’ interests, providing clear impact statements, and presenting a seamless donation process, Feed My Starving Children has attracted and maintained a loyal donor base.

We use Classy to engage our networks at events and through online fundraising in many different ways. One way is with Classy donation websites, whether it’s a standard donation page or an embedded form. We’re also heavily reliant on peer-to-peer fundraising. Classy has all of the tools that we need for successful fundraising.

Tim Krueger

Digital Marketing & Analytics Manager

Classy’s embedded donation forms have increased conversion rates for Feed My Starving Children to 43% (nearly 3x the industry average) by removing friction from the donor experience. The donation form appears alongside a moving beneficiary story, urging quick action.

Feed My Starving Children Embedded Donation Form
Pop-up embedded donation form on the website homepage

Planning for the Next 365 Days With Classy in Mind

In the past year, Feed My Starving Children has raised $15.4M on Classy. And there’s no stopping there. The nonprofit is planning its upcoming fundraising galas on Classy Live, Classy’s event software, and will continue to use nearly every Classy feature to provide a unique and personalized experience for its donors.

With Classy Live, Faith In Practice’s Annual Gala Raised $146k Above Its Goal Wed, 30 Aug 2023 14:22:38 +0000

Annual Gala Results With Classy Live:


raised above the goal


in-person attendees


average transaction size

Faith In Practice is a medical nonprofit that services the poor and indigenous in Guatemala. The organization works in close partnership with local Guatemalan hospitals and institutions and sends around 40 teams of surgeons and physicians to Guatemala per year. 

The team hands out medicine and vitamins, conducts surgery assessments, and performs surgeries based on individual needs. They provide care to more than 30,000 Guatemalans annually at a level that is not typically available or affordable

Simplified Tools to Power Elevated Fundraising 

Faith In Practice has been using Classy’s fundraising software since 2015. What first drew them in was the peer-to-peer fundraising capabilities. Since then, a partnership has blossomed between the organizations.

Classy is not only easy for the Faith In Practice team to use but also for every volunteer. For each trip to Guatemala, volunteers pay a trip fee that covers their flights, accommodations, and meals. They’re also asked to set up a Classy peer-to-peer fundraising page and to share their mission pages on Facebook.

Each individual rallies their network to donate with a goal of raising $1,500—a huge source of income for the nonprofit.

The Annual Gala Goes Hybrid, Thanks to Classy Live

Every year, Faith In Practice puts on a gala to fundraise and celebrate the achievements of its organization and volunteers. The gala, which is held near Faith In Practice’s headquarters in Houston, TX, gives attendees an opportunity to connect with doctors, volunteers, and friends while supporting a cause close to their hearts.

In 2022, the Faith In Practice gala was hosted through a hybrid environment thanks to Classy’s event software, Classy Live. This new approach allowed supporters who were unable to travel and attend in person to participate despite geographic barriers. The team utilized Classy Live’s features, including:

  • Ticketing page where attendees could purchase virtual tickets or tables 
  • Messaging and reminders to attendees leading up to the event
  • Silent auction where attendees could bid on or buy the available items, like trips and local items from Guatemala
  • Text-to-donate which allowed supporters to text a designated keyword, such as “DONATE,” to a provided phone number, triggering an automatic response inviting the supporter to donate through a provided donation form
Faith In Practice Classy Live Auction Page
Faith In Practice’s Classy Live Auction Page

The gala had 316 in-person attendees and 62 virtual attendees. The fundraising goal for the gala was $800,000, and in the end, the team raised $946,000!

According to the 2023 State of Modern Philanthropy report, the average Classy Live revenue per donor over the course of a year is $1,258. Faith in Practice is thrilled about the potential to steward its event attendees and bring that revenue to fruition. 

Bigger Fundraising Goals Means More Guatemalans Served

 The Faith In Practice team sets its sights even higher for its 2023 gala. They’re focusing on growing the number of virtual attendees by creating pocket watch parties in locations outside of Texas. 

They plan to utilize Classy’s credit card readers at the next gala to streamline the donation process. Plus, Classy Live’s upcoming feature—allowing event admins to make table assignments ahead of the event—will help dramatically reduce day-of stress for the Faith in Practice staff. 

Peloton4Parkinson’s Raised 29% More at Annual Event With Classy Live Mon, 28 Aug 2023 13:25:25 +0000

2023 Event Results With Classy Live:


raised above the goal




YoY increase in dollars raised

Peloton4Parkinson’s started as a tribute to the founder’s mother, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease after leading a healthy and active life. Founder, Eric Tostrud, transformed the frustration and anger he felt into a movement, raising funds for the Michael J. Fox Foundation to find a cure for the disease.

A Fundraising Tool to Suit Its Growing Needs

For the past eight years, Peloton4Parkinson’s has hosted an annual ride where supporters can join in person, biking a half day or a full day from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., or virtually where the ride is live-streamed.

The event started in 2016 in the founder’s garage as a spin fundraiser with a few friends and has consistently outgrown its space each year since. After 2022’s event, the Peloton4Parkinson’s team realized they needed a more sophisticated tool to facilitate the event and year-round fundraising efforts. That’s when they found Classy.

Peloton4Parkinson’s utilized Classy Live, Classy’s events software, to scale its hybrid event. 

  • Registration for the in-person and virtual ride
  • Live streaming for virtual attendees
  • Fundraising thermometer for supporters to see how much money has been raised at any given time during the event
  • A silent auction where supporters can bid in real-time on almost 100 items

Utilizing Classy’s features made thousands of dollars difference. I couldn’t be happier about it.

Eric Tostrud

Founder and President

Classy Live Page for 8th Annual Event

The 2023 Ride for Peloton4Parkinson’s raised 14.4% above its goal from 890 unique donors. Classy’s 2023 State of Modern Philanthropy report showed 91% of event attendees are more likely to take further action with a nonprofit after a positive event experience. With Classy Live paving the way for seamless event involvement, Peleton4Parkinson’s is hopeful its supporters will continue to ride and raise until there’s a cure for Parkinson’s disease.

Project C.U.R.E. Reaches $1B Milestone With A Comprehensive Fundraising Approach Thu, 24 Aug 2023 19:48:54 +0000

Project C.U.R.E.’s Impact:

$1 billion

in medical aid sent globally


semi-truck-sized containers were delivered last year


volunteer hours per year

Founded in Colorado in 1987, Project C.U.R.E. has become one of the world’s largest distributors of donated medical supplies, equipment, and services to doctors and nurses serving the sick and dying in more than 135 countries.

A Comprehensive Fundraising Approach

Project C.U.R.E. joined the Classy community less than a year ago and has already hit the ground running. They’ve wasted no time implementing the various campaign types that Classy offers, including:

  • Donation pages for a standalone cause or their monthly donor program, Club C.U.R.E.
  • Ticketed events for pay-to-play events, where supporters can register, either as an individual, part of a team, or as a spectator
  • Crowdfunding for enabling corporate partners to raise funds on their behalf
  • Peer-to-peer for their worldwide event where individuals can raise money through their networks
  • Galas, where individuals or groups can purchase tables, participate in a live or silent auction, and more!
Project C.U.R.E.'s Donation Page
Project C.U.R.E.’s Donation Page

Project C.U.R.E. recently implemented embedded donation forms across its website, including the homepage. These streamlined forms help simplify the checkout process and, as a result, commonly see 2x the industry standard conversion rate.

I’m excited to see the increase in the number of donations that we get from the embedded donation forms and what kind of impact that’s going to have for our donors.

Shauna Rusovick

Director of Marketing and Communications

Project C.U.R.E. utilizes multiple campaign types to ensure they’re catering to the various giving experiences today’s donors prefer. This also helps inspire donors to expand the breadth of their engagement with the cause by participating in multiple campaigns. These increased levels of involvement are critical; Classy’s State of Modern Philanthropy reports that supporters who engage with multiple campaign types are 4x more valuable than supporters who participate in a single campaign. 

More Dollars Raised = More Medical Aid = More Lives Saved

Project C.U.R.E. just hit a huge milestone of $1 billion in medical aid sent to beneficiaries globally, including medical supplies, equipment, and services. It’s difficult to quantify the number of individuals impacted, but every dollar makes a difference. Direct impact on the communities includes:

  • $25 a month ships a multi-use surgical kit and 2,000 clean syringes
  • $50 a month ships a wheelchair
  • $100 a month ships a defibrillator, patient monitor, or EKG machine

Project C.U.R.E. is looking forward to sending the next $1B in supplies and is excited to have Classy in its corner to support them on all things fundraising.

Girlstart Increased Donation Volume by 22% YoY on Classy Tue, 22 Aug 2023 21:28:27 +0000

Results on Classy so Far This Year:


YoY increase in donation volume


overall conversion rate


YoY increase in average raised per P2P fundraiser

Girlstart provides a year-round, intensive suite of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education programs for K-12 girls. By utilizing Classy’s comprehensive fundraising platform, Girlstart can instill a high level of trust in its supporters by providing a streamlined donation process and showcasing the direct impact every dollar makes.  

Tapping Into Supporters’ Networks

According to Classy’s 2023 State of Modern Philanthropy report, 80% of people who give to a peer-to-peer campaign are new to the organization. This shows the power and potential of peer-to-peer fundraising as an extremely effective acquisition tool. With Classy’s peer-to-peer fundraising platform, Girlstart can tap into the networks of its supporters to inspire donations and help connect other young girls with a life-changing opportunity. 

Girlstart has transformed its fundraising processes on Classy in an upward trajectory. A fundraiser that generated $2,000 prior to Classy now generates $60,000+. The opportunities are endless, and Girlstart is taking advantage of every single one. 

Girlstart P2P page
Become a peer-to-peer fundraiser campaign page

Reaching More Audiences to Expand Its Mission

From the first touchpoint, Girlstart adds interested parties into their ecosystem and sets a communication train into action that sends out messages at the most opportune times. Coupled with Classy’s ease of use, multiple payment options, recurring giving tools, and more, the nonprofit is primed for increased revenue and amplified impact. 

We’re able to use every single element of the Classy platform to amplify our message in more sophisticated ways.

Shane Woods

Executive Director

Unlock Generosity: Year-End Giving Series Wed, 02 Aug 2023 23:21:06 +0000 Kansas City Pet Project’s Gala Raised $150K Above Its Stretch Goal With Classy Live Tue, 01 Aug 2023 16:11:44 +0000

10th Anniversary Gala Results With Classy Live:


raised above the stretch goal


in-person attendees


silent auction items sold

Founded in 2012, Kansas City Pet Project (KC Pet Project) is dedicated to housing pets and helping pet families in need during times of crisis.

Building a Long-Term Partnership With Classy

Three years after it opened its doors, KC Pet Project adopted Classy to help strengthen and diversify its fundraising. The nonprofit had an urgent need for a streamlined fundraising tool that offered various campaign types, including fundraising events.

After seeing the incredible value of Classy, the KC Pet Project team decided to ditch the array of platforms they were previously leveraging and commit to Classy’s comprehensive suite. This transition allowed the team to become more efficient and accurate in its fundraising, data collection, and reporting. 

Celebrating 10 Years With an In-Person Gala

In 2022, KC Pet Project wanted to celebrate its 10-year anniversary by throwing its first-ever gala on a grand scale. Around that same time, Classy’s online event tool, Classy Live, was released. Without hesitation, the KC Pet Project team knew this tool would be critical to executing the event they envisioned. 

The team utilized a number of Classy Live’s features, including:

  • Ticketing
  • Event check-in
  • Live silent auction
  • Mobile bidding
  • Messaging and reminders sent via email and text
  • And more!
KC Pet Project Classy Live Page
Classy Live Event Page

The event drew in 450 in-person attendees, including the Kansas City mayor and Missouri governor. All 94 auction items were sold (which raised $20k alone), and the event raised $150k above its stretch goal! 

According to the 2023 State of Modern Philanthropy report, the average Classy Live revenue per donor over the course of a year is $1,258. KC Pet Project is excited to see the benefits of this event throughout the entire year.

Following Along With Classy’s Rate of Innovation

KC Pet Project has always raised a hand to participate in the beta testing of new Classy features. They also recommend ideas that could improve their day-to-day work, and the Classy team takes that feedback into account when planning the product roadmap.

When a new Classy feature is rolled out, I take my time to learn about it and think if there’s a way for it to be beneficial to my organization. Classy is the number one tool I invest my time into because I genuinely feel that every new feature is based on feedback from customers.

Stephanie Sullens

Chief Development Officer

The team is in early talks about its next gala after seeing such success last year and is thinking of other events to use Classy Live. In the meantime, they’re prepping for Giving Tuesday, coming up at the end of November. They’re going to launch their first embedded donation form for this annual campaign with a goal to raise more than all previous giving days. Knowing that organizations using embedded donation forms on Classy are experiencing up to 29% more revenue per donation, KC Pet Project is hopeful for record-breaking numbers.

Tap Cancer Out Connects Passions With Fundraising to Raise $4.7M on Classy Thu, 27 Jul 2023 13:31:21 +0000

Results With Classy:


donated to beneficiaries


of tournament registrants fundraise


average amount raised per fundraiser

Tap Cancer Out combines people’s passions for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) with philanthropic endeavors that raise awareness and funds for cancer-fighting organizations.

Since its inception, which began with an idea at a Classy Awards ceremony in 2011, Tap Cancer Out has built its core fundraising model from the ground up with Classy, integrating the platform’s technology into every step of the donation journey.

A Tournament Model That Empowers Competitors to Fundraise for a Good Cause

Tap Cancer Out has always known that a registration with fundraising model is the right approach for its jiu-jitsu tournaments. Participants can register for a tournament as a Paid Competitor and are charged an entrance fee upfront (ranging from $70-$100), or they can register for free as a Fundraising Competitor. As long as they raise $250 or more, they owe nothing to compete. Anything raised above that amount can earn them Tap Cancer Out perks and swag. 

The funds raised at each Tap Cancer Out event help fund the more than $1,000,000 in yearly gifts committed to TCO’s beneficiary organizations which include Alex’s Lemonade Stand, the American Brain Tumor Association, and First Descents.

Our registrants and fundraisers are familiar with how our registration page looks and quickly learned how to set up a Classy fundraising page, which they can connect to their social media accounts, to reach more donors in their network.

Jon Thomas

Founder and Executive Director

Tap Cancer Out Registration With Fundraising Page
Registration With Fundraising Tournament Page

Attracting Participants and Accurately Tracking Their Fundraising Data 

Tap Cancer Out started working with Media Cause, a mission-driven marketing and creative agency that helps nonprofits grow and accelerate their impact, over seven years ago. 

By utilizing paid media efforts, including Google Ad Grants, awareness and digital ads on social media, and paid search campaigns, Media Cause helped grow Tap Cancer Out’s brand awareness while attracting and increasing the number of registrants per tournament. Now, paid media is responsible for 37% of tournament registrations. 

Media Cause also helped set up the Meta Conversions API for Tap Cancer Out, which connects Facebook fundraising with Classy’s backend to ensure peer-to-peer fundraising dollars match all donor data in Classy. This data hygiene practice allows Tap Cancer Out and Media Cause to optimize performance while keeping the cost per registrant low.

New Sports, New Opportunities to Fundraise

Tap Cancer Out is continuously innovating, optimizing, and iterating its process. If a tournament city isn’t meeting the fundraising goals or participant demands as expected, they’ll find another city that is. All of this information is visible in Classy’s reporting function and provides accurate data for the Tap Cancer Out team to predict and react to trends in their tournaments. 

Tap Cancer Out is expanding its sports offerings through a bi-annual Golf Classic that follows a similar structure to the jiu-jitsu tournaments. By continuing to utilize Classy’s registration with fundraising tool, Tap Cancer Out can host high-quality and highly efficient events while raising money for life-saving cancer research. 

Build Your Tech Stack for Impact and Mission Advancement Thu, 20 Jul 2023 18:26:20 +0000 Brooklyn Public Library Grew Online Revenue by 14% With Classy’s Comprehensive Fundraising Suite Sun, 16 Jul 2023 16:00:11 +0000

Results on Classy in One Year:




increase in online revenue


recurring donors

Beyond a Library; A Community

The 126-year-old Brooklyn Public Library (BPL), the sixth largest library system in the U.S., encompasses 61 branches across the borough of Brooklyn. The library offers free resources and services like literacy programs, lectures, resume and career help, computer centers, teen internships, and more. It’s an inclusive place anyone can go, no matter their age or background.

A Comprehensive Fundraising Suite to Support BPL

About a year ago, the BPL development team started its search for a platform that could help streamline its online giving operations. They were holding out for a solution that would allow them to customize their donation forms to better reflect BPL’s brand and align with donor preferences, leading to an improved donor experience.

BPL chose Classy because it is an incredibly customizable and versatile platform that allows BPL to handle all kinds of online giving, including its recurring donor program, one-time giving, and special events.

We appreciate that Classy has been a comprehensive online fundraising suite that addresses so many of our needs.

Lauren Arana

Assistant Vice President, Development

Engaging Supporters and Meeting Them Where They Are 

In a library system as large as BPL, it’s critical to provide donors the choice to support their local branch or the programs they most care about. With Classy’s program designation feature, BPL can enable its supporters to choose exactly where their donation goes, making it easier for supporters to connect with the causes they care about.

BPL donation page with program designation
Books Unbanned Program Designation

One tool in Classy’s suite is a peer-to-peer campaign builder. BPL ran its first-ever peer-to-peer fundraising campaign on Classy last year and raised 113% of its goal!

We used Classy’s peer-to-peer tool for a month-long campaign in which our local supporters could solicit their friends and family in support of our program. They just clicked on the site, signed up, launched their pages, and off they went. It was also an incredible way to galvanize support for the program from our local millennial and Gen Z supporters.

Lauren Arana

Assistant Vice President, Development

BPL is very connected to its supporter base and has focused on growing its sustainer (recurring) donor program over the past year with Classy. With a multi-pronged approach that puts monthly giving front and center on most donation forms, BPL has seen a significant influx of monthly gifts.

The BPL team is looking forward to seeing the donations roll in on their new inline embedded donation form on the Books Unbanned landing page. The donation experience is streamlined and frictionless, reducing the number of steps to donate and bringing in an average of 2x more revenue. It is truly a win-win for both the donor and BPL.

BPL inline embedded donation form
Books Unbanned inline embedded donation form

The Future Is Bright for BPL

Just one year in with Classy, BPL has already made great strides, surpassing $1M raised on the platform. And they’re not slowing down anytime soon.

As the library continues to connect with the community, welcome patrons into their locations, and get supporters involved in virtual programs, they’re also welcoming them to donate online through one of the various campaign types available. 

The team has seen its online giving grow in recent years, making a tremendous impact on its mission. Having a flexible tool like Classy saves the BPL team time and makes it easier for supporters to contribute to their local library.

Brooklyn Public Library Raises Over $77k on Classy Program Designation in One Year to Fund Books Unbanned Program Fri, 14 Jul 2023 16:44:01 +0000

Books Unbanned Results in the First Year:


raised on Classy for Books Unbanned through program designation


e-library cards issued to teens nationwide


e-books checked out

Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) is the sixth largest library system in the U.S., encompassing 61 branches across the borough of Brooklyn. The library offers free resources and services like literacy programs, lectures, resume and career help, computer centers, teen internships, and more. You can even check out records and musical instruments. It’s an inclusive place anyone can go, no matter their age or background.

Granting Access to Banned Books to Reignite Teen Learning

When BPL joined Classy, its team launched a program called Books Unbanned in response to the growing and coordinated attempts to ban books in libraries and schools across the country. BPL believes everybody, especially teens, has the right to intellectual freedom.

A group of BPL staff members, including Chief Librarian Nick Higgins and Young Adults Internship Coordinator, Jackson Gomes, designed the program to extend their digital library card to teens aged 13-21 throughout the country so they could access the extensive digital catalog of e-books. 

With Books Unbanned, we wanted to give support to young people and tell them they do matter, that their stories are important, and that they’re fully supported by a public library.

Nick Higgins

Chief Librarian

One year in, over 6,000 teens from all 50 states have received e-library cards through the Books Unbanned initiative and have checked out over 80,000 books. Since it began, Books Unbanned has been privately funded, and they’ve raised over $226,000 from individual donors and foundations to date. The funds for Books Unbanned support the movement that e-books remain accessible for free to teens throughout the country.

Thanks to private funding, we have had a lifeline. We have had the opportunity to continue what we have started. Our goal is to shine light where there is an issue, and now we are a beacon to get other library systems to realize that they can be a part of this and help us fight back.

Jackson Gomes

Young Adult Internship Coordinator

Using Classy to Fundraise for Books Unbanned

In a library system as large as BPL, it is critical to provide donors the opportunity to support their local branch or the programs they most care about. That’s why the team added Books Unbanned as an option in their program designation on their main donation page. To make it even easier, they also created a dedicated Books Unbanned branded donation page

When books are banned, it becomes an issue for all communities. BPL has seen an incredible increase in supporters who stand behind its mission and contribute their financial support to fuel its long-term impact.

The Future Is Bright for BPL

The next phase of Books Unbanned is to build a broader network of support from other libraries and figure out ways to support young people in their communities. 

With the newly implemented inline embedded donation form on the Books Unbanned landing page, the BPL team is looking forward to seeing donations roll in. Supporters can enjoy a streamlined and frictionless donation experience that reduces the steps one needs to take to support a program. It is truly a win-win for both the donor and BPL.

Brooklyn Public Library inline embedded donation form
Books Unbanned inline embedded donation form

With Classy in its corner, BPL can continue telling its powerful story, all while connecting with and engaging community members and supporters in meaningful ways. By offering multiple ways to support the library and programs like Books Unbanned, BPL is meeting supporters where they are and creating unique donation experiences that help build relationships with donors.

Tech Talk: How Can a Little Technology Make Everyone Like You Better? Thu, 13 Jul 2023 16:57:56 +0000 NAMI’s Paid Search and Social Ads Bring in a 52% Increase in Gifts YoY Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:36:03 +0000

Results From Paid Search and Social Ads:


ROI from its evergreen search campaign


YoY increase in gifts


of donation page visitors completed a donation

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI consists of a network of more than 650 local affiliates and 49 state organizations that work to raise awareness and provide support and education to those in need.

A Streamlined Donation Experience With Classy

NAMI found Classy in 2018 while looking for a tool to make the giving process as easy and straightforward as possible. Their team wanted donors to be able to support NAMI’s mission without obstacles, confusion, or process-related questions.

Acquiring New Donors Through Paid and Social Ads

Almost four years ago, NAMI partnered with Revunami, a strategic consulting firm that leverages digital technology to help organizations increase their revenue and see a measurable return on their investment. They collaborated on NAMIWalks with the goal of attracting more participants. 

Given the success of the program, NAMI decided to partner with Revunami on all digital marketing efforts and fundraising campaigns.

Revunami has brought increased awareness to our campaigns, funneling people who may be interested in NAMI to our resources and Classy donation pages.

Kelly Pavelich

Senior Donor Communications Manager

Ads are a critical acquisition tool for NAMI. What began as a relatively small effort, consisting of paid ads for specific campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Google, Instagram, and Bing, has grown to include evergreen search ads, which saw a 4.8x return throughout the year, jumping to 9x at year-end. NAMI also added a biannual sustainer campaign, which brought in 355 new donations from paid search and social ads.

NAMI Main Donation Page
NAMI Main Donation Page

NAMI segments the donor list for each campaign and utilizes Classy’s source codes to track where donations come from and accurately measure results. In 2022, NAMI saw a 15.6% increase in revenue through online contributions through Classy and a 45.5% increase in revenue through Revunami’s paid search and social ads year-over-year

More Donations = More Resources to Support Mental Health

NAMI recently added Classy Pay payment options to their donation pages, giving donors the option to contribute through PayPal, Venmo, and ACH. Since the transition to Classy Pay four months ago, NAMI has raised $256,000, with 82% of the donors being new to the organization

NAMI has several goals for the coming years to help meet the growing demand for mental health support, including providing more resources and expanding the NAMI HelpLine hours. The NAMI team is also staying up to date on donor trends to better understand today’s donors’ behaviors and preferences and craft world-class experiences that align with those opportunities.

Guide: Uncover Corporate Partnership Opportunities With Your Nonprofit Data Fri, 07 Jul 2023 17:11:34 +0000 7 Digital Marketing Strategies for Nonprofit Growth Thu, 22 Jun 2023 20:07:45 +0000 Atlas Free Enjoys a 43% Conversion Rate by Combining Storytelling and Streamlined Giving Wed, 21 Jun 2023 21:52:05 +0000

Atlas Free Results on Classy in the Last Year:


overall conversion rate


average donation size


growth in recurring donor retention

Atlas Free is building a global movement, uniting funders, adventurers, and everyday people, to scale the fight against human trafficking. Since its founding in 2012, the nonprofit has impacted nearly 900,000 people through aftercare, prevention, outreach, awareness, and intervention programs. 

Maintaining a Seamless Supporter Experience While Going Through a Rebrand

In 2022, Atlas Free went through a full rebrand: new name, logo, and colors that their team feels better represent their scaled mission. As their programs grew, they agreed that their name needed to change to reflect their growing impact. 

With Classy’s domain masking and campaign templating tools, the Atlas Free team saved countless hours of manual work converting all campaigns to their nonprofit’s new look and feel.

With Classy’s campaign templates, we quickly updated hundreds of fundraising pages. These templates allowed us to ensure our supporters were as comfortable as possible during the transition.

Jake Fankhauser

CRM and Experience Manager

Engaging Storytelling Leads to Faster Transactions

Atlas Free found that most people who land on their Classy campaign pages have never engaged with their organization before. That makes it the perfect place to introduce themself with impact blocks and other storytelling tools. The team was an early adopter of embedded donation forms as well, both pop-up and inline, which simplify the transaction process and routinely see 2x the industry standard conversion rate.

Our main goal when rolling out embedded donation forms was to create an easy way to donate directly from our website. We accomplished that quickly and have pivoted into making them a focal point for different campaigns across our entire website. They also helped our website growth during the rebrand feel natural.

Jake Fankhauser

CRM and Experience Manager

To further the impact of their organization and increase donors’ lifetime value (LTV), Atlas Free promotes its monthly recurring giving program, Team Freedom. Just $27 has the power to put a child in a safe home for a whole month. Plus, with the customization capabilities of Classy’s embedded donation forms, it’s easy to pair this narrative with a superior donation experience that allows donors to select amounts based on the beneficiaries’ stories. All of this combined led to an increase in retention of these monthly supporters by 151% since 2021.

Atlas Free Embedded Donation Form
Recurring donation appeal with an inline embedded donation form

Taking Advantage of All New Classy Features

Atlas Free utilizes a variety of Classy’s donation and campaign types, including donation pages, embedded donation forms, peer-to-peer, crowdfunding, and fundraising events. 

Atlas Free is always first in line to implement new Classy features because the return on investment is clear: supporters who engage with multiple campaign types are 4x more valuable than supporters who participate in a single campaign. By diversifying its campaign portfolio and prioritizing the donor experience, Atlas Free is in a prime position to acquire, convert, and retain long-term supporters.

Coming up later this year, their team plans to implement Classy’s new campaign builder, Campaign Studio, which will enable nonprofits to unleash their creativity and remove tech limits to make sharing their story on new campaign pages even easier. 

Oklahoma Christian University Surpasses Giving Tuesday Fundraising Goal by 330% Wed, 14 Jun 2023 14:08:02 +0000

Giving Tuesday 2022 Results:


raised above the goal


YoY revenue growth


average donation size

Oklahoma Christian University works to transform lives for Christian faith, scholarship, and service. The alumni and advancement teams are tasked with raising money throughout the year so more students can grow and learn on OC’s campus, many of whom do so with the support of a scholarship. In fact, 95% of its 2,000+ enrolled students are awarded financial scholarships to assist their learning journeys.

Finding a Reliable Fundraising Solution

Back in 2019, OC was looking for a comprehensive fundraising tool to replace its previous solution–one that could reliably process donations and provide a superior donor experience as more supporters moved online. 

The Best Giving Tuesday Yet

Starting in mid-September, the OC team preps for Giving Tuesday by setting up their crowdfunding and donation pages. On Classy, it’s simple to duplicate the previous year’s Giving Tuesday campaign and edit the images and content blocks to tell a compelling story that aligns with timely goals.

Oklahoma Christian University’s Giving Tuesday 2022 Crowdfunding Page
Oklahoma Christian University’s Giving Tuesday 2022 Crowdfunding Page

The nonprofit segments its robust database of alumni and supporters to effectively appeal to each unique cohort in the month leading up to Giving Tuesday. Their team takes a multi-channel approach to promotion, utilizing email, social media channels, and texting. This ensures the right message is getting to the right people via the right channel.

In 2022, an anonymous donor generously matched up to $30,000 in donations on Giving Tuesday. In the end, OC raised over $197,000, surpassing its goal by 330%, with donations going back into the scholarship fund to support students.

To set our Giving Tuesday fundraising goal, we always look at the previous year, and each subsequent year, we try to beat that number. This past year we added in the match. It was amazing that Classy can automatically match as donations roll in.

Hannah Johnson

Annual Fund and Alumni Outreach Coordinator

More Ways to Grow Supporters and Donations

School is out for the summer, so the OC team is looking forward to a productive planning period. They’re currently in the midst of a website refresh and are planning to add more (and easier) ways to donate, like embedded donation forms

This past April, the OC athletics teams participated in a fundraising competition for their inaugural athletics day of giving, where each athletic team created its own Classy peer-to-peer fundraising pages. It was such a success that other colleges want to get involved. 

With November a mere five months away, it’s never too early to start thinking about Giving Tuesday. After the amazing success last year, the OC team has its sights set high with bigger matches and a closer partnership with their major gifts team. 

Optimizing Your Website Experience to Spark Generosity Wed, 07 Jun 2023 21:47:21 +0000 Atlanta Habitat Saw an Average Donation of $670 on Giving Tuesday Wed, 31 May 2023 15:19:42 +0000

Giving Tuesday 2022 Results:


raised on $100k goal




average donation size

Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit that builds strength, stability, and self-reliance in partnership with families in need of decent and affordable housing. One of Habitat for Humanity’s largest affiliates, Atlanta Habitat, has empowered thousands of families through homeownership since 1983. Last year, the Atlanta team served 183 families through their build and repair programs and hundreds more through their education programs. 

Combining Storytelling and Easy Donation Experiences

Atlanta Habitat has been using Classy’s comprehensive fundraising software since 2019 to amplify its impact on local neighborhoods. 

What really attracted Atlanta Habitat to Classy was the platform’s prioritization of storytelling across all donor touchpoints and the ease of use in making a donation. 

The first year we implemented Classy was our highest online giving year ever at that point. It dipped in 2020 due to the pandemic, but since 2020, we’ve seen our online giving totals increase year over year. Last year we raised more through online giving than we did at our pre-pandemic peak.

Drew McGuffin

Development Systems and Relations Director

Letting Its Mission Shine on a Giving Tuesday Crowdfunding Page

Throughout the summer, Atlanta Mission starts prepping for the year-end season, which includes none other than Giving Tuesday.

The team wrote emails, posted on social media, and reached out to donors directly, highlighting their goals and motivations for this year’s Giving Tuesday campaign. They also secured matching gifts from board members prior to November so the impact of each donation could be doubled.

The team also utilized Classy source codes to track which communications throughout the campaign were most successful in capturing conversions. That way, it’s easier to make informed decisions next year based on the results.

In 2022, Atlanta Habitat raised $110,000 on Giving Tuesday, surpassing its goal by $10k. The generous donations came from 164 supporters with an average donation size of $670.

Atlanta Habitat Crowdfunding page
Giving Tuesday Crowdfunding Campaign Page

Celebrating 40 Years of Atlanta Habitat

Atlanta Habitat recently invested in Pardot, a marketing automation platform within Salesforce. For Giving Tuesday 2023, the team will leverage its automation capabilities to better segment and target donors with more tailored communications.

This year is special for another reason as well, being that Atlanta Habitat is celebrating its 40th anniversary. The team is already planning an epic gala for the fall, which will present an enormous fundraising opportunity and utilize Classy Live, Classy’s events software, to facilitate registration, fundraising, and more.

Nonprofit Storytelling: Creating an Emotional Connection Thu, 25 May 2023 18:30:25 +0000 How Gordon College’s Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser Raised $40k Above Its Stretch Goal Thu, 18 May 2023 19:08:42 +0000

Clash of the Tartans 2022 Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Results:


raised above the stretch goal


average donation size


transactions on Classy

Gordon College is a religiously-affiliated liberal arts school with a sprawling 485-acre campus outside of Boston, Massachusetts. Founded in 1889 as a missionary training school, Gordon now has over 1,300 undergraduate students, and over 400 graduate students, and offers 33 majors. 

Finding the Best Peer-to-Peer Tool  

The Gordon Advancement team was searching for the right tool to facilitate its peer-to-peer programs, and one non-negotiable criterion was compatibility with multiple payment options. 

In early 2022, Classy was part of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Gordon College, meaning Gordon College accepted a proposal from Classy, among other fundraising platforms, outlining how its comprehensive toolset would best support their goals. 

In the end, Classy won out with its unparalleled peer-to-peer fundraising tool and Classy Pay payment processor.

A Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Competition

In 2017, Gordon first challenged its athletic teams to a peer-to-peer fundraising competition named Clash of the Tartans—a play on the Scottish tartan and “Clash of the Titans”. Since then it has grown and evolved into a tradition, with every sporting team involved in the fundraising extravaganza. Clash continues to be the main peer-to-peer fundraiser for the college more than six years after its inception.

For a group of people who are by nature competitive, we wanted to take advantage of that competitiveness, with each team working toward a mutually beneficial goal.

Joe Iriana

Associate Director of Advancement Data Services

In essence, Clash is a competitive fundraising event amongst or within athletic teams to see who can fundraise the most. Each sport creates a team page, and then the student-athletes create their own Classy peer-to-peer fundraising pages. The coaches are heavily involved in motivating their teams and making sure each student-athlete has the necessary resources to set up their fundraising page.

Apart from raising money throughout the 30-hour-long competition, students can also compete for smaller awards like the best social media post or the most $5 donations during power hour. 

Over the course of a few hours during the pinnacle of Clash, all student-athlete fundraisers gather in the athletics center where they call, text, and email every potential donor in their networks. 

2022 Clash Fundraising Results

Last year’s Clash took place from October 27-28. Here are some of the incredibly impressive results:

  • 17 teams were formed, with every sporting team getting involved
  • 271 students created individual fundraising pages on Classy 
  • The average number of gifts per page was 8.2
  • The average donation amount was $97.90
  • There were 2,538 transactions on Classy

In the end, $240k was raised, which was $40k above the stretch goal. All funds raised go directly back into athletics.

Clash of the Tartans Leader Board
Clash of the Tartans Leader Board

New Year, New Clash, New Targets

The kickoff for this year’s Clash will start with a brainstorming session sometime over the summer. Once everyone is back on campus, each individual sports team will start plotting its fundraising strategy.  

Donations typically start trickling in during the Homecoming celebration, which falls just before Clash. This early momentum is critical knowing that the campaign’s fundraising goal increases each year and everyone is set on meeting (or surpassing) it. 

To continue growing its fundraising strategy, the Gordon Advancement team is also looking to implement more donation opportunities on the Gordon College website. Embedded donation forms are another Classy feature their team is considering implementing to increase their overall conversion rate and make the donation process faster and easier for supporters.

Atlanta Humane Society Exceeds Day of Giving Goals With the Help of Classy for Salesforce Wed, 03 May 2023 18:01:23 +0000

Atlanta Humane Society Day of Giving 2023 Results:


raised above the goal


average donation size


separate emails sent to database contacts

The Atlanta Humane Society is a no-kill animal shelter that has been providing shelter, adoption services, veterinary care, and community outreach to the Atlanta metro area for 150 years. Over 126,362 animal care points have been provided, 27,787 people have been connected with resources to care for their pets, and 5,484 animals have been adopted.

Finding a Comprehensive Fundraising Platform

Atlanta Humane was previously using separate, incompatible CRM and online fundraising tools, which left valuable data isolated on each platform, and every small change became a big hurdle that required customization and manual work to perform basic functions.

In 2021, the Atlanta Humane team, having already decided to switch to Salesforce, made the choice to go all in with Classy after learning about Classy’s robust Salesforce integration. Their impressive experience that same year using Classy’s peer-to-peer program, which brought in a large portion of funds during their annual Day of Giving period, was the clincher.

Migrating Donor Data to Classy and Salesforce

In 2022, Atlanta Humane started working with Fíonta, a Salesforce Nonprofit Partner, that works with nonprofits to maximize impact and streamline operations with Salesforce. 

With the migration to Classy and Salesforce planned for summer 2022, Atlanta Humane and Fíonta worked together to decide which fields to map to make their data actionable. From the decision process to the data migration process, the entire undertaking took just about 1 month. 

We worked with Fíonta and Classy’s migration team to move all of our monthly donors over which was an incredibly seamless process.

Lauren Shoff

Digital Fundraising and Marketing Manager

Syncing Data from Salesforce to Marketing Cloud Account Engagement

A few of Atlanta Humane’s main goals of the data migration were to clean up their data, remove duplicates, and capture a full picture of their donors for reporting and personalized communications. 

For instance, they wanted to see more than just all monthly donors. They wanted to see if a particular donor who gave monthly also created a peer-to-peer campaign on Day of Giving and recently adopted a pet so that they could communicate with the donor personally tailored to their activities and interests. 

Telling the Right Stories at the Right Time

Having all donor information in Salesforce and MCAE means the Atlanta Humane team can create segmented lists to better engage and communicate with adopters, volunteers, and donors. 

For example, recent dog adopters receive a series of automated emails containing helpful tips and resources for new pet parents, while foster caregivers receive information about animals in need of foster homes. The team can also set up different donation pages that target the previous gift level, or the amount that a donor gave last year to the same campaign. 

By leveraging the power of segmentation and personalization, supported by Salesforce as the source of truth, Atlanta Humane can deliver timely and valuable emails, fostering an ongoing, meaningful relationship with their supporters.

Atlanta Humane Donation Page
Day of Giving 2023 Donation Page

Big Things Ahead for Atlanta Humane

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the Atlanta Humane Society. For its annual Day of Giving, the fundraising goal was far exceeded by more than $100k. 

The Atlanta Humane team is dedicated to finding new ways to test and improve. Throughout the year, direct mail campaigns are aligned with digital campaigns, making it a great opportunity to make minor adjustments. This could be shortening donation form length, showcasing different types of images of animals, or refreshing stories they’re telling. 

Now that the team has a seamless connection between their fundraising platform, CRM, and email marketing tool, it has never been easier to dig into the data, segment supporters, and grow relationships with donors with the right interactions. 

How to Ensure Your Story Comes Alive on the Web Tue, 18 Apr 2023 22:17:27 +0000 Six Ways to Strengthen Your Corporate Partnerships Mon, 10 Apr 2023 15:01:47 +0000 How Denver Rescue Mission Attracts and Retains Recurring Donors Sat, 01 Apr 2023 14:31:01 +0000

Recurring Donor Results:


active recurring donors

3.9 years

average duration of a monthly donor


average recurring donation amount

A Robust Monthly Giving Strategy

For more than 130 years, Denver Rescue Mission has worked to serve the needs of people experiencing homelessness and addiction in Denver, Colorado. The nonprofit provides emergency services, rehabilitation, transitional programs, and community outreach in order to meet people experiencing homelessness at their unique points of need. Denver Rescue Mission’s online fundraising success is in part thanks to a robust monthly giving strategy that aims to meet donors where they are and provide easy, low-fee options for their recurring gifts.

Through improved donor-focused messaging and targeting, Denver Rescue Mission has been able to drive greater traffic to its website and raise more funds.

Challenging One-Time Donors to Become Recurring Donors

This year, Denver Rescue Mission challenged its donors with a “Double Your First Three Months of Giving” offer, thanks to a separate group of generous donors who provided the challenge funds, up to $36,000 total. In just one month, over $12,465 in new or upgraded monthly donations have come in from 125 donors, exceeding their goal by $465 and adding 81 new monthly sustainers.

The long-term value of those new recurring donors is more than $580,000. 

Instagram will load in the frontend.

Nurturing Relationships With Recurring Donors

Denver Rescue Mission’s Monthly Giving Community is called Pathways of Hope. The main goal is to make donors of all giving amounts feel connected to the mission and community, as well as to steward donors and show them how valued and appreciated they are. 

To acquire new monthly donors, Denver Rescue Mission sends out emails like this year’s challenge series, a monthly newsletter, and direct mail campaigns. They also set up digital ads and dedicated Classy recurring giving pages, as well as offer the monthly giving option on every donation page to further maximize conversion for recurring donors.

Pathways of Hope members receive less frequent communication but with more targeted messaging, including a monthly e-newsletter that serves as a one-stop shop for all things Denver Rescue Mission. They also receive various stewardship and member-only volunteer opportunities throughout the year and are recognized for their giving anniversary, partnership, and continuous support.

Denver Rescue Mission email
Example of Pathways of Hope Member Email

When it comes to stewarding these donors, Denver Rescue Mission has a dedicated staff member who follows up with any donor questions, sends a monthly newsletter with the latest news and volunteer opportunities, and hosts volunteer nights once a month. 

Keeping Each Touchpoint With Donors Intentional 

Denver Rescue Mission continues to increase the effectiveness of its fundraising by tracking the different routes supporters take to land on a Classy campaign page. Using Classy’s built-in marketing source codes, Denver Rescue Mission can see if donors come from a specific email, blog, webpage header, or even their print newsletter, which also has its own unique URL for donations. 

Looking ahead, the Denver Rescue Mission team will focus on retargeting potential donors, converting potential monthly donors through email segmentation, and nurturing its Pathways of Hope community members. This is all with the goal of building and deepening relationships with their supporters. 

Classy for Salesforce Helps Concern Worldwide US React Quickly to Emergencies Fri, 24 Mar 2023 16:07:17 +0000

Earthquake Relief Results With Classy For Salesforce (February 7 – March 13):

15 min.

to set up a new campaign


donors to designated fund


average donation size

Concern Worldwide US is an international humanitarian organization focused on eliminating extreme poverty. The organization has six program areas, ranging from emergency relief, like shelter, food, and psychological support, to life-saving aid for families experiencing hunger and malnutrition. 

Responding to Emergencies in Record Time

When a humanitarian crisis like the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria occurs, the Concern team must act quickly. Using Classy, they created an emergency campaign in less than 15 minutes by duplicating a previous campaign and customizing the emergency details. 

Concern Worldwide US Donation Page

For campaigns such as this, the team can add extra tracking capabilities like Google Analytics and Classy’s source codes, and then import that traffic data into Salesforce. Pass-through parameters automatically populate a user’s name, email address, and other personal details, making the checkout process even faster and more seamless. 

All donor information is automatically transferred to Salesforce, which the Concern team then uses to build reports, for campaign and donor management, and to dynamically engage donors. Concern segments their supporter base to send tailored messages to strengthen relationships and communicate personally, at scale. For example, the team can appeal to donors with pre-populated donation amounts based on their donation history and likelihood to give. 

For an emergency like the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, Concern has restricted funds that can be designated to the cause. The donor’s information is captured in Salesforce and easily imported into Concern’s financial management system.

When the earthquake happened, our major donor team came to me and said, ‘Give me a list of everybody who has donated to these restricted campaign designations.’ It’s as easy as clicking a few buttons to get them the information they need as quickly as possible.

Lauren Hacker

Business Operations & Systems Manager

All of these systems work together to create a smooth donation experience so donors can give with confidence. 

Planning for the Future

Next month, Concern is launching a new website that will include embedded donation forms, which, on average, see a 2x revenue increase.

All of these systems work together to create a smooth donation experience so donors can give with confidence. 

We hope that embedded donation forms will eliminate friction in the donor experience while improving conversion rates.

Dan Rocklin

Marketing Manager

In addition to embedded forms, the team is looking for new ways to increase recurring capture, which the Classy for Salesforce integration makes easier. This will include mapping the recurring donation object in Salesforce, tracking it, and dynamically targeting one-time donors while suppressing recurring or major donors from outreach.

Specific to emergency donations, donors are automatically added to Concern’s CRM, then go through a series of seven emails over the first month of the earthquake emergency. Donors are then included in the general flow of communications. Coming up, the team plans to send out a dynamic email thanking them for donating and updating them on the impact they had on Concern’s emergency response.
