Marketing - Classy Mobilize & Empower the World for Good Fri, 22 Sep 2023 19:57:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Marketing - Classy 32 32 Try These 4 Embedded Giving Methods to Activate Support and Increase Donations Tue, 26 Sep 2023 07:00:13 +0000 First impressions are everything, and standing out is becoming increasingly challenging for nonprofits as people’s ability to engage with anyone, anywhere, instantly, grows. 

Despite such intense digital saturation, nonprofits’ websites influence donors’ perceptions of an organization. So, today, you’ll get inspiration for effective ways to present your website in the format donors prefer, turning more visitors into loyal donors for your cause.

Classy’s Why America Gives report found that donating through a simple donation page on an organization’s website is how 57% of donors prefer to build relationships. You have an opportunity to deliver on that sentiment with a donation form that’s embeddable anywhere on your website or campaigns, ensuring first-time and returning supporters are greeted with a stand-out experience every time they engage with your organization.  

If you’re curious about what embedded donation forms are, what they look like on a nonprofit’s website, and how real organizations use them creatively to see results, you came to the right place. Below, you’ll see visual examples of four unique ways nonprofits took their donation experience to the next level with embedded giving. Plus, get the complete breakdown of how you can follow their lead.

How Embedded Giving Reflects Modern Online Shopping 

The best online donation experience reflects strong nonprofit branding, requires minimal steps, and flows smoothly. For-profit and nonprofit organizations recognize that if something is even the slightest bit difficult, people won’t do it. 

That’s why adding a condensed, yet intuitive donation form that you can embed into your existing website is so impactful. You may be looking at the difference between a potential donor who feels motivated to give in the moment because of the ease of the process, and someone closing the tab to return later (if they remember).

With Classy’s embedded donation forms, we can capture and convert donors much faster, and with employer matching, we can double the impact of those gifts.


Embedded donation forms help you put your best foot forward and present the easiest way to donate without leaving the page. Taking away the need to bounce around through several tabs and pages resulted in higher conversion rates for many Classy customers that adopted embedded giving in the last year. Those same customers have seen up to a 28% increase in revenue per site visitor

Here are a few examples of embedded giving success stories:

  • 43% conversion rate for embedded donation forms at Feed My Starving Children
  • $269 average donation size on embedded donation forms at Kesem
  • 37% YoY increase in new recurring donations on Giving Tuesday 2022 alone with an embedded donation form at V Foundation

Embedded Giving Examples to Inspire You

1. Feed More’s Donation Button Pop-Up

Feed More made it easy for anyone visiting their homepage to donate with an embedded form. The form pops up as a smaller window that overlays the page the visitor was previously on when they clicked “Donate” in the main navigation. 

Donors can choose between a one-time or monthly donation, then select their donation amount from the suggested options or enter a custom gift size. The entire process can be completed in less than a minute without ever leaving the page. 

Once complete, donors have the ability to close the pop-up and return to the website to continue engaging. 


The Benefit: 

Feed More eliminates all barriers to giving, regardless of the type of device a donor uses. Their team understands the value of presenting multiple payment methods, recurring gift frequencies, and employee giving opportunities through company match incentives. 

Conversion matters, but Feed More also focuses on retention from the moment someone interacts with their embedded form. They capture contact information to continue sharing their story and build meaningful relationships that bring each individual back to give again. The solid first impression they create makes it easier to continue conversations about future campaigns and community-building.

2. Shriners Hospitals for Children’s Blog Post Appeal

Shriners Hospitals for Children turned things up by adding an embedded donation form to its highly-trafficked blog. Blog visitors can donate in minutes from any post on any device. 

This strategy includes finding the right placement for the embedded donation form to avoid distracting from the blog content, but remain visible to readers as they scroll. With so many people finding blog posts through social media or other mobile-first channels, it’s important that the form is displayed in a size and flow that feels natural on any screen. It includes payment options like Google Pay, Venmo, and PayPal, where many people store login information on their phones, to make the checkout process even easier. 


The Benefit: 

The nature of how blog posts are shared brings more visibility and a sense of togetherness to readers. When coupled with a direct giving option, the potential is limitless. This became evident when one of Shriners Hospitals for Children’s blog posts with an embedded donation form raised $90,000 for their cause. 

Shriners Hospitals for Children also thought about how embedded donation forms could fuel greater levels of recurring giving. They launched a thoughtful recurring giving appeal that invited one-time donors to upgrade their gifts to monthly subscriptions within a single embedded experience. 

Plus,  embedded donation forms are compatible with Google Tag Manager and Classy’s Google Analytics 4 integration, which means Shriners Hospitals for Children can easily track visitor engagement and learn how to grow their strategy for the future with more clarity.

3. Brooklyn Public Library’s In-line Campaign Donation Form

Brooklyn Public Library brought the embedded donation experience into a campaign overview page with an in-line donation form. Visitors can act the moment inspiration strikes as they read about the Booked Unbanned campaign and how it supports the rights of teens nationwide to read what they like, discover themselves, and form their own opinions. 

Immediately following an overview of the campaign’s goals and the reasons behind them, people are invited to make a donation without leaving the page. Each donor then sees a donation confirmation window, summarizing their gift and offering an opportunity to share their charitable contribution with friends and family on social media or other engagement platforms.


The Benefit: 

People who come to the Booked Unbanned campaign page are greeted with a seamless opportunity to make an impact. Brooklyn Public Library also includes suggested donation amounts to remove an element of decision-making for donors and simplify the process even further. This helps supporters see how particular gift sizes match the program’s needs. They even include frequently asked questions within the embedded form to keep people informed and confident about their decision to contribute.

4. Karam’s Embedded Form over a Video 

Karam added a powerful video onto its homepage, demonstrating the organization’s work with young Syrian refugees. Layered on top, donors see an embedded donation form with one-time and monthly gift options.  Visitors are immediately greeted with the simplest way to contribute a monetary donation while simultaneously seeing how the organization’s work is changing lives.


The Benefit: 

In seconds, Karam created an emotional appeal and showcased the simplest way for anyone to get involved. Their team put time and effort into creating a unique brand, and embedded forms help maintain that look and feel. With control of things like colors and logos, Karam created a cohesive visual experience for donors. 

The placement of this embedded donation form invites people into Karam’s story. The humanistic feel of seeing who your gift supports plays a powerful role in building lifetime loyalty. 

While the primary intent of the donation form is to capture gifts, it also gives people a choice to opt into updates from Karam. Together, these simple elements form a connection with donors at any interest level. They meet eager donors with a quick giving experience and offer those who want more information with an entire website to explore, knowing exactly where to go when they’re ready to donate.

Increase Generosity with Embedded Giving

At Classy, we’re committed to innovation that helps you do what you do best. Our embedded donation forms provide a foundation to build on with creativity, visuals, and storytelling in a way that donors respond to in a big way. It’s all part of our focus on offering the best donor experiences so organizations like yours can raise more.

If you’re ready to make an impactful change to your website without the time-consuming and complex development process, our team is ready to help. For existing Classy customers, sign up for an embedded giving workshop to create your form with hands-on coaching. Classy experts are standing by to offer step-by-step support. 

For organizations curious about how Classy’s fundraising platform can help you reach your goals, we encourage you to request a demo of our product suite.

Your Checklist to Organize the Most Impactful End-of-Year Fundraising Plan Mon, 25 Sep 2023 07:00:29 +0000 The last few months of the year can be chaotic. Businesses aim to capitalize on holiday shopping, and nonprofits turn up marketing dials hoping to meet annual donation goals. Together, these nonprofit and for-profit messages command inboxes, social media feeds, and the local event scene.

What you need to navigate these times is an organized end-of-year fundraising plan. It’ll give you a strategy to execute and a checklist to ensure it gets completed—and we have just the thing.

Our year-end fundraising checklist helps you plan and manage comprehensive fundraising campaigns at scale. From setting goals to creating campaign follow-ups, we’ll provide you with all the tips and reminders to get ready for the most lucrative time of the year.

Want a downloadable PDF version of this checklist? Access it here.

Why You Need an End-of-Year Fundraising Plan Checklist

A year-end fundraising plan checklist should be a nonnegotiable part of your strategy. It ensures you plan effectively, maximize opportunities, and make the most of this critical part of the fundraising year.

Here are a few reasons why all nonprofits should leverage a checklist:

  • Strategic planning: Create a systematic plan rooted in qualitative and quantitative data to achieve your fundraising goals.
  • Time management: Manage your team’s fundraising efforts efficiently, ensuring completion of all necessary tasks before the end of the year.
  • Maximizing opportunities: Take advantage of the giving spirit and increase funds raised.
  • Donor engagement: Engage with your donor base before, during, and after the fundraising campaign with an intentional outreach strategy.
  • Benchmarking: Build a plan, evaluate your progress, and make improvements next year to ensure sustainable growth.
  • Resource allocation: Manage your financial, human, and technological resources effectively to prevent waste and duplicated efforts.

Your Year-End Fundraising Checklist

Our end-of-year fundraising plan focuses on three core steps: plan, execute, and follow up.

Below, we’ll walk you through each stage in more detail with step-by-step checklist items for you to prioritize.


The planning process is critical to setting smart goals, outlining specific fundraising and outreach tactics, and aligning your team around timely best practices for your year-end efforts. Depending on the scale of your campaign, you’ll likely want to start the planning process a few months in advance. Our recommended timeline is in this Giving Tuesday checklist.

You have campaigns to create, messaging to fine-tune, landing pages to build—it’s a lot. Get ahead of the season so that nothing feels rushed or out of control when November and December finally arrive.

  • Evaluate last year’s performance: Analyze quantitative metrics and qualitative feedback to find resources to repurpose, mistakes to avoid, and a balanced focus.
  • Establish the campaign’s focus: Describe what you want to achieve, including the donation amount, number of new donors, recurring donations, brand awareness, or number of people helped.
  • Describe your mission: Create a powerful, concise campaign mission statement with fundraising appeals to share in your communications to motivate supporters to give.
  • Build your timeline: Assign due dates and owners for each task (and subtask) to ensure you’ve covered all deliverables and considered your team’s bandwidth during this busy time of year.
  • Segment your donors: Create lists of donor groups (like individual donors, major gift donors, current donors, recurring donors, etc.) and format a customized call to action (CTA) for each group.
  • Gather assets: Create or collect imagery, video, copy, and other design aspects you’ll use throughout your campaigns.


While you might want to focus your launch around Giving Tuesday, you’ll likely need to prep your audience and donors beforehand.

Here are the elements and tactics to include in your campaign to avoid hiccups:


Communication might be the most critical aspect of your entire campaign. Your well-thought-out strategy or donation site won’t matter if nobody knows about it.

  • Remind supporters to save the date: Send a message in October to notify donors of your campaign launch date and build excitement.
  • Use various channels: Take advantage of SMS, email, direct mail, social media, messaging applications, and phone calls. Every donor is different, so cater to each person’s specific preferences.
  • Build in enough time for direct mail: Maintain your campaign branding through all printed assets and include the URL or a QR code that takes supporters directly to your campaign page.
  • Send more than one appeal: Stay top of mind during the busy holiday season by posting and messaging your donors frequently. You should also segment your list so previous givers don’t get bombarded with additional asks once they donate.

Campaign Page

The campaign page is where the conversion magic happens. Your compelling email or social media post inspired a donor to get to this point, but now it’s up to your campaign page to get them to the finish line and secure the donation.

  • Stick to your launch date: Don’t get caught up in the minutiae of your campaign page at the expense of your launch date—you can continue to edit and update it once published.
  • Transform your Giving Tuesday campaign for year-end: Use one campaign page for all your end-of-year fundraising by updating the branded elements (like photos, colors, and tagline) from Giving Tuesday to a more general giving season theme. You’ll also need to make a plan for when and how this transition will occur (and who’s responsible).
  • Make it personal: Customize your campaign page with visual storytelling elements (like impact blocks, photos from the field, etc.) to engage potential donors. You should also consider creating multiple landing pages to appeal to various donor demographics.
  • Prioritize data: Track measurable elements (like click-through rate on your donation form) to establish a benchmark for next year. This helps you measure and improve everything from the headlines to the colors of your CTA buttons.

Follow Up

According to Classy’s State of Modern Philanthropy report, nonprofits on Classy acquire 12x more donors on Giving Tuesday compared to an average day of the year. Turn these new donors into lifelong supporters by initiating a strong donor stewardship strategy immediately following the rush of the giving season.

  • Say thank you again: Send a second personalized thank you note for each donation separate from the automated email and donation receipt sent out after you receive a donation.
  • Finish the story: Let your donors know what they helped accomplish. Pull the numbers, demonstrate impact, and share beneficiary stories.
  • Segment donor thank you messages: Approach your follow-up segmentation the same way as appeals. For example, major donors should receive a phone call, a handwritten note, or other form of special acknowledgment to show gratitude for their extreme generosity.

Best Practices and Tips

This end-of-year fundraising plan checklist will keep you on track as you plan, execute, follow up, and evaluate your giving season campaigns. However, there are a few key best practices and tips to follow to improve your success and optimize the fundraising experience.

Adopt a comprehensive fundraising platform

Choose a fundraising platform that offers customizable donation sites, optimized donation forms, comprehensive recurring donation options, and seamless integrations with access to all the marketing, customer relationship management, and analytics tools you need to execute your most impactful campaign yet.

You’ll also need a powerful fundraising event solution to offer hybrid and in-person event opportunities to help strengthen your supporters’ connection to your cause.

Classy can help power your fundraising campaigns and events from start to finish, with Classy coaches and customer success experts on standby to bring your goals to fruition. Learn how.

Thank you, Classy! Our Giving Tuesday and year-end fundraising campaigns were beyond successful and helped us reach our Q4 fundraising goals. We appreciate the wonderful features in Classy and the excellent service your team consistently gives to Atlanta Habitat. We recommend Classy highly!

Atlanta Habitat for Humanity

Perform a campaign evaluation

Analyze your campaign’s performance to see what went well (and what didn’t). Then, compile your learnings and make plans for how you’ll improve next year.

Feature the impact of your year-end campaign

Let your organization, nonprofit board members, volunteers, donors, and partners know the impact of your campaign. You can showcase the tangible impact by sharing success stories, testimonials, and concrete examples of how donations have made a difference. Then, use visuals, like photos and videos, to illustrate the outcomes of donor contributions and emphasize the importance of continued support.

Get organized and stay organized

Keep your folders and assets organized to streamline the process next year. You’ve done the hard work of getting organized for this campaign—don’t let it go to waste. Treat your end-of-year campaigns as a never-ending part of your annual fundraising plan. The seasonal wave of giving might lighten in December, but it’s time to start getting ready for next year.

Host virtual or hybrid events

Plan and execute engaging virtual or hybrid fundraising events to connect with donors and supporters. Consider hosting a 5K charity run, winter gala fundraiser, webinars, livestreams, or online panels related to your cause. Then, promote these events through your website, social media, and nonprofit newsletters to attract participants and encourage donations. Learn how you can build unforgettable hybrid and virtual fundraising events with Classy Live.

Classy Live is the best way to recreate the benefits of an in-person experience in a virtual environment for a truly engaging event.

African Community Education (ACE)

Simplify the checkout process

Ensure donors receive the most efficient checkout process by offering embedded giving. We found that Classy customers using an embedded checkout form during the giving season saw up to 28% improvement in revenue per site visitor.

Bring Your Year-End Giving Campaigns to Life

You have the plan and the checklist—now you need a fundraising platform to make your campaign a reality. Classy’s comprehensive product suite provides all the fundraising tools and features you need to execute top-notch fundraising campaigns at scale.

Whether hosting an epic gala on Classy’s virtual fundraising events platform, enabling recurring giving to inspire donors to strengthen their impact, or empowering your supporters to fundraise on your behalf through a seamless peer-to-peer fundraising platform, we have what you need.

Schedule a demo with a Classy expert to see how our solutions can transform your nonprofit organization’s end-of-year fundraising.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

What Is Corporate Social Responsibility? Fri, 22 Sep 2023 07:00:28 +0000 Rising corporate social responsibility (CSR) presents an opportunity for nonprofit organizations to strengthen bonds with like-minded businesses and amplify a combined impact.  

As employees, stakeholders, and customers become more vocal about their desire to see CSR in action, corporations and nonprofits must seek each other out and connect on shared visions and values to outline unique corporate giving opportunities that help everyone win.

We’ll help you understand what CSR programs are and how you can use this growth opportunity to establish meaningful partnerships with top corporations nationwide.

A Quick Overview of Corporate Social Responsibility 

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) isn’t required, but it is a growing expectation for for-profit businesses to create value beyond the bottom line. Instead, CSR intends to introduce achievable and long-term outcomes to nonprofit and for-profit organizations that make the world a better place. 

Companies may create special CSR projects, start a movement, connect to an existing cause and organization, or choose to empower employees to take action on any cause that matters most to them.

Examples of Corporate Social Responsibility

There are several types of CSR that business leaders can prioritize. Areas of focus center on the industry, stakeholders, and market where an organization can gain a competitive advantage with customers. The following key areas are where many businesses develop CSR strategies:

  • Environmental responsibility: The belief is that organizations should opt for the most environmentally friendly behavior possible, from sustainability and reducing potentially harmful practices (like pollution or carbon footprint) to regulating emissions and energy consumption. This can also mean offsetting negative environmental impact by funding research, donating to environmental nonprofits, and getting involved with environmental actions, such as planting trees or cleaning local parks.
  • Ethical responsibility: The expectations of business practices are fair and ethical in treating stakeholders, leaders, investors, employees, supply chains, and customers. Ethical behavior may also mean creating standards for products, ingredients, materials, or components and sourcing according to fair-trade regulations.
  • Philanthropic responsibility:  The sentiment businesses take to play an active role in making the world a better place through donations, volunteerism, and long-term partnerships with nonprofits that align on missions. Organizations can donate a portion of earnings, match employee-giving amounts, get involved in campaigns, and sponsor fundraising events.

The Growth of Corporate Social Responsibility in the United States

Increasingly, it’s becoming crucial for businesses to establish and showcase CSR efforts to various stakeholders to gain their trust and respect. Modern consumers are far more conscious of topics such as climate change, health care disparities, and social inequalities, which translates into higher expectations of the businesses they work for and shop from to echo that education and understanding. 

We see the same patterns of topics reflected when we looked at the top current events that drove donors to give in 2022: international human rights crises, climate change, reproductive rights and women’s health, and disability rights. These expectations continue to fuel more extensive, creative, and permanent CSR initiatives. This gets at the heart of social impact: informing business strategies that gain loyalty from the new generations of customers and employees that determine success. 

A recent study found that 76% of companies report on CSR to reduce brand reputation risk, and 83% of employees would consider leaving their jobs if the company displayed irresponsible CSR practices.1

Why Corporate Social Responsibility Is Good for Nonprofits

One of the easiest ways for companies to maintain a strong CSR program is to build relationships with trusted nonprofits. These charitable organizations already have fundraising initiatives, events, campaigns, and donation processes that support greater communities in need. 

Corporate leaders want to make the right decision before signing a formal partnership agreement, just like nonprofits need to be cautious about potential partners for the sake of reputation. To help expedite the process and get your organization on the radar, consider proactively pitching a corporate partnership to add value to your team and theirs once you’ve identified them as a strong match.

Corporate partnerships serve as a long-term solution for CSR growth and an expansion strategy for your nonprofit’s mission. Everyone wins when you present a mutually beneficial relationship to a for-profit business you feel good about partnering with on shared goals. 

Let’s explore how you can impress a room of executives with a well-thought-out pitch.

How to Pitch Partnerships to Businesses

1. Find the Right Organizations

Start by narrowing down a handful of organizations to pitch your nonprofit to, knowing you may want to work with a few. While revenue and brand names feel like the most important determinants of your decision, look beyond the surface and into the heart of an organization to find the best fit. You can also choose organizations that employ and serve demographics that match your ideal donor base, knowing the exposure and awareness opportunities that lie ahead.

Then, explore social media channels, websites, and press coverage to learn about an organization’s personality. One example of company research that can help you understand how to frame your pitch is looking for a dedicated environmental, social, and governance (ESG) page like this one from Starbucks. When you know what matters to a business, you can find common ground for building a relationship.

Pitching a socially responsible company with a long-term commitment means looking at how well the organization will grow with your nonprofit and honoring the aspects that make you unique. If you pitch multiple organizations, personalize your message to showcase the thoughtfulness that went into selecting them for a meaningful first impression.

2. Present Multiple Options

The best way to engage corporate partners is to be ready with various ways to get involved in your organization. Here are a few options to include in your pitch based on your priorities, the campaigns that lead to the best results for your organization, and the CSR program they currently have: 

  • Direct giving: Present a customized crowdfunding campaign that helps a business tell your story and celebrates donors’ positive impact in real-time, with co-branding that elevates them and their reputation.
  • Gift matching: Show leaders how simple it is to establish employee gift matching and its benefit for employee engagement to retain those who want to feel their organization’s support. When you have an accessible way to establish donation matching and easily track performance across the organizations you pitch, you can present a competitive edge.
  • Event sponsorship: Create tailored sponsorship packages to attract businesses with the reputation benefits of attaching their brand to your larger efforts or hosting a unique event created just for them. It could be helpful to include a branding mock-up across your event materials to emphasize how simple this option can be for them to incorporate.
  • Peer-to-peer fundraising:  Show off a way to involve the whole team. This is another great way to mock up a co-branded peer-to-peer fundraising campaign to show businesses how simple it is to share across staff. You can make it fun by setting a company-wide goal and having teams or groups compete to raise the most, tapping into their friends and family for the greatest support.

When your partnership opportunities align with CSR strategies the organization has expressed interest in, leaders can start to envision the value of a partnership more clearly. 

3. Create a Repeatable Strategy

Businesses are all about long-term thinking, which means showcasing the longevity of a nonprofit partnership is essential. One way to do this is to emphasize how easy it is to spin up new campaigns unique to the business and its branding.

Campaign templates for crowdfunding and peer-to-peer campaigns are a great asset for the organization to establish an annual fundraising effort. It’s also an excellent tool to help run seasonal campaigns, such as a spring event. Businesses will appreciate that you help them showcase a more consistent philanthropic influence without additional effort. 

You can also edit permissions within a campaign template on Classy and lock elements you don’t want to change. That helps you offer autonomy to the marketing, public relations, or human resources teams that may lead your partnership efforts on the business side. Pair that with the reporting and metrics available on each campaign, and you have a solid formula for a long-term partnership built to scale with CSR program demands.

4. Encourage Employee Engagement

As you solidify your pitch, reiterate the value of employee engagement with opportunities to get people involved. Remember, modern younger employees want to do more than donate passively to a good cause. They want to be intimately involved in the cause and understand how their contribution influences the bigger picture. 

This is a beautiful place to highlight volunteerism, employee fundraising, and donation matching as key components of the organization’s talent attraction and retention strategies. Help businesses envision how to display your partnership on career sites, in job descriptions, and within employee onboarding materials. 

Not only does this appeal to an important topic for many businesses, as employee turnover remains a risk, but it also solidifies the partnership and loyalty of an entirely new donor base for your organization that can stay with you even if they move jobs in the future.

Present Your Strongest Corporate Partnership Pitch

Your corporate partnership pitch can meet the moment of heightened CSR efforts. With a repeatable, mutually beneficial process for driving direct donations, storytelling, and employee engagement, your nonprofit is in a prime position to land trusted corporate partners. 

Classy’s comprehensive fundraising platform makes corporate partnerships easier by: 

  • Customizing co-branded crowdfunding campaigns that tell your story and celebrate donor impact to encourage giving
  • Tailoring sponsorship packages for organizations to include their branding on your event page, virtual venue, and event swag or auction items
  • Empowering employees to fundraise on your behalf with peer-to-peer fundraising and corporate gift matching to make their gifts go further

We help you remove the barriers and elevate your cause with an audience of supporters ready to form fruitful, long-term relationships. 

Learn more about the thousands of nonprofits that choose Classy to power corporate partnerships and the tools available to bring your vision to life.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

Article Source

  1. “Essential Corporate Social Responsibility Statistics in 2023,” ZipDo, accessed September 5, 2023,
Analyze and Amplify Your Nonprofit’s Return on Ad Spend with These Expert Tips Wed, 20 Sep 2023 07:00:27 +0000 This blog was written by Dara Daly, who brings over a decade of experience in managing paid advertising campaigns for a diverse range of B2B and e-commerce companies. Dara is the Manager of Digital Marketing and SEO at Classy.

Whether you’re a nonprofit using Google Ads, Google Ad Grants, or a combination of the two, it’s critical to understand if your investments pay off. Your return on ad spend (ROAS) is particularly critical to the success of your search ads, website traffic, and, therefore, the success of your larger nonprofit marketing efforts.

Discover if your ads convert and fuel donations or if you’re spending without a return. We’ll cover how to evaluate your returns at the account, campaign, and ad group level. Plus, we’ll give tips to improve your ROAS if your numbers aren’t where you want them.

Types of Google Ads for Nonprofits

Google Ads is a powerful tool for nonprofit organizations to increase visibility and activate engagement. There are various Google Ad options nonprofits can test:

Google Search Ads

Google Search Ads show at the top of the search engine results page (SERP) before organic listings, but only appear to those already searching for your product or service. These ads use a pay-per-click model in which you pay for each click your ads initiate. An auction system determines the pricing.

Google Displays Ads

Google Display Ads are paid placements across Google’s Display Network (GDN), consisting of millions of websites and apps owned by Google and others, based on various targeting parameters.

These placements can appear as banner text ads on Facebook, video ads on YouTube, or ads across the other two million sites making up the GDN.

Performance Max, Demand Gen, and Shopping campaigns are available as well, although nonprofits typically don’t utilize them as much. But depending on your goals and audience, these may be the right campaign options for you.

  • Performance Max campaigns: Combine Google AI technologies across bidding, budget optimization, audiences, creatives, attribution, and more to complement your keyword-based search campaigns and help you find more converting customers across all of Google’s channels.
  • Demand Gen campaigns: Help social media marketers who buy on social platforms and entertainment-focused touchpoints find and convert consumers with immersive, relevant, and visual creatives.
  • Shopping campaigns: Show users a photo of your product, plus a title, price, store name, and more, to familiarize users with your products, resulting in more qualified leads.

Google Ad Grants

Google Ad Grants offers up to $10,000 per month for eligible nonprofits. The program allows you to display ads for your nonprofit alongside Google search results for keywords you choose. You can also customize your ads to appear in certain regions through geo-targeting or at particular times to help fuel more meaningful conversions.

While you’re eligible to receive upward of $10,000 a month in free advertising, it can be difficult to use the entirety of the grant. Space for these ads sell on a bidding system, and Ad Grants users’ bids get capped at $2.00 per click. Although it’s more challenging to compete for popular and general keyword phrases because of these limitations, you can still show up in searches relevant to your organization by conducting thorough keyword research and choosing your keywords wisely.

It’s also critical to note that the Google Ad Grants program has rules to comply with, so we recommend working directly with a Google Ads Grant-certified agency for assistance with grant applications, Google Ad Grant management, understanding eligibility requirements, and any other relevant tasks.

Set Yourself Up for Success with Accurate Data

Prior to calculating your ROAS, it’s critical for your team to establish proper tracking processes. This means making sure your donation data flows into Google Ads and your Google Ads traffic accurately records within your fundraising platform.

On Classy, nonprofits can set up Google Ads tracking and Google Analytics 4 tracking to ensure you’ve accounted for everything. If you have both set up, select one as your primary conversion source to avoid accidentally counting your donations twice.

How to Calculate ROAS

Now that we’ve covered the why behind calculating returns and how to prepare, it’s time to do a little math.

To calculate the ROAS for your Google Ad campaigns, use the following formula:

ROAS  = (Donations received from ads/spend on ads) * 100

Let’s look at an example.

You see that your ads brought in $22,150 in donations over the last 30 days. During that time, you spent $14,000. Your ROAS formula would look like so:

(22,150/14,000) * 100 = 158%

You have a positive ROAS, as you brought in more in donations than you spent. Anything over 100% is a positive ROAS, while anything below 100 is a negative ROAS. However, keep in mind that your ROAS will differ by campaign type.

For most nonprofits, search campaign ROAS will be much higher than display or video ROAS. This is due to intent and targeting.

Get Granular with Reporting to Source Impactful Optimization Opportunities

You can calculate your ROAS at all levels to get a better understanding of your advertising efforts, then use those findings to optimize your strategies to achieve larger returns.

Tri-Level Evaluations

To calculate ROAS at the account, campaign, and ad group level, apply the following calculations:

  • Account level: Your total donations driven from all Google Ads divided by your total spend.
  • Campaign level: Your total donations attributed to your ad campaign divided by the cost of that campaign.
  • Ad group level: Your total donations attributed to your ad group divided by the cost of that ad group.

This can help you understand what campaigns to invest more in and optimize your strategies accordingly.

How to Automate Your Calculations

Want to see your ROAS without having to calculate it each time? Add it in as a column. In Google Ads, it’s called “Conv. value / cost.”

Optimizing Ad Spend for Highest Return

If you’re not thrilled with your current ROAS, it may be time to revisit your ad ideation and implementation process. Part of that involves looking at your bid strategies. Using Google’s smart bidding and a Target ROAS bid strategy can help you optimize for the ROAS level you want to achieve.

For ad groups or campaigns with a low ROAS, we recommend:

  • Pulling search term reports that show which keywords your ads pull for.
  • Negating keywords not relevant to your cause.
  • Double-checking your location targeting. (We recommend keeping this set at “Presence: People in or regularly in your targeted locations,” especially if you serve a local market.)

To optimize your display campaigns, pull a placement report and negate poor placements here as well. You can also negate apps and websites with high click-through rates (CTR) and low conversion rates, as both can bring in more accidental clicks.

Once you’ve looked at everything, shift your focus to optimizing your landing page. Using a high-quality stand-alone donation site with a headline and body paragraphs that match your ad copy can help elevate the user experience and increase conversions. 

For more helpful tips on how to optimize your campaign’s homepage, explore these eight essential donation page best practices

Put Your Learnings into Action

With your newfound expertise, it’s time to look into your Google Ads account and start deep diving to gauge the returns on your advertising investments. By consistently monitoring and optimizing your ROAS, you can ensure that every advertising dollar you spend contributes to the growth and success of your mission.

Interested in learning more about how Classy’s comprehensive fundraising platform can support your nonprofit’s conversion tracking and marketing efforts? Explore all the tools we offer in our integrations hub.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

Storytelling in the New Era of Giving: How to Unlock Generosity for Year-End Success Tue, 19 Sep 2023 07:00:26 +0000 As the year-end season approaches, nonprofits find themselves at a pivotal point. Now, more than ever, nonprofits must define their unique formulas to engage and inspire donors in a landscape characterized by constant change.

To inform your decision-making, Classy launched a resource to help nonprofits confidently navigate giving season complexities. Our year-end webinar series, aptly named Unlock Generosity, is here to serve as the compass guiding organizations toward greater success.

This series is a comprehensive dive into the three primary pillars of nonprofit fundraising, defined by Classy to align with today’s donor landscape: storytelling, experience, and connection.

Today, we will uncover the transformative power of storytelling in nonprofit fundraising and how it can be harnessed to captivate donors, create unforgettable experiences, and forge deeper connections this year-end season and beyond. Let’s dive in.

Navigating Today’s Changing Charitable Trends

It’s not news that nonprofits are facing challenges that demand a fresh approach to captivate audiences and drive meaningful change.

Recent statistics show year over year, the sector experienced a decline in the number of donors and the amounts they contribute.¹ Research from Classy’s State of Modern Philanthropy report also indicates a staggering 70% of donors never return after their initial gift, signaling a crisis in donor retention. Additionally, in a world oversaturated with information, the average person encounters a mind-boggling 10,000 ads daily.

There is, however, more to the story.

One thing we know for certain is that givers give. Once a person has decided to open their wallet, they are twice as likely to give again within the year—whether to that cause, another cause, or across giving modalities. This goes against all drivers of the scarcity mindset and the concept that nonprofits must compete for market share.

Today, we have the ability to engage with anyone, anywhere, instantly. While this presents its own hurdles, it offers nonprofits exciting opportunities to create meaningful connections with more people in more places, knowing there is no such thing as a strictly capped wallet.

Defining Storytelling and Its Role in Effective Fundraising

In the world of nonprofit fundraising, storytelling is not just a tool. It serves as a magnetic force, drawing donors into your orbit and helping them forge a deep and meaningful connection with your cause. But storytelling isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s a versatile and multifaceted gem that plays a role in every aspect of your organization.

Storytelling is your superpower. People are looking for humanity. They’re looking for hope, and we have that in spades.

Becky Endicott

Co-founder, Chief Storyteller, We Are For Good Co-host, We Are For Good Podcast

Personalization Matters

Personalized storytelling is a breath of fresh air in a world where everyone is bombarded with generic messages.

Use data and insights to tailor your stories to the interests and motivations of your donors. Show them how their specific contributions are making a difference. Donors who feel part of a personalized journey will likely stay engaged and continue supporting your cause.

Don’t be afraid to show your personality. Donors want to connect with real people and genuine narratives, not polished corporate jargon. Becky Endicott, co-host of Classy’s first Unlock Generosity webinar, shared, “Use contractions, use emojis. Have a soul as an organization.” Although seemingly simple advice, we rarely see it put into action in the sector due to uncertainty of how it will resonate. Here is your sign to give it a try.

Authenticity Is Key

There is a broad distrust of mainstream media and businesses. It’s why individuals often look to their networks or communities to learn more.

Share the authentic stories of the individuals you’re helping and the impact you’re making on the ground. Authenticity builds trust, and trust is the bedrock of lasting donor relationships.

Jon McCoy, Founder, Visionary, and CEO at the We Are For Good podcast, shared during Classy’s Unlock Year-End Fundraising: Strategies to Connect Your Community to Your Mission webinar, “Having different perspectives and values adds depth to your storytelling.” That depth allows for more impactful engagement.

Familiarize Yourself with Psychological Storytelling Principles

In our recent blog, Why Do People Give to Charity? The Psychology of Storytelling and Its Impact on Nonprofit Fundraising, we discuss what motivates people to donate and how storytelling can fuel giving in powerful ways.

Written in collaboration with our partners at DonorVoice, this blog defined the four attributes of storytelling success:

  1. Speed
  2. Volatility
  3. Volume
  4. Circuitousness 

Grounded in foundational storytelling techniques and the associated effective psychological principles, these attributes can serve as your nonprofit’s framework for stories that stick in donors’ minds for the long term.

Secure the Right Technology

The right fundraising platform is more than just a means to collect donations; it is a powerful tool for storytelling and advocacy.

To stand out and make a lasting impact, nonprofits must leverage technology that aligns with their missions, values, and storytelling capabilities. Securing the right tools plays a pivotal role in not only raising funds but also effectively representing your story and communicating it at scale.

The right fundraising technology also empowers organizations to communicate with the right people at the right times. Through email marketing, social media, and online campaigns, nonprofits have the potential to reach a broader audience. They can tailor their messaging to different donor segments and personalize interactions, fostering a sense of connection and engagement.

This scalability and syndication is essential for nonprofits looking to expand their reach and influence, as it enables them to mobilize supporters, drive advocacy, and raise funds efficiently. See how Atlas Free achieved a 43% conversion rate by combining storytelling and streamlined giving on Classy.

Bring Your Stories to Life with Actionable Blueprints

The next step is implementing these adaptive best practices into your nonprofit stories. If you’re overwhelmed by where to begin, we invite you to attend the remaining sessions of Classy’s six-part webinar series, Unlock Generosity: Year-End Giving. Once registered, you will gain access to the recordings of any previously hosted sessions and a free virtual seat for all upcoming discussions.

To access additional resources, explore Classy’s Giving Tuesday Resource Hub. Complete with a comprehensive library of all year-end giving resources today’s nonprofits need to succeed, we know you will benefit from a quick visit to the site.

And as always, our Classy coaches are here to help. Explore all the essential learnings you need to raise more on Classy this year-end season. Sign up for our year-end coaching series today.

Article Source

  1. “2022 Fundraising Showed Substantial Weakness Through Q4,” Research & Reports, AFP, last modified April 16, 2023,
Nonprofit Corporate Sponsorships: Real-Life Examples & Practical Advice Mon, 18 Sep 2023 07:00:00 +0000 Amid financial uncertainty, inflation, and climate disasters, businesses and organizations seek ways to have a more meaningful impact on the world. For-profit and nonprofit corporate sponsorships offer heightened value when addressing these issues.

Whether facing economic instability or preparing to scale your impact (or any other time), corporate sponsorships can be a great avenue and tool. When for-profit businesses offer resources to nonprofits, it helps strengthen corporate social responsibility models and boost public perception. These cross-sector collaborations can increase employee engagement and retention rates by 5% to 7% and sales by up to 7%.¹

Below, we outline eight examples of how nonprofit organizations and for-profits have successfully partnered on corporate sponsorships and campaigns to reach new heights. Then, we invite you to consider how your nonprofit can pitch and land a corporate sponsorship that takes your timely initiatives to the next level.

Corporate Sponsorship vs. Corporate Partnership

You’ll often see corporate sponsorship and corporate partnership used interchangeably, but these terms don’t mean the same thing.

Corporate sponsorship refers to a company providing financial support, resources, or services to an event, organization, or cause in exchange for promotional benefits and exposure.

Typically, corporate sponsors contribute funds or resources to help your nonprofit reach its goals. In return, the sponsor gains visibility, a brand image boost, and access to your target audience.

This usually happens through prominent sponsor logos on signage at events and special recognition. In addition, you’ll often see events with varying sponsorship levels that provide more sponsorship benefits to corporations that contribute larger amounts.

Sponsorship agreements are generally temporary and revolve around specific events, projects, or campaigns.

Corporate partnerships, on the other hand, involve a more collaborative and long-term relationship and often center on mutual interests, such as strategic goals, market expansion, product development, or technology sharing.

The corporate partners work together to leverage each other’s strengths and resources with the aim of creating value and achieving specific outcomes. Unlike corporate sponsorships, partnerships tend to be more integrated and involve ongoing collaboration—sometimes extending years.

6 Real-Life Examples of How to Leverage Corporate Sponsorships to Fuel Your Mission

1. Access Influencers and Major Donations through Heightened Visibility

Team Rubicon is a nonprofit that mobilizes veterans to respond to natural disasters and humanitarian crises. Feeling inspired by Team Rubicon’s work, Mountain Dew entered into a sponsorship agreement with them that generously offered a $1 million donation.

Coupled with its donation, Mountain Dew paired one of its celebrity influencers, professional race car driver Dale Earnhardt Jr., with the nonprofit’s cause. Mountain Dew framed Earnhardt’s role as helping “rally DEW Nation to participate in the MTN DEW x Team Rubicon mission.” “DEW Nation,” the company’s consumers, could donate to Team Rubicon and receive limited-edition MTN DEW x Team Rubicon products, such as shirts, backpacks, tents, and an in-person race-day experience with Earnhardt.

Partnering with a large corporation can bring resources to your nonprofit you may not otherwise get. So when collaborating with a for-profit, consider the various ways it can elevate your cause, including influencers, products, marketing, and financial support.

2. Conduct Research and Raise Awareness

Team Rubicon also partnered with jerky company Jack Link’s Protein Snacks. This sponsorship focused heavily on research, education, and, of course, broad brand exposure.

Jack Link’s supported the collection of national survey data on the long-term impacts of natural disasters to help Team Rubicon tell a data-driven story about its mission. These insights also helped educate Team Rubicon’s prospective donors on how Americans underestimate the full impact of humanitarian crises and what its nonprofit team does to address that.

Framed by its decision to pursue the sponsorship with data-driven messaging, Jack Link’s further built a case that Team Rubicon’s value is evidence-based and donors’ money will go to good use.

The press release begins with:

As hurricane season begins this month and devastating storms begin to take their annual toll on the country, new survey data from Jack Link’s Protein Snacks found that Americans misunderstand the long-term impact of these storms, and other natural disasters, on communities—many of which are still in need of relief and aid today.

It goes on to share some of the facts and figures from the survey data and quotes from company leaders emphasizing the value of the sponsorship:

Cleaning up the aftermath of natural disasters has become a difficult reality for many Americans throughout the country—‘a struggle that often goes unnoticed once the initial wave of support subsides,’ said T.D. ‘Tom’ Dixon, chief marketing officer at Jack Link’s. After reviewing survey data from our Team Rubicon partnership, we have a better understanding of the misconceptions that exist around disaster relief and the lack of support for local communities who continue to struggle in the wake of disaster devastation. In an effort to aid families in need, Jack Link’s is raising awareness for the cause, donating resources, and harnessing the strength and passion of our team members on the front lines.

In addition, Jack Link’s leveraged National Jerky Day to increase awareness of Team Rubicon and donations through an in-kind and financial match. For example, for every bag of jerky purchased, Jack Link’s donated a bag to Team Rubicon’s field volunteers. The company also matched monetary donations to Team Rubicon dollar for dollar that day.

If your nonprofit doesn’t have the resources to conduct extensive research, a for-profit can help you gather key data on your mission. Using these data insights can heighten people’s trust in your nonprofit and potentially motivate them to participate in a matching gift campaign.

3. Elevate a Shared Brand Ethos through Profit-Sharing

The Trevor Project is a nonprofit focused on crisis intervention and suicide prevention for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25. SoulCycle partnered with the nonprofit during Pride Month to help raise funds for its mission through profit-sharing.

While different in function, The Trevor Project and SoulCycle share a similar brand ethos around the themes of acceptance and support. This facilitated a sponsorship that felt organic in its branding, with SoulCycle introducing the sponsorship under the tagline: “Ride as you are. Love as you are.”

The spin business also created a fun video to showcase the collaboration and celebrate Pride, providing greater audience reach for The Trevor Project’s work that resulted from the successful event sponsorship.

In addition to the marketing element, SoulCycle created a special class pack for Pride Month, where 10% of all proceeds went to The Trevor Project.

When considering sponsorship with a for-profit business, look for companies that share a similar brand, marketing strategy, and mission to your nonprofit. This will allow you to reach an audience likely more receptive to your message and ready to support the sponsorship goals.

Also, think creatively: one might not immediately think of pairing LGBTQ services and cycling, but consider how you can create a mission-aligned sponsorship with a company that shares similar core values while exposing you to a new audience.

4. Curate Limited-Edition Products That Support Your Mission

The Trevor Project also partnered with clothing company Abercrombie & Fitch during Pride. The company provided a $200,000 donation to The Trevor Project and worked directly with the nonprofit to design a limited-edition, gender-neutral clothing line.

In addition, the website included language affirming the sponsorship and The Trevor Project’s mission, acknowledging the company’s desire to remember that Pride started as a protest.

Partnering with a for-profit to create limited-edition products is a way to raise money for your nonprofit while also increasing your brand awareness and potential media coverage.

Supporters seen wearing your clothing line or other swag around town can use that experience as a conversation starter with others about your mission.

5. Design Creative Giveaways in Support of Fundraising Goals

Feeding San Diego is a nonprofit addressing hunger in San Diego by connecting those in need with nutritious meals. Perfect Snacks partnered with the nonprofit to add incentives for supporters of its campaign.

For every $100 a supporter donates, they receive a raffle ticket for various perks and prizes, including gift cards to DoorDash, Crate & Barrel, and Trader Joe’s. In addition, supporters were eligible for protein bars from Perfect Snacks and a new TV.

Understanding the reach and exposure of Perfect Snacks, Feeding San Diego was thrilled to have its support in inspiring people to donate. After all, it’s likely that particular brand partners will significantly influence social media and other channels you can leverage for your campaigns.

6. Improve Services and Opportunities for Beneficiaries through For-Profit Connections

Heifer International is a worldwide nonprofit with a mission to sustainably end hunger and poverty by supporting local farmers and their communities. Its United States programming works “to connect farms to markets and to integrate them into a short, profitable, direct-to-consumer supply chain.”

To accomplish this, Heifer USA explores sponsorship opportunities with for-profit businesses, including Cypress Valley Meat Company and Grass Roots Farmers’ Cooperative.

Grass Roots Farmers’ Cooperative uses an e-commerce platform to sell pasture-raised meat directly to consumers. Its approach to livestock production aligns with Heifer International’s values. Through this sponsorship, Heifer USA’s farmers can obtain buying and price guarantees, receive business support, and qualify for loans to purchase equipment and livestock.

The sponsorship helps Heifer International fulfill its mission to connect small-scale farmers to markets, while Grass Roots Farmers’ Cooperative concurrently builds its commitment to purchasing and selling small-batch livestock grown using regenerative farming.

Understanding that the farmers supporting Heifer USA also need access to high-quality, affordable USDA-inspected meat processing services, the nonprofit partners with Cypress Valley Meat Company. This means all small-scale farmers that produce for Grass Roots Farmers’ Cooperative have access to Cypress Valley Meat Company’s inspection services. By offering this service, the company elevates its standing as a business of integrity while highlighting its commitment to supporting rural economies.

While the nonprofit’s beneficiaries remain at the center of this sponsorship model, the nonprofit and for-profit make progress toward both missions and receive positive exposure to and promotion of both products or services.

Think about ways to leverage support from your for-profit partners to improve the services your beneficiaries receive. See if there are personal connections to businesses you can make on behalf of your beneficiaries that will provide for their long-term success.

Increase Your Impact with Solid Corporate Sponsorships

The economic and social climate of the past several years has inspired an increased interest in meaningful corporate sponsorships. Use these cross-sector collaborations as opportunities to reach new audiences with your mission, secure needed resources, and further your impact.

Before you go: Remember to start thinking about how you’ll frame your sponsorship proposal, what to include in your sponsorship letter, and what sponsorship packages you’d like to offer with your upcoming fundraising events.

Will you accept in-kind sponsorships, or can a media sponsorship support your virtual events? The more clarity you have about what you need, the more likely sponsors will gravitate to your mission.

Corporate sponsorships are a great way to fund major fundraising events and campaigns, but you’ll still need a platform to drive higher supporter conversion, retention, and engagement.

That’s where Classy can help.

Request a demo to see how Classy’s comprehensive fundraising platform empowers thousands of the world’s top nonprofits to fundraise at scale with simple, easy-to-use tools and features.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

Article Source

1. “Reimagining Corporate-Nonprofit Partnerships in Times of Crisis,” Walking the Talk, Sustainable Brands, last modified 2020,

The Current State of Donor Engagement for Food Banks Fri, 15 Sep 2023 07:00:32 +0000 Food banks pour passion and ideas into expansive programs to relieve communities from hunger. At Classy, we always look for innovative ways to best support these nonprofits by providing seamless paths to generosity. 

Partnerships with over 60 food banks, including Feeding America, help us continue learning about top priorities, roadblocks, and new ideas. This informs us on how to shape our technology to support these nonprofits’ ambitious goals best. 

Most recently, Classy joined RKD Group, Capital Area Food Bank, and Food Bank for New York City for a timely conversation with over 40 organizations. Our representatives, ranging from vice presidents of fundraising initiatives and executive directors to senior vice presidents of marketing, discussed what defines successful donor engagement, connections, and stewardship in the modern social landscape. We used the time to explore ways modern organizations evolve to meet growing demands. Below, you’ll hear the most significant takeaways from hunger-relief nonprofits to bring back to your organization. 

The Top Takeaways From Our Food Bank Roundtable

1. There’s Potential Ahead in Acquiring Next-Gen Donors

Alongside the common priority of finding new ways to reach supporters who could make a long-lasting impact on food banks, the newest generation of donors was a hot topic. The impending great wealth transfer will affect Gen Z and Millennial donors in the next two decades, making now the most opportune time to build strong relationships.1

Younger generations must decide which nonprofits resonate most deeply with their passions. That includes choosing whether they’ll seek new causes or remain loyal to those they know. These are also the individuals with more digital acuity across various channels than other generations. From the wide array of social media platforms that now include the latest Threads app to online media outlets they engage with daily, online engagement is ubiquitous in their lives. 

Our roundtable of attendees discussed the delicate balance between being on the right channels and standing out on those channels to make a meaningful first impression. It’s critical to craft appealing copy that speaks to the tangible impact of each donation to capture a person’s attention and inspire action. Tapping into the personal side of video content and tailoring messages to local communities can do a lot to attract the right people to your food bank.

Converting Curiosity Into a Donation

With multiple touchpoints at a food bank’s disposal to create a memorable first impression, it’s vital to understand how each plays a key role in the greater donor experience. 

The introduction should detail who a food bank serves and help potential donors begin to envision the value they can make with a single gift. From there, the donation page is where organizations guide decisions around how much someone can give to make the biggest impact in that moment. Aspects like suggested gift amounts and impact blocks that tie outcomes to monetary value offer this clarity.

Once food banks establish the initial connection with younger donors, elements like a mobile-friendly design, modern payment options, and a simple flow on the donation site tie a nice bow on the overall first impression. When you attract donors from modern channels like social apps, the donation process should feel consistent to the experience they received on the previous channel for the best chance at seeing a gift come to completion.


2. The Power of Thoughtful Engagement Fuels Loyalty

On the topic of helping donors see the value of their gift, our roundtable talked about how to continue that sentiment as part of a donor retention strategy. To ensure every engagement point is memorable, it’s critical to reiterate the impact of someone’s investment in your organization as a reminder of their value to your mission. 

Shining a Spotlight on Increased Need 

As hunger-stricken populations expand, there’s an even greater need for ongoing support. We heard a few ways organizations directly aligned aspects like food, number of families, and total individuals fed with specific dollar amounts to create more detailed repeat donation appeals. When people see an opportunity to help five families eat dinner next week, instead of prompting a vague dollar amount, it’s more likely their bond strengthens and their giving patterns become more reliable.

We loved hearing from David Jones, the Vice President for Fundraising Operations from Food Bank for New York City, about some ways his nonprofit calls on supporters for increased generosity after their initial gift. One that stood out was adding real-life examples of rising food costs in direct mail solicitations to emphasize community needs across the five boroughs. Retention appeals can also help you showcase the beneficiaries whose lives change with every donation decision and offer an easy way for donors to stretch their support through a monthly donation that fuels ongoing demand.

3. Unprecedented Financial Times Call for Courageous Asks

Over the past few years, the growth in support for food banks led to conversations about maintaining increased generosity in uncertain economic times. Inflation continues to impact the price of food, heightening the demand for food banks and associated programs. It also means gift amounts received one year ago cannot produce as much supply or impact this year. 

The room agreed that it’s more important than ever to be confident and courageous in asking for more from donors who can contribute to match the growing need. It’s also an opportune time to test new things and share new ideas at your food bank that respond to the current state of the economy. 

You’re not alone if asking people to increase their generosity feels a bit nerve-racking when you don’t know exactly how the economy impacts each donor. Our food bank participants talked about the ease they felt when pairing those appeals with a strong reason why donations matter at that time.

Be Willing to Test

Part of growing a relationship with donors is establishing nonprofit transparency about where the organization is and what it needs to make the most significant impact. Food banks can start with something as simple yet effective as offering donors the option to cover transaction fees. For example, Mary Beth Healy, the Chief Revenue and Marketing Officer from Capital Area Food Bank shared that her organization increased the fees that donors can cover to 13%, the percent increase in the food bank’s food budget. Being willing to test small elements with your donors can unlock new avenues to raise more that you might never have thought of while requiring far less effort than an entirely reimagined fundraising strategy.

Specificity Matters

Appealing to donors to give more means being highly specific about the gift amount that will make an impact. It’s worth adding an array of dollar amounts that are higher than usual on donation pages or specific campaigns to see what can come from it. Many food bank leaders shared the benefit they saw from increasing their individual fundraising page goals on peer-to-peer campaigns and saw their average donation total rise significantly. 

As we head into Giving Tuesday 2023 and the year-end giving season, it’s a good time to strip away any preconceived limits to your fundraising goals to fuel your essential programs. One way food banks actively practice those more courageous appeals is by bringing fund drives back for monetary gifts through a donation page, crowdfunding, or other dedicated campaign. While put on halt during the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations are reintegrating virtual fundraising into strategies to invite increased giving online. Fund drives also allow organizations to be more agile to achieve larger goals.

4. Trust and Transparency Are Everything

Millennials and particularly Gen Z are more inclined to give to organizations they trust. Still, we talked about how that trust is declining. To combat this, it’s critical to share the correct information with donors to bring clarity about how money translates to impact.

The group agreed that transparency and competence are the key drivers of trust. Every email, text, and phone reply is a chance to show a donor that your organization cares, understands them and their giving history, and provides them with the answers to any curiosities they may have to establish that trust.

Stand Apart By Knowing What Matters to Donors

People come across 10,000 ads on average daily. Those ads include nonprofits’ fundraising appeals. Part of standing out in a sea of other messages is establishing a unique bond with individuals. That doesn’t necessarily mean trying to be their best friend but rather showing up as an investor in your mutual goal of hunger relief. It also may involve communicating when you’re wrong or practicing transparency when you need urgent support. Breaking out of the highlight reel and sharing the vulnerability of being an organization in this specific cause sector means a lot to people.

Moving Food Banks Forward through Modern Fundraising

Food banks take on incredibly impactful work that changes many lives. As fundraising evolves in response to a shifting economy, generational giving patterns, and more ways to give than ever before, Classy will be here to support you. 

Our mission to mobilize and empower the world for good starts with each of your missions to advance change through food access. By learning firsthand about what will make a difference for modern food banks, we can continue innovating our fundraising platform to help you deliver a seamless giving experience that leads to greater lifetime value.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

Article Source

  1. “The Great Wealth Transfer From Baby Boomers to Millennials Will Impact the Job Market and Economy,” Forbes, accessed August 30, 2023,
Getting Ahead of Data Privacy Changes to Inform Your Acquisition Strategy Thu, 14 Sep 2023 07:00:40 +0000 This blog was written in collaboration with Isabelle Brauer, digital campaign strategist at Whole Whale. Leveraging over six years of expertise in digital marketing, audience development, and project management, Isabelle utilizes data-driven insights to guide campaigns to success.

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape where data breaches and privacy compliance concerns frequently make headlines, earning your audience’s trust isn’t just a good idea—it’s crucial for success.

These profound changes demand the sector to innovate, as proactive operational and strategic preparation will be key to successfully adapting. To retain and recruit donors effectively, nonprofit teams should understand what these changes mean for their acquisition strategies and proactively leverage integrated tech tools to build a privacy-complaint donor pipeline.

The Evolution of Data Collection

At the core of charitable giving lies the establishment of trust through organizational and financial accountability. Trust is the nonnegotiable backbone of any nonprofit organization.

Cybersecurity and data privacy for nonprofits in fostering this trust is paramount—it’s a cornerstone of the principles of nonprofit transparency and the key to building a sustainable and loyal donor base.

Nonprofits must be accountable for allocating donations and safeguarding donors’ sensitive personal data, like payment and contact information. Ensuring the robust protection of this data is central to establishing and retaining supporters’ trust in an organization. Without stringent cybersecurity measures, nonprofits risk undermining this trust, potentially damaging credibility and donor relationships irreparably and threatening long-term retention.

Seismic shifts in the digital landscape, including the impending “cookie-pocalypse” of Google’s discontinuation of third-party cookies in Chrome by 2024, highlight the urgency of rethinking data privacy strategies. The disappearance of third-party cookies will force for-profit and nonprofit marketers to rely more heavily on zero, first-party data and engagement-based metrics.

Diversifying Acquisition Strategies for Long-term Success

Amid fluctuations in data privacy, search engine optimization (SEO) remains a resilient and compliant acquisition strategy. Organizations can deliver personalized content without encroaching on user privacy by zeroing in on keyword-driven intent, especially in a chat-first search environment.

Compelling content with intentional SEO strategies can boost a website’s visibility, ensure newcomers find their way to key resources, enhance user engagement, and bolster lead acquisition.

SEO’s magic lies in its user intent-centric model: audiences explicitly communicate their needs and interests through search queries. Tools like Google Search Console offer insights into audience queries without associating data with specific individuals. This gold mine of information facilitates content creation that aligns with the searcher’s intent—search data can help your organization better understand who you reach, how to engage with them most effectively, and the most probable actions they might take.

Some SEO strategies will adapt better than others in the emerging chat-first search environment. For example, informational searches may be at a higher risk of losing the ability to drive on-site traffic. To counteract this, diversifying site content through mediums like video and interactive storytelling can enhance engagement and preserve your web content’s search value in a privacy-centric digital age.

By incorporating these adaptable SEO strategies and leveraging integrated tech tools, nonprofits can thrive in the privacy-centric digital landscape, expanding audiences and driving acquisition without relying on third-party data.

AI Tools

Leveraging AI-powered tools, like ChatGPT and Cause Writer AI, can revolutionize nonprofit acquisition strategies through personalized engagement, data-driven insights, and predictive analytics.

Cause Writer AI excels at crafting tailored donor personas while streamlining content creation, all without sacrificing organizational authenticity. This and technologies like it enable nonprofits to automate processes and adapt swiftly to emerging trends, fostering cost-effectiveness and agility in a modern, fast-paced digital environment.

The Importance of Seamless Tech Integration in Acquisition

Zero-party data refers to information individuals willingly and proactively provide. Gained through direct interactions, this data can include preferences, intentions, and personalized insights the users share.

Organizations collect first-party data, which includes user behavior, engagement metrics, and demographic details, directly from audiences. This information typically derives through interactions with your nonprofit website, apps, or other platforms, like social media.

Fundraising Tools

Integrated tech tools and systems are paramount for collecting and utilizing clean zero and first-party data. Your organization’s tool suite should streamline gathering, analyzing, and deploying data from multiple sources. This ensures consistency, accuracy, and a unified understanding of user behavior while complying with modern required security measures and data privacy laws.

Connected fundraising technologies are at the forefront of efficient and privacy-compliant donor outreach, with CRM integrations serving as the vital connection for unified fundraising and donor insights. CRM systems, like Salesforce and HubSpot, serve as central repositories for unified donor insights and engagement, integrating with data points from platforms like Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Meta. Effective marketing and donor stewardship are heavily contingent upon this accurate data, further underscoring the need for comprehensive tech solutions.

Classy’s fundraising platform offers various integrations and tools to provide a comprehensive view of donor insights while preserving the privacy of sensitive data. ​​The Classy for Salesforce and HubSpot + Classy integrations ensure a fluid and uninterrupted flow of donor data.


Free analytic tracking tools GA4 and Google Tag Manager offer in-depth views into user behavior, becoming vital aids for more informed and targeted outreach.

For those looking to maximize these powerful tools, our GA4 Reports for Nonprofits: Unlocking Insights With Classy Data and Big Guide to GA4 resources provide deeper insights into leveraging them successfully. Unlike its predecessor, GA4 is event-based and focuses on user engagement and behavior, providing a richer, more granular view of user interactions.

In the context of data privacy, GA4 hinges on adaptability, using data modeling to make it more resilient to changes in third-party cookie policies. This allows organizations to gain insights without compromising user privacy protection.

Social Ads

To optimize advertising strategies while respecting privacy concerns, utilize advertising tracking tools like Meta Pixel. Platforms like Meta, Google Ads, X, and LinkedIn, among others, offer versions of advertising pixels, each designed to integrate seamlessly with its respective advertising ecosystems.

The way pixels operate and the type of data collected continue to evolve, with a stronger emphasis on data anonymization and user consent via opt-in to collect personally identifiable information. In response to recent consumer data privacy changes, many pixels have changed to prioritize aggregated and anonymized data over individual tracking. This ensures personal data privacy remains uncompromised and performance metrics are accessible.

The Future of Fundraising with Heightened Data Security Practices

As we look toward the future of fundraising, it becomes abundantly clear that adaptability is not just a virtue but a necessity—especially in the face of evolving data privacy regulations.

Amid the ever-changing digital landscape, diverse tools exist to empower nonprofits and service providers to adapt and thrive in this environment. By judiciously leveraging these tools, organizations can create a synergy that enables them to gather actionable insights, optimize acquisition strategies, and remain compliant with shifting privacy legislation.

The combined power of adaptability, focus on aggregated data, and seamless data management capabilities of an integrated CRM system facilitate future-proofing your nonprofit for success. This integrated approach allows nonprofits to make informed decisions, cultivate deeper relationships with donors, and execute effective, data-driven campaigns—all while safeguarding the privacy and trust of their audiences.

The future of fundraising isn’t just about accumulating data. It’s about intelligently harnessing it responsibly for the greater good.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

Why Do People Give to Charity? The Psychology of Storytelling and Its Impact on Nonprofit Fundraising Thu, 07 Sep 2023 07:00:36 +0000 This blog was written in collaboration with Kevin Schulman, an academically trained social scientist focused on answering the why behind human behavior. He’s the founder of DonorVoice, a full-service fundraising agency, and DVCanvass, a canvassing and telefundraising firm that shares the red thread of applying behavioral science for better outcomes. 

A well-told story lights up the same parts of the brain as if we experienced it directly.

The good news is that everyone has a story. Unfortunately, we often forget writing is technical, and to communicate to inspire action, we need to learn and implement those technicalities.

Below, we dive into foundational storytelling techniques and the associated effective psychological principles. We explore the emotional and psychological reasons why people give to charity and how nonprofits can leverage those insights in charitable gift appeals. Plus, learn what tool our team at DonorVoice created to help organizations elevate their fundraising messages.

Let’s get started.

Psychology of Storytelling 101

There’s a niche academic field called narrative psychology. These academics confirmed that our memories aren’t chronological encyclopedias but rather stories. They found that sharing and distilling stories with personal narrative arcs, where a challenge gives way to triumph, is common in highly generative adults who desire to provide for future generations and make a positive impact on the world.

These same people who tell redemption stories also tend to be happier.

This is what charitable causes want to achieve with fundraising appeals. The goal is to share a redemption story that compels people to want to make the world a better place while simultaneously making themselves happier.

Here are the key elements of a redemptive arc story:

  • A challenge: The specific, timely obstacle a character faces.
  • An intervention: The ways the nonprofit and individual donors offer support.
  • A positive, agentive change: The ways in which the character’s life or situation improved as a result.

Applying These Psychological Storytelling Principles to Increase Impact

Our team at DonorVoice recognized the urgent need for nonprofits to elevate their stories to givers in ways that inspire them to get involved, and we wanted to help people and organizations do that at scale.

We built a linguistic science application, Copy Optimizer, to objectively score hundreds of fundraising copy samples based on alignment with behavioral science principles. The results and research show a need for learning, with the average Story Score netting 50 out of 100 points. We see optimizing these stories as a simple and impactful way to leverage the psychology of giving to effectively combat downward donor trends.

In one of the copy snippets we evaluated for a local food bank, the control letter had none of the elements listed above, resulting in a Story Score of zero. It was all need-and-ask statements with a few supporting sentences about a family member’s experience post-war in Korea.

After optimizing this story to account for the technical elements of an effective appeal, the snippet became:

“He fought in Korea for you and me and our way of life. He suffered a lot and worked odd jobs after the war but never really got his life back. He never complained.

He’s 80 now, living in the same house he grew up in with his sister, Julia. She looks after him nowadays as best she can. She has been so grateful for those senior boxes they offer at her senior center. She gets him one box a month; it’s enough for 25 meals.”

It’s only seven brief sentences and took about 20 minutes to rework. The Story Score for this snippet is now 100 out of 100.

4 Attributes of Storytelling Success

The redemptive arc discussed above is the 30,000-foot view of a story. The details of how we zoom in from that point to ensure it resonates with readers are critical to storytelling effectiveness.

Here are the four key attributes of a smooth, meaningful reading experience to keep in mind:

1. Speed

Addressing how quickly or slowly your story takes readers from one emotion to the next is critical. How much distance is there between your story’s plot points that stimulate opposing reactions?

If you introduce a beneficiary’s challenge in the first paragraph but hold off until the last sentence to celebrate resolving those challenges, your speed is too slow. On the other hand, if you solve the problem before the end of the first paragraph, the reader doesn’t have enough time to settle into the initial emotion. Balance is key.

2. Volatility

Volatility means your story includes swings in emotion and sentiment. It’s a crucial element of impactful nonprofit appeals and is often a case of “more is more.”

Consider the two video types in the illustration below: high volatility, represented by the solid line, and low volatility, represented by the dotted line. The average sentiment is the same for both videos. Both also have the same peak beginning and end. The only difference is the emotional peaks and valleys.

The video with high volatility had higher engagement and a longer watch time. Plus, readers view these types of stories more favorably when evaluated qualitatively. A larger number of people admit to liking and sharing them more.

Story volatility chart

3. Volume

It’s best practice for a story to take readers from point A to point B, but some get lost along the way. While certain additions help provide context and benefit the reading experience, several deter donors from the story’s intent, resulting in a disjointed connection to the characters and plot. These unrelated stops increase the volume of your story. And unless it’s a two-hour movie, high volume can hinder your ability to effectively get your message across.

4. Circuitousness

Similarly, two stories may have the same semantic and emotional starting and end point. While one goes through several psychological (and fewer interrelated) states to get there, the other takes a psychologically easy glide path. The latter has traveled less mental distance, making it less circuitous. This is the most effective format to inspire action in nearly all charitable giving cases.

Putting the Plot Points Together to Establish an Emotional Connection

At the start of your narrative, you have a blank canvas. The reader hasn’t met any of your characters or the setting. This is your opportunity to vividly describe the people, places, and things involved in your story to help paint the picture.

When that’s complete, it’s critical to progress at a pace that allows readers to develop relationships with the characters, establish a connection to the plot, and become emotionally invested in the resolution. Here, you should demonstrate a material change in circumstance—in most cases, from bad to good. Show the main character gaining greater autonomy and, as a result, enjoying improvements in their overall well-being.

Once readers have become familiar with your evolving plot points, you’re ready to accelerate. A slow start followed by a fast story build accomplishes several key psychological elements. Without it, most stories remain unmotivating.

Here’s the evidence:

Chart demonstrating the relationship between speed and ratings of a story

This chart analyzes a story divided into five equal-length parts. Parts one and two received low scores, representing readers’ unfavorable opinions of how quickly the plot moved before they could establish an understanding of the story. Parts three, four, and five show positive scores as readers prefer a quicker pace. They’re eager to see a resolution of the conflict now that they’ve established a connection to the cause.

Adopt Technical Writing to Inspire People to Give

Storytelling is standard practice for nonprofit organizations, but technical storytelling is where many still fall short when conducting outreach for an upcoming fundraising event, Giving Tuesday campaign, or general appeal for charitable donations. By understanding the principles summarized below, emerging, growing, and booming nonprofits can raise more and do more for their missions and communities:

  • Use the redemptive arc in stories, starting with context, characters, and the primary struggle. Move to an intervention next and, most importantly, agentic, positive change with the beneficiary serving as an active participant.
  • Lead with a story before closing with an ask. This presents the best chance of getting and holding the reader’s attention, especially on social media.
  • Use volatility and pacing to establish and maintain donors’ emotional investment in a story.
  • Add detail where necessary for context and understanding, but avoid taking readers on a roundabout ride to the resolution. More twists and turns add volume to the story and risk tiring readers out before they reach the end.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

Your Guide to Threads for Nonprofits Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:00:42 +0000 Social media is an excellent way to connect with donors, but navigating the ever-changing landscape can be challenging. However, it’s critical for nonprofits to stay up to date on the latest trends to adopt emerging platforms and increase discoverability. Threads is the latest social media launch worth your attention.

Below, we’ll help you get started with Threads by covering what it is and why it’s a valuable tool for nonprofits. We’ll also give an overview of how to use it, including examples from nonprofits already leading conversations on Threads.

What Is Threads for Nonprofits?

Threads is the latest addition to Meta’s suite of social media tools, which also includes Facebook and Instagram. It’s Meta’s version of X Corp. (formerly known as Twitter). The platform focuses on bite-sized, text-focused content that facilitates public dialogue.

Threads posts can include:

  • Up to 500 characters of text
  • Up to 10 photos
  • Videos up to five minutes long
  • Links

You can also repost, like, and comment on your and others’ Threads, plus share your Threads to Instagram stories or as a post.

However, Threads does have some limitations. It currently doesn’t support clickable hashtags like other social media platforms, although this will likely change over time. Other features currently unavailable but that may be added in the future include:

  • Direct messaging
  • Pinning posts to the top of your feed
  • Bookmarking posts
  • Sharing user polls
  • Creating ads

Instagram’s fundraising tools are also not currently available for Threads.

Instagram will load in the frontend.

Why Should Nonprofits Use Threads?

Being an early adopter of Threads comes with several benefits for nonprofits. First, you can grow your audience by connecting with other early adopters and being established and ready to connect when more supporters join the app. Since Threads is part of Meta, it’s also worth taking advantage of the built-in audience the company has created through its other social media tools.

As an early adopter, you’ll also see the platform’s new features as the app rolls them out. This provides time to test different strategies to see what works best. By the time Threads is a more established social media platform, you’ll be one of its experts.

App Trends to Note

Threads launched its app in early July 2023 and saw 10 million users sign up within the first seven hours. By late July, that figure jumped to 100 million active users. To put that growth into perspective, it took Twitter 780 days to register its first 10 million users.¹

The momentum and excitement users have around Threads make it a great new place for nonprofits to share stories and create authentic connections with supporters. However, with every new platform comes a novelty phase, followed by growth numbers leveling out. Since its launch, Threads has experienced a lull in engagement, an increase in spam, and a few other issues with the app. This is common for new platforms, and Threads plans to resolve these concerns.

While we don’t know what the future of the app will look like, now is the perfect time to experiment with it. The worst-case scenario is the app doesn’t grow to be as influential as others. However, the best case is that it explodes, and you’ve already established yourself on the platform.

What Should Nonprofits Know About Getting Started on Threads?

To sign up for Threads, you’ll need an Instagram account. Your username will be the same for both accounts. Since Threads is connected to Instagram, if you’ve verified your nonprofit on that platform, it will transfer to Threads.

Once you’ve launched your Threads account, add a profile photo, brief biography, and a link to your nonprofit website like you would on Instagram. After this initial setup, post your first message to welcome your new community of followers.

Additionally, you can mass follow everyone you do on Instagram with the click of a button. Since many of your Instagram followers will likely use this easy integration, too, they’ll quickly start following you on Threads as well.

Note that if you later decide to delete your Threads account, you can’t do so without also deleting your Instagram account. However, you can choose to deactivate your Threads account without impacting your Instagram content.

5 Examples of Nonprofits Using Threads to Connect With Donors

Being an early adopter of Threads gives your nonprofit a chance to stand out in the platform’s early days. With playfulness, interaction, and timeliness, you can create posts that engage and delight your supporters. Here are ways five nonprofits already leverage Threads.

1. Offer a Welcome Message That Restates Your Mission

Your first Threads content should orient your followers to the new platform and let them know what they can expect from you there. This is a great time to reiterate your mission.

To Write Love On Her Arms (a nonprofit dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide) kept its message simple: “New platform, same goal of connecting people with hope + help.”

The nonprofit also shared an image of this initial Threads content to its Instagram feed, commenting about the fun, positive, and encouraging energy its community created on the new platform. This continues to build momentum, showing supporters why they should join them on Threads.

Instagram will load in the frontend.

2. Use the Newness of Threads to Be Playful

Everyone is learning Threads together. You can use this novelty to sprinkle humor into your posts and share in community dialogue about the platform.

Legacy Youth Leadership (a nonprofit that works to build a socially conscious and active generation of young people) was an early adopter of Threads. Shortly after the app’s launch, the nonprofit posted playful messages wondering when celebrity favorites Rihanna and Beyoncé would join. It did this through posting on Threads and sharing the content of other organizations.

Threads post from Legacy Youth Leadership

3. Interact With Other Accounts to Build Community

One way to increase engagement with your Threads content is to interact with similar organizations. You can like posts or re-share them and add your comments.

Thirst Project (a nonprofit that works to bring safe drinking water to communities around the world) reshared Threads content from US Water Alliance about the crucial roles water plays in everyday life. The nonprofit added emojis to the repost to show its agreement with the message.

Threads post from Thirst Project

4. Focus on Current Events to Gain Traction

Threads provides quick updates relevant to a moment in time. As the platform continues to add functions like searchable hashtags, posting content that taps into trending topics will get more eyes on your work. Consider what current events relate to your cause and talk about them on Threads.

Arbor Day Foundation (a nonprofit dedicated to planting trees) used the recent heat wave across the United States to champion its cause. It shared Threads content from The Weather Channel about being hot, adding that it knows something that can help, along with tree emojis.

Threads post from Arbor Day Foundation

5. Showcase Ways to Get Involved With Your Nonprofit

Once you’ve welcomed new followers to Threads and been playful with your content, include periodic messages about how your supporters can help your cause. These can be updates about your next virtual fundraising event or volunteer opportunities.

Second Harvest of Silicon Valley (a food bank in California) shared a photo of a volunteer at the nonprofit and added an inspiring message: “If you needed a sign to volunteer at your local food bank this summer, this is it!” The post offers a fun call to action for followers.

Threads post from Second Harvest

Leverage Threads to Expand Your Nonprofit’s Audience

Threads, the latest app on the social media scene, offers an integration with Instagram that makes uptake of the platform easy for nonprofits. With a few clicks, you can be an early adopter of the new app and connect with supporters excited to explore it, laying the foundation for building and strengthening donor relationships.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

Article Source

1. “Threads for Nonprofits: 5 Tips for the Early Adoption Phase,” Nonprofit Tech for Good, last modified July 21, 2023,

The Nonprofit TikTok Gap: From Passive to Viral Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:00:39 +0000 An app that gained 100 million users in one year and shares more than one billion videos per day speaks for itself.1 TikTok isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. You may already know how influential it is by how many times you hear “I saw it on TikTok” in a week, but now it’s time for nonprofits to see the full fundraising potential.

TikTok is where information travels fast and effectively. So it’s OK to feel slight intimidation and content creation fatigue from the video-heavy social platform adding more capabilities for text and image posts. We’re here to help you turn that hesitation into confidence in a steady presence proven to engage donors worldwide.

Let’s hit the play button on TikTok for nonprofits, the 2023 edition.

High-Touch Engagement for Modern Fundraising

A rich community of active supporters who donate, participate, and share to support your mission—that’s the ultimate goal. The evolving digital landscape adds new layers of complexity, with more social platforms that shape donor expectations for engagement that didn’t exist decades ago. Modern engagement is about connecting with donors on the channels they spend their time with frequent touchpoints that feel personal.

Authenticity Shines on TikTok

How a nonprofit uses technology and creates a social media presence is crucial to its strategic operations and fundraising potential. Email and paid marketing channels will always have a place, but social media is where that authentic and real-time engagement can thrive. Because TikTok is primarily about less-curated content, you can show up as you are, stay true to your values as an organization, and be accessible to more people.

Our latest report, The State of Modern Philanthropy, explored the state of social media fundraising and, more importantly, the opportunities forward-thinking nonprofits can take advantage of to build relationships.

Let’s take a look at the impact TikTok has:

  • 8.8% of TikTokers convert, but many nonprofits aren’t taking advantage of the traffic TikTok captures on a daily basis
  • 45% of TikTokers feel more connected to brands that teach them something new or offer information about themselves 
  • Millennial TikTokers are 2.3x more likely to create a post and tag a brand than other platform users 
  • 76% of TikTokers agree brands that post or reply to comments on TikTok feel like part of the community

Our report showed a low percentage of total traffic to Classy campaigns from TikTok, showcasing the opportunity gap for nonprofits. That tells us nonprofits are slow adopters of the platform due to potential unfamiliarity with TikTok’s best practices or a lack of resources to dedicate to building their TikTok presence. We know when organizations connect with donors through authentic storytelling, they can activate support in widespread, meaningful ways. TikTok’s storytelling capabilities can help you reach your activation goals more efficiently, from driving people to a donation site to establishing long-term relationships with each interaction.

TikTok and Generation Z

If you’ve considered how to engage Gen Z, TikTok is the social platform to focus on. Gen Z’s diversity and values around charity and community involvement show up as giving potential, and we only expect that to increase. 

Here’s a glimpse at the trends in Gen Z social giving behaviors from The Nonprofit’s Guide to Engaging Gen Z:

  • 79% of Gen Z donors find out about new causes through social media
  • 18% of Gen Z donors check out an organization’s social platforms before they donate
  • 14% of Gen Z donors prefer to receive updates from charitable organizations on social media

While older generations are still adjusting to the idea of social media communities, Gen Z grew up with this as the norm. Similarly to how they may watch someone they admire complete their morning routine to get product recommendations, they observe who their friends and networks are supporting through donations and volunteer time to make their donation decisions. Once they’ve been activated, they’re the most likely demographic to share their experience in a 30-second video and potentially inspire their extended circles to do the same. 

Outside of Gen Z, you’re sure to reach millions of millennials, Gen X, and even baby boomers on TikTok as well. Over time, as the adoption of the social media platform increases, people will increasingly rely on TikTok as a learning and engagement platform. In fact, TikTok is becoming the search engine for younger generations.² Understanding how your organization can benefit from the search and discoverability potential of the platform, now is the time to take action. 

Turn Common TikTok Hesitations Into Confidence

TikTok may feel foreign if you’re not a regular user, especially when you encounter a TikTok video in the making or catch a headline about a new trend influencing people in a big way. What’s crucial to remember is that there’s so much good TikTok can offer because of its ability to spread information to the masses quickly. This makes it great for sharing the incredible work you do to better the lives of anyone who engages with your organization.

Let’s explore the common hesitations around TikTok to help you feel good about going all in without giving up the values that matter to your nonprofit.

1. TikTok Is Different From Other Social Platforms

TikTok entered the scene and shook up the world. It has a different approach to calculating its algorithm and elevating content than other platforms we know and love. TikTok videos also have fewer barriers and competition, giving them a higher chance of being seen. 

We see everyday people go viral on TikTok, so what makes your organization any different? While crossing the million-views mark on your next video may be a lofty goal to start with, your nonprofit can gain incredible exposure from moments of engagement on the platform if you put the time into defining a strategy. Plus, followers matter far less on TikTok, so it’s less about building a massive following and more about trusting the algorithm will feed your content to people interacting with similar content. 

Get in front of passionate individuals who may be ready to take action. This is not to say stop engaging on other social media platforms but don’t let TikTok’s unique nature scare you from testing the waters.

2. Video-First Content Feels Challenging to Create

We get it: videos take more work. The good news is that you don’t have to reinvent your process to get your nonprofit on TikTok. One dedicated day of filming content to use within the many helpful video editing apps can result in a month’s worth of posts. Plus, user-generated content performs extremely well online, so tapping on your community is another workaround.  

Each video you share on TikTok may reach entirely different audiences or show up in someone’s feed at different times. Your TikTok followers will care far less about you wearing the same outfit or sitting in the same room in your videos than the message you share. When you take the pressure off the quality visuals to tap into the relevance of your mission to your donor base, you’ll find organic moments to create or re-share content without ample budgetary requirements. And if video isn’t your thing, check out TikTok’s new text posts to help round out your posting plans.

3. There Are a Lot of Trends to Keep Up With

TikTok trends pop up constantly, so instead of trying to get involved with every single one, focus on your unique voice and how you can leverage that to stand out on the platform. Your nonprofit mission will remain constant as trends come and go. And with more and more people turning to TikTok to speak openly about challenges they face, from mental health to financial strains, this makes it a place where storytelling emerges. 

It’s also easier to engage with new trends when they’re relevant to your work or stories. Ultimately, you know the “why” behind your organization’s founding, the reason your programs exist, the experiences that draw in new supporters, and the stories of beneficiaries. That type of conversation will always have its place on TikTok, so don’t feel you need to squeeze yourself into a particular box to engage donors.

4. It’s New to the Fundraising World

TikTok is newer, but nonprofits see excellent results when embracing the platform for fundraising. And while it’s rare to see a TikTok account with multiple viral posts, it only takes one to pick up the momentum that brings thousands to millions of individuals to your page. Remember, the goal of your TikTok presence is to build relationships, whether through many followers and likes or visibility on your profile that leads people to donate

Here are a few nonprofits that showcase the potential of TikTok for fundraising:

NAMI | 51.3K followers | 1281.K likes

Kansas City Pet Project |  1.3M followers | 28M likes

Broadway Cares | 48.9K followers | 1.9M likes

Go From Passive to Viral

As you can see, there’s a big difference between having a TikTok account for your nonprofit and seizing the opportunity to make TikTok an engagement engine. Sometimes, all it takes is the confidence to see hesitations as opportunities to make your presence known. And as more nonprofits enter the TikTok scene, it’s likely people will look to TikTok as the primary platform to connect with organizations they want to support. 

Get ready to showcase your creativity and meet the donors waiting to hear about what you’re doing to make the world a better place.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

Article Sources

1. “The Incredible Rise of TikTok – [TikTok Growth Visualization],” Influencer Marketing Hub, last accessed July 27, 2023,

2. “For Gen Z, TikTok Is the New Search Engine,” The New York Times, last modified September 17, 2022,

5 Ways to Engage Donors on National Nonprofit Day Tue, 08 Aug 2023 07:00:00 +0000 On August 17th, the United States celebrates National Nonprofit Day to recognize the nonprofit sector’s impact and highlight the importance of charitable organizations nationwide.

This national holiday offers nonprofit organizations the opportunity to:

  • Spread awareness of their impact to new audiences
  • Thank existing donors for their loyal support
  • Attract and strengthen corporate partnerships
  • Kick off a powerful fundraising campaign

Here are five ways to empower new and existing donors to show support with a one-time gift or a recurring donation on National Nonprofit Day 2023.

How to Nail Your Fundraising On National Nonprofit Day

1. Launch a crowdfunding campaign with compelling impact blocks

Crowdfunding campaigns offer nonprofits a powerful way to share their success stories, rally supporters and local communities, and fund their programmatic initiatives. Rather than simply informing supporters that your campaign is important, create a felt experience. You can do this through sensory language, compelling visuals, and creative impact blocks.

To take your National Nonprofit Day campaign to the next level, make sure to:

  • Maintain a style and voice that is consistent with your brand
  • State the core issue you want to address in your campaign
  • Explain how you will address the problem with donor support
  • Showcase the tangible benefits of each donation with customized impact blocks
  • Include relevant visuals or high-quality graphics
  • Optimize your donation form for conversion

Impact blocks ensure a supporter understands where their donation goes, who it benefits, and what it accomplishes.

Consider sharing brief stories about your beneficiaries or describing what each dollar amount can accomplish.

Make sure the donation amounts you suggest on your campaign page align with the typical donation amounts your organization sees, including stretch goals. Keep the number of impact blocks to four or fewer so donors can access your campaign on a mobile device.

2. Drive traffic to your social posts with #NationalNonprofitDay

It can be challenging to stand out on social media. Generate hashtag momentum to boost your cause’s awareness and drive traffic to your campaign page.

When it comes to hashtags, think engagement. Within the first 24 hours of posting, it’s crucial to draw in as much activity as possible to expand your reach to new followers. High engagement signals to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and LinkedIn that your post is quality, which means your content is pushed higher on supporters’ newsfeeds.

To stop supporters from scrolling past your post, leverage compelling imagery or engaging video to tell your story. This could be in the form of a podcast clip or quote from a recent webinar.

Craft a powerful caption with descriptive language, and consider asking donors to leave a comment or testimonial with a few reasons why they support your organization. Include a link to your campaign page and #nationalnonprofitday and any broader hashtags like #donate or #charity to expand your reach and join the more extensive conversation.

If you’re still wondering whether TikTok is right for you, check out our blog with everything you need to know about TikTok for nonprofits.

3. Thank donors with a personalized message

National Nonprofit Day is the perfect opportunity to let donors know how much they’re valued and appreciated. Personalized communication creates a touchpoint that humanizes your organization and develops stronger donor relationships.

To help show donors your appreciation, consider a handwritten thank-you note for their donations or a special gift. Let them know you took time out of your day to write an intentional message. You might even pick up the phone and personally thank each supporter for their positive impact on your organization.

Here are a few other creative ways to say thank you:

  • Newsletter shoutouts
  • Gratitude videos
  • Social media posts
  • Show appreciation on your website

4. Promote in-person and virtual volunteer opportunities

Working directly with your organization may motivate volunteers to make a one-time donation or subscribe to recurring giving.

Think of creative experiences to get your donors involved this National Nonprofit Day. You can explore ideas like serving hot meals, handing out water at a charity run, or assisting at a fundraising event. Promote these opportunities on your website, social media channels, and newsletter leading up to the special day.

Consider adding an online component to your in-person volunteer opportunities to expand your reach and connect with new audiences. If you’re hosting an event for National Nonprofit Day, invite virtual volunteers to spread the word on social media or judge a live contest.

Regardless of your idea, make sure each volunteer feels valued and appreciated. Establishing that relationship could be enough to keep them returning or motivate them to support in monetary ways. These volunteer appreciation ideas can help.

5. Encourage donors to amplify their impact with a recurring gift

A well-developed recurring giving program can protect the long-term health of your organization and help you scale. Leading up to National Nonprofit Day, spend some time studying your donor base to identify a list of candidates for subscription giving, how to appeal to them, and how much to ask for.

Send a compelling appeal to your target audience with the following points:

  • Why your organization needs recurring support
  • How recurring support allows you to create more impact
  • The simplicity and ease of online recurring donations
  • The special updates or access granted to recurring supporters

To meet each donor where they’re at, offer multiple recurring gift frequencies. Allow your donors to give a weekly, quarterly, or annual contribution to make budgeting more manageable and reduce their likelihood of churn. Why? Classy’s Recurring Donor Sentiment Report found over half of recurring donors prefer to give outside of monthly increments when given a choice.

With Classy’s recurring donation platform, nonprofits can present donors with eight choices to give on a cadence they prefer.

Tie your ask back to National Nonprofit Day by telling your organization’s story and providing tangible examples of ways your nonprofit impacts the lives of your beneficiaries. Emphasize how a strong recurring giving program can continue to make this possible and how each donor’s contribution will make power good work.

A Day to Celebrate

With these five tips in mind, start planning to optimize your donation potential. Remember, telling a compelling story can bring your work to life and help donors make the emotional connection that often drives giving.

Above all else, take a minute to appreciate your organization’s work and the impact your efforts have made. National Nonprofit Day is a celebration of you, so share the love with your team and know that our world is grateful for hearts like yours.

Black Philanthropy Month: The Details and How to Show Your Support Fri, 04 Aug 2023 07:00:58 +0000 August is an opportunity for passionate individuals to unite around the history, community foundations, and philanthropic leadership of Black Philanthropy Month. You can feel the inspiration as people look to support Black-led, grassroots organizations with greater visibility and funding.

Dedicated giving and social awareness months provide curious potential donors and advocate more opportunities to connect with nonprofit organizations that need them. Black Philanthropy Month is the time to get curious about Black philanthropists’ impact and initiatives, from the historical civil rights movements to modern-day challenges.

Let’s start with the history of Black Philanthropy Month. Then, we’ll get into some nonprofit organizations celebrating Black philanthropy.

What Is Black Philanthropy Month?

Black Philanthropy Month (BPM) is a global annual celebration of African-descent giving in all forms. It recognizes philanthropic leaders’ contributions to transforming lives across the Black community. 

Today, the program has become a multinational summit run by The Women Invested to Save Earth Fund every August. The 2023 theme for Black Philanthropy Month is “Love in action.”

The History of Black Philanthropy Month

Dr. Jacqueline Bouvier Copeland of the Pan-African Women’s Philanthropy Network, now known as Reunity, launched BPM in 2011. She did so with the help of 30 diverse female changemakers worldwide. The United Nations recognizes the month as part of its 2011 declaration of the International Year for People of African Descent.1

Dr. Copeland is an award-winning innovator who is passionate about healing people, society, and the planet. Recognized by The Congressional Record for her memorable civic contributions, she’s a natural fit to lead the WISE Fund. 

BPM helps bring the stories, education, inspiration, and good work of African American descent people to the spotlight for other communities to experience and support. 

The Significance for Black Communities

Millions of people come together in new ways to amplify their involvement in Black-led philanthropies annually. Support for these organizations brings awareness to Black-led nonprofits’ progress and unresolved challenges. 

That’s why heightened visibility and increased funding are critical to these nonprofits’ sustainability. The opportunities surrounding BPM open the door for people to participate in education around these causes and establish strong charitable relationships that extend far beyond August. 

10 Nonprofits to Celebrate This Black Philanthropy Month

1. The Lighthouse | Black Girl Projects

The Lighthouse | Black Girl Projects is here to be a steady force that Black girls and young women in the southeastern United States can count on. The nonprofit introduces focused programming that creates spaces of solidarity and safety. The organization was recently featured on “Good Morning America” for its holistic approach to leadership development.

The wide array of learning opportunities welcomes freedom into the lives of Black girls. The Black Girl Research Institute is one example of how the organization supports fieldwork, training, and workshops for continued education around maternal and child health, food access, and mental health access.


Support The Lighthouse | Black Girl Projects During Black Philanthropy Month

The organization offers supporters a few options to get involved. You can become a Black Girl Champion with any donation or a Black Girl Champion 365 by increasing that impact with a recurring donation. The monthly donation option comes with email updates and a behind-the-scenes look at the impact you’re making on the lives of Black girls.

Connect With The Lighthouse | Black Girl Projects on Social Media

2. Black Veterans for Social Justice

Black Veterans for Social Justice is a community-based organization that services veterans, their families, and community members. The Brooklyn-based organization began in 1979, specializing in housing, shelters, mental health, and job placement for Black veterans. 


Support Black Veterans for Social Justice During Black Philanthropy Month

The organization hosts events like its annual fundraiser gala that rely on the support of its community members. Donating is accessible on any device with a quick donation form

Donors can make a one-time gift or spread their generosity throughout the year with a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual recurring donation. It all adds up to a big impact when active and inactive military personnel can gather and feel the support in a new way.

Connect With Black Veterans for Social Justice on Social Media

3. Black Women’s Health Imperative

Black Women’s Health Imperative is the first and only national nonprofit solely dedicated to achieving health equity for Black women and girls. Byllye Y. Avery founded the organization in 1983, and today, it’s nationally recognized for its lifesaving impact in policy, education, research, knowledge, and leadership development focused on the health and wellness of Black women.

Programs include a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-approved initiative for healthy lifestyle changes, a first-of-its-kind platform focused on workplace equity, and a coalition dedicated to addressing challenges faced by historically underrepresented rare disease patients.


Support Black Women’s Health Imperative During Black Philanthropy Month

The organization is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, and you can join this milestone occasion. There are many ways to get involved, and all of them support the goal that all Black women enjoy optimal health in a society that promotes health equity and social and reproductive justice. That includes donating, creating a fundraiser to share through Facebook, signing up for their newsletter, and registering to vote.

Connect With Black Women’s Health Imperative on Social Media

4. Black Leaders Detroit 

Black Leaders Detroit has distributed $2,012,000 to Black-led businesses and organizations through its powerful mission to be the equitable solution for the area. Its vision is to fuel a model and thriving city of fully empowered, responsive leaders and entrepreneurs reflective of its demographics.

The goal is clear: one million members contribute one dollar a week to fund the projects. Black Leaders Detroit values its community members’ shared power, Black excellence, transparency, and heroism. It has also supported over 350 Black-led businesses and organizations.


Support Black Leaders Detroit During Black Philanthropy Month

The organization is building a community that provides financial support for diverse social and community impact projects originating and led by people of African descent who live or have a business in the Detroit area. Donations are accepted online, and the organization hosts creative fundraising events, like fashion shows for locals.

Connect With Black Leaders Detroit on Social Media

5. Southern Black Girls and Women’s Consortium

Southern Black Girls and Women’s Consortium is where Black women unite in a shared passion for philanthropy, activism, and support for critical civil movements. The organization originated in response to the lack of philanthropic investments given to Black women in the South. It has awarded $2.2 million to 71 organizations and special projects across 12 southern states to date.


Support Southern Black Girls During Black Philanthropy Month

The organization invites supporters to apply for the role of a youth ambassador to help share the truth about the lives of Black girls through a year-long leadership development program, in addition to donating throughout August and beyond. Free virtual learning sessions are also available through the SAGE Circle.  

Connect With Southern Black Girls and Women’s Consortium on Social Media

6. Black Californians United for Early Care & Education

Black Californians United for Early Care & Education brings together advocates, policy influencers, civil rights organizations, researchers, university faculty, nonprofit leaders, early educators, caregivers, providers, families, and community-based organizations. BlackECE members have served over 490,000 of California’s Black children through policies that bring equity within their communities. 

The organization saw a gap in early care and education for Black children, families, and childcare workers in California and created its goals around closing it. They work within the early education system to deconstruct racial hierarchies and reverse the deficit-based narratives around expulsion rates, low literacy, and wealth gap associated with Black children in schools. 


Support BlackECE During Black Philanthropy Month

BlackECE has beautiful resources anyone can access to learn more about early care and education within California’s Black communities. There, you can immerse yourself in the policies BlackECE strives to influence to shape how Black children will experience their early years and the difference awareness can make. If you feel particularly passionate about any topics you learn about, you can participate in a fundraiser and spread the word about the organization’s work.

Connect With BlackECE on Social Media


YWCA USA is one of the nation’s oldest and largest women’s organizations. It’s been at the forefront of critical social movements for 165 years with the mission to eliminate racism, empower Black women, stand up for social justice, help families, and strengthen communities. 

The organization has served over two million people, from voting rights, civil rights, and affordable housing to pay and funding equity, violence prevention, and health care reform. YWCA USA balances a rich history of Black philanthropy with a pulse on which programs answer the call to today’s most considerable challenges.

Support YWCA USA During Black Philanthropy Month

The organization makes it easy to give in an amount that works best for you, including an option to spread the impact throughout the year with a recurring donation. It even provides Venmo and PayPal donations for supporters to show their love wherever they may be, on any device they have available. 

Ready to get involved? This August, you can support YWCA USA or find one of 196 local associations throughout the United States with online donations, Amazon Smile donations, planned giving, and vehicle donations.

Connect With YWCA USA on Social Media

8. NAACP California Hawaii State Conference

NAACP California Hawaii State Conference has a rich history as the country’s oldest civil rights organization fighting for equal rights, justice, and freedom. The NAACP organization began in New York City in 1909 with a group of Black and white citizens committed to making change around them.

Today, NAACP California Hawaii State Conference stands behind a new generation of leaders within the civil rights space. The nonprofit remains at the forefront of the movement for the well-being of the Black community. A strong nonprofit with a rock-solid foundation, it continues influencing critical issues facing Black communities.


Support NAACP California Hawaii State Conference During Black Philanthropy Month

The organization invites new community members who want to help the California and Hawaii communities thrive across education, economics, health and well-being, and racial justice. Anyone can become a member of the NAACP to join a network of activists standing up to injustice, systemic racism, and the call for equality.

That also opens the door to attending events like the 114th annual NAACP National Convention in Boston to commence BPM with innovative changemakers, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, scholars, entertainers, influencers, and creatives supporting the community. 

If you’re not ready to join but want to support the organization’s continued efforts, you can donate online, become a member of its monthly giving program, sponsor a community, sign up for updates, and so much more. 

Connect With NAACP California Hawaii State Conference on Social Media

9. Race Forward

Race Forward centers around sustainable change toward racial justice at all levels of society through policies, institutions, and culture. It works within communities to counter structural racism through events, training, toolkits, and data reports. 

The organization is a great place to learn about the social landscape and how to take meaningful action, starting with BPM and continuing throughout the year.


Support Race Forward During Black Philanthropy Month

The organization has something for you whether you want to learn more about a new narrative on equality or play a direct role in its programs and initiatives. 

You can find reports and toolkits to learn from on its website or make a one-time or recurring donation through its donation site. Race Forward makes it easy to give with the payment methods you prefer and flexibility to access its donation form on any device.

Connect With Race Forward on Social Media

10. The Players Alliance

The Players Alliance is a passionate community on a mission to address baseball’s systemic barriers to racial equity and inclusion. The organization works alongside current and retired professional baseball and softball players to create new pathways and opportunities for Black talent on and off the field. 

It’s because of the organization’s members’ dedication, personal time and energy commitments, and overall passion for this cause that baseball is becoming a stronger and more successful game.


Support The Players Alliance During Black Philanthropy Month

The organization takes a 360-degree approach to its mission by offering an event series nationwide. There’s never a shortage of ways to get to know this incredible group or help keep the programs. Supporters can make a monetary donation that helps eliminate entry barriers for kids by providing the tools they need to play the game.

During MLB All-Star Week in Seattle, the organization honored Black playmakers in the game who made a significant impact both on and off the field at The Players Alliance’s Game Changers Celebration. Guests made donations to level the playing field in honor of the awardees and they’re also offering all online donors the same opportunity to give in their honor throughout the month of August.

Each donation helps deliver life-changing access to technology and opportunities to assist professional players for exposure to successful Black athletes in the sport. One time and recurring donations are accepted through their donation page, along with those in memory or in honor of someone. 

Connect With The Players Alliance on Social Media

Build Community Around Black Philanthropy Month

With so much good work in mind, we hope you feel inspired to get involved to feel great for you and maybe even your extended community. Remember to embrace your interests and learning mindset as you get to know the people and teams on the ground making a difference through so many incredible outlets. 

Here are a few ideas for celebrating Black philanthropy:

  • Take some time to learn about new organizations supporting BPM.
  • Build new organizations and individuals you admire into your social feeds.
  • Share Black-led nonprofit funding opportunities with your network.
  • Start a fundraiser to introduce to family, friends, and coworkers.
  • Identify events in your local community to meet like-minded philanthropists. 
  • Sign up for updates from these nonprofits to learn about more exciting celebrations. 

Article Source:

  1. “International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024),” UNESCO, accessed July 24, 2023,
Video Marketing for Nonprofits: Content Ideas for Virality, Engagement, and Conversion Thu, 27 Jul 2023 07:00:00 +0000 This blog was written by Cody Hays from Marketing Mission. Cody partners with nonprofit fundraisers, founders, and executive directors to streamline their marketing efforts, increase funding, and increase impact.

In today’s fast-paced social media world, video marketing for nonprofits is an essential tool for connecting with audiences. However, creating impactful videos can be time-consuming.

To make the most of your video marketing plan, it’s crucial to understand the types of videos that can make an impact: viral videos, engagement videos, and conversion videos. In this blog, we’ll explore these categories and how your nonprofit can use them to engage, mobilize, and inspire action.

Viral Videos: Captivating the Masses

Viral videos have the ability to capture attention and resonate with a wide audience, extending far beyond your existing supporters. These videos often use compelling storytelling, humor, or heartwarming content to establish an emotional connection. While the reach of viral videos may be substantial, note that the engagement from your core audience might vary.

Here are some examples of viral videos for nonprofits that can captivate the masses:

Inspirational Stories

Share uplifting stories of individuals or communities whose lives your organization has positively impacted. These stories should evoke strong emotions and highlight the transformative power of your work. By showcasing real-life examples of how your nonprofit has made a difference, you can inspire viewers and encourage them to support your cause.

For instance, you could feature a heartwarming video of someone receiving the medical supplies they need thanks to your organization’s efforts. Such stories of resilience and hope have the potential to touch the hearts of viewers and generate widespread sharing.

Unique Challenges

Create videos that highlight unique challenges or events related to your cause. These videos can leverage viral trends or challenges to increase the likelihood of sharing and engagement. By tapping into popular trends or utilizing creative concepts, you can make your message more relatable and shareable.

For instance, if your nonprofit focuses on environmental conservation, you could create a video that showcases a creative and fun “trash cleanup challenge” where participants compete to collect the most litter in their communities. This video can raise awareness about the issue of pollution and encourage viewers to get involved and take action.

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Humorous Content

Use humor to convey your message by creating funny marketing videos that cleverly align with your nonprofit’s mission or initiatives. Humor has a way of capturing attention and engaging viewers, making your content more shareable and memorable.

Consider creating a lighthearted video that incorporates comedy sketches or witty storytelling while conveying a vital message related to your cause. For instance, a nonprofit focused on animal welfare could create an amusing video featuring talking animals discussing the importance of responsible pet ownership. By infusing humor into your content, you can entertain and educate viewers while increasing the likelihood of your video going viral.


Phainopeplas (seen in pics two and three!) are also known as "Goth Cardinals", but we think they fit the emo vibe pretty well too 🖤🥀🐣 #emogirl #birds #fyp #birdtok

♬ y2k has my heart - sandra ♌

Why haven’t I gone viral yet?

Viral videos have the potential to generate widespread attention and reach a large audience, but it’s critical to note that going viral doesn’t always translate into converting viewers into followers or supporters. While these videos can create a buzz and generate awareness, there may be a limit to the level of engagement and conversion from the broader audience.

The reason behind this lies in the nature of viral content. Viral videos often appeal to a wide audience, including those who may not necessarily be interested or aligned with your nonprofit’s mission or cause. So while they may enjoy and share the video, their engagement might not extend beyond that initial interaction.

To make the most impact, complement viral videos with other types of content that engage and connect with your core audience. This leads us to the next category of nonprofit videos: engagement videos.

Engagement Videos: Strengthening Bonds With Your Existing Audience

Engagement videos resonate with your core audience, fostering deeper connections and encouraging active participation. These videos may not reach the same wide audience as viral videos but tend to generate higher levels of interaction and involvement from those already invested in your organization. Here are some examples of engagement videos that can strengthen the bonds with your existing audience:

Behind-the-Scenes Updates

Provide exclusive glimpses into your nonprofit’s daily operations, events, or projects. This behind-the-scenes content lets your audience feel connected and involved in your organization’s activities. By sharing the inner workings of your nonprofit, you create a sense of nonprofit transparency and build trust with your supporters.

For instance, you can create a video showcasing your volunteers or staff’s behind-the-scenes experience, preparations for an upcoming fundraising event, or a day in the life of a nonprofit employee. This type of video engages your existing audience and allows them to feel like they are a part of the journey.

Volunteer and Supporter Spotlights

Recognize and showcase the efforts of your dedicated volunteers and supporters. Conduct interviews or capture testimonials that highlight their contributions and express gratitude for their dedication. These videos acknowledge the invaluable role played by your supporters while inspiring others to get involved and make a difference.

For instance, you could create a video series featuring individual volunteers sharing their personal stories, motivations, and experiences with your nonprofit. By highlighting the impact of their work and expressing appreciation, you strengthen the sense of community and encourage others to join.

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Educational Content

Share informative videos that educate your audience on topics related to your cause. By providing valuable insights, tips, or tutorials, you address their interests or concerns. Educational videos position your nonprofit as a trusted source of information and expertise, enhancing your credibility and deepening the engagement of your audience.

For instance, if your nonprofit focuses on environmental conservation, you can create educational videos that offer practical tips on sustainable living, recycling, or eco-friendly practices. By empowering your audience with knowledge, you inspire them to take action and make positive changes in their lives.

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Why isn’t my audience engaging with our videos?

To enhance audience engagement with your nonprofit’s videos, address these potential obstacles:

  1. Overcome lack of relevance by understanding your audience’s interests and tailoring your content to align with their needs.
  2. Replace lengthy or complex videos with concise, focused content that’s easily digestible.
  3. Include clear calls to action and maintain a consistent posting schedule to help guide viewers toward engagement.

By actively addressing these considerations, nonprofits can boost audience engagement and build stronger connections through video content.

Conversion Videos: Driving Advocacy and Fundraising Efforts

Conversion videos inspire specific actions from your audience, mobilizing them to support your nonprofit’s advocacy or fundraising initiatives. These videos may not have the same reach and engagement as viral or engagement videos but are essential for generating tangible support. Here are a few types of conversion videos that can drive action:

Calls to Action

Create videos that clearly communicate the specific actions you want your audience to take. Whether signing a petition, making a donation, attending an event, or volunteering, these videos should emphasize the urgency and importance of their participation by clearly explaining the impact of their action and the benefits of getting involved. Use compelling visuals, storytelling, and persuasive language to inspire immediate action.

For instance, you can create a video that highlights a pressing issue and presents a call to action for viewers to sign a petition urging policymakers to take action. By clearly outlining the steps and emphasizing the impact of their signatures, you can motivate viewers to actively participate in advocating for change.

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Share powerful testimonials from beneficiaries, volunteers, or donors to establish credibility and encourage others to join your cause. These testimonials provide social proof, demonstrating the positive impact your nonprofit has had on individuals or communities. Through heartfelt stories and firsthand accounts, these videos also build trust, showcase the importance of your work, and inspire others to support your mission.

For instance, consider creating a video featuring a beneficiary who shares their journey and how your organization has made a difference for them. By capturing their gratitude, transformation, or improved circumstances, you can create an emotional connection with viewers and compel them to contribute to your cause.

Impact Reports

Showcase the outcomes and impact of your nonprofit’s work through data, infographics, and success stories. Use visuals, statistics, and testimonials to present measurable results and illustrate the positive change your nonprofit brings to the community. These videos demonstrate your organization’s effectiveness, transparency, and the value of supporting your mission.

For instance, you can create a video that highlights the number of lives impacted, the total funds raised, or a success story from alumni. By presenting the concrete results of your efforts, you can instill confidence in potential supporters and inspire them to contribute to your fundraising efforts or engage in your advocacy campaigns.

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Why aren’t these videos performing well?

The videos probably areHowever, it’s crucial to note that when embarking on a conversion campaign with specific calls to action, it’s normal for reach and engagement to be lower compared to more broadly appealing or entertaining videos.

Conversion videos often target a specific and committed audience, which may result in a smaller reach. Additionally, the call to action may require a higher level of commitment, leading to lower engagement rates.

So don’t be discouraged if you see a dip in metrics during a conversion campaign. Instead, focus on the quality of engagement and the potential for meaningful action from those who do engage. Remember, the goal of conversion videos is to mobilize dedicated supporters and advocates willing to take steps to support your cause.

Reach the Right Audiences With These Video Marketing Tips

By categorizing your nonprofit videos based on the potential for virality, engagement, and conversion, your organization can strategically create and share content to maximize impact.

Viral videos have the potential to reach a wide audience, while engagement videos foster deeper connections with your existing supporters. Yet, conversion videos, although having a narrower reach, are crucial for driving advocacy and fundraising efforts.

By understanding the purpose and characteristics of each category, your nonprofit can develop a well-rounded video marketing strategy that effectively engages, mobilizes, and inspires action.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

Strengthen Your Nonprofit Corporate Giving Programs Tue, 25 Jul 2023 07:00:00 +0000 As a nonprofit organization, it’s crucial to have multiple sources of fundraising revenue. And with the rise of CEOs who prioritize Corporate Social Responsibility Programs (CSRs), it’s essential to have an excellent corporate partnership strategy with a multipronged approach.

Today, we’re highlighting the impact of a solid corporate giving program on your ability to acquire and retain valuable nonprofit sponsorships. We’ll talk about how to become a preferred nonprofit partner by giving corporations more ways to get involved in your mission.

Get ready to maximize your relationships and see the most value from forward-thinking corporate philanthropy.

The Trajectory of Corporate Philanthropy

Strategic nonprofit partnerships offer many attractive benefits. From improving outreach efforts and advocacy to enhancing programs and services, there are many ways that an alliance can help your organization enhance its efficacy, impact, and sustainability.

The first step to strengthening a partnership is to be clear about what you want to get out of it. Below, we’ll help you identify and clarify your nonprofit organization’s goals with a few ways to be a strong nonprofit partner with for-profit businesses.

Corporations Want Deeper Connections With Nonprofits

Corporations look for opportunities to demonstrate support for causes near and dear to them and treat nonprofits as an extension of CSR and marketing functions.

We’re seeing more and more that our partners don’t just want to write a check and walk away. They’re looking for ways to get truly involved in the mission and find ways that our mission and our programs can align with what their employees are involved in. Our relationships are becoming much more personal and much more customized.

Mary Elise O'Brien

The Gary Sinise Foundation, Manager, Corporate and Community Relations

It makes sense that for-profit companies are more invested in philanthropic efforts when 77% of consumers are more motivated to purchase from brands committed to improving the world.¹ That’s why an estimated 90% of companies on the S&P 500 respond to customer desires by publishing a CSR report each year.²

Take advantage of these companies’ appetite for philanthropic involvement by offering mutually beneficial opportunities. Highlight timely donation requests, volunteer opportunities, and peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns corporations can support to help you scale.

How to Think Ahead to Nurture a Strong Corporate Nonprofit Partnership

Here’s a checklist to strengthen your corporate sponsorships.

  • Amplify your mission and values: Use successful partnerships to showcase your organization’s mission and core values to new audiences. Solidify your position as a dedicated nonprofit in your niche and remain consistent with the fundraising approaches and messaging that resonate with your supporters.
  • Define what you want to accomplish: Look at what worked well in past partnerships and push the boundaries of possibility. Define what you want to accomplish and keep mutually beneficial goals front and center.
  • Create a repeatable offering for partnerships: Employ a structure you can use across multiple partners, recognizing that each partnership will have unique goals. Some may be more interested in sustaining programs year-round, while others may be more interested in supporting crises. On the other hand, some may have products to donate, while others may want to get employees involved in fundraising and volunteer efforts.
  • Demonstrate the impact of your partnerships: Put together a nonprofit annual report for donors, just as you would with corporate partners, establishing a clear view of what you jointly achieved over a year. Outline clear nonprofit metrics to evaluate your efforts and see what you can improve or change to get closer to your goals. Showcasing your collective results helps them know the value of the partnership and share that with employees and networks.

6 Ways to Strengthen Nonprofit Partnerships

1. Event Sponsorships

Bring corporate partners in to provide financial support for a larger-scale event such as a fundraiser gala or endurance event. A sponsored event is a great avenue to bring your aligned vision to life intimately and authentically.

Just remember, the key to a successful event is to make it easier for corporate partners to get involved, showcase their brand, and invite their employees and audiences that seek a more interactive giving experience.

  • Make the ask: Create a sponsorship proposal letter that’s informative and persuasive. Use this sample letter for sponsorship for a head start on your outreach. After all, asking for sponsorship is all about making a good impression.
  • Offer enticing branding opportunities: Feature the corporate sponsor’s logo on your event page using modern fundraising event software. You might even think about placing sponsor branding in the virtual venue through a digital booth and on-site digital display at your in-person event.
  • Tap into sponsorships for auction items: Put out the request to your partners for auction ideas and items that draw attention and bids at your event. Corporations can write these expenses off as donations while you promote the auction items as gifts from specific partners and sponsors to build visibility and affinity for their brand.
  • Build more community engagement with sponsors and attendees: Take advantage of virtual breakout rooms and chat functionality during the event to offer your corporate sponsors a designated booth. This way, they can get to know new supporters and grow their relationships in affiliation with your nonprofit.
  • Create guest seating as part of a sponsorship package: Place your sponsors at premier tables or designated areas in addition to complimentary tickets. You can easily manage which guests sit at which tables through the Classy Live platform.

2. Employee Fundraising

Empower your corporate partner’s employees to take action with peer-to-peer fundraising. This could be a time-based initiative or something they can do year-round. Either way, you’ll gain access to new donor bases through each employee’s professional and personal network. Plus, when you engage your corporate partner’s staff, they may become loyal supporters of your organization.

  • Template your corporate peer-to-peer campaigns: Use a fundraising template to ensure all campaigns are ready for your partner’s employees. Anytime you onboard a new corporate partner, create a child campaign with the same branding and content as your campaign template. Meanwhile, your nonprofit can see all corporate partnerships using the original template in one place for easy management and evaluation.
  • Let your partners take the reigns: Give your corporate stakeholders a login to manage their fundraising campaigns. They can edit the messaging and content (don’t worry, you can lock down anything you don’t want them to edit) and enable their employees to build personal or team fundraising pages. Offering them more control enhances the experience and encourages corporations to get employees involved in the opportunity to make a more positive impact.
  • Encourage friendly employee competition: Incorporate activity tracking into your corporate peer-to-peer campaigns for an added layer of motivation and fun. Allow employees to log into an app and track activity tied to their fundraising goals. You can set up daily, weekly, or monthly challenges for participants and encourage them to share on social media to get a virtual high five from friends and family. Discover how Classy’s integration with Boundless Fundraising can help.

3. Direct Giving

Outside of timely campaigns or events, give corporate sponsors a way to consistently support your organization and attract new audiences to your cause through a co-branded donation form or crowdfunding campaign.

We like to offer direct giving pages to all of our partners. It’s such a great tool to not only collect donations but also tell the story of each of our partners’ support. Because they all have such different stories, we’re able to really touch on the programs they’re supporting and show their employees exactly where their donations are going.

Mary Elise O'Brien

The Gary Sinise Foundation

Encourage corporate partners to promote your co-branded donation website to their staff, customers, investors, and community members. When optimized, donation sites bring the benefits of campaign admins, multiple payment types, recurring giving options, and templates.

  • Set up a partnership crowdfunding campaign: Create a crowdfunding campaign that tells the story of how money raised impacts your cause. You can even leave placeholders for a partner to incorporate their name and branding easily. This personalized version will likely resonate more with their audience and lead to more conversions.
  • Promote the campaign together:  Have your corporate partner share the link in newsletters or other far-reaching communication channels. They could choose to give the first gift and share why supporting your nonprofit means so much to them.
  • Brand a timely donation page or campaign: Consider setting up a timely appeal around a holiday, a big giving day, or in response to a crisis. Make it easy for your corporate partners to get their employees and customer base to take action.

4. Corporate Matching Gifts

Donation matching provides employees with an opportunity to have their charitable donations matched by their employer on a campaign page. Empower your corporate partners’ employees to maximize their workplace giving by tapping into corporate matching gift programs.

  • Enable corporate matching on your co-branded campaigns:  Double the impact with employer matches that can motivate more individuals to give to your campaign. Lean on a tool, like Classy’s integration with Double the Donation, that allows employees to search for their employer and request a donation match while making an online gift.
  • Plan matching gift campaigns strategically: Strategize your donation match period to be around a peak giving season or milestone in your organization. Encourage your corporate partner to use intentional themes like crossing the finish line to achieve annual goals on New Year’s Eve.

5. Cross-Promotions

Broaden your audience to reach more potential donors with a consistent and strategic cross-promotion strategy. Ask your corporate partner about natural cross-promotion to easily reach their network.

Depending on the nature of the partnership, ask your corporate partner for a regular feature on their website, social media channels, or communications to their community. Lean on the marketing expertise of a corporation to brainstorm creative ways to elevate your co-branded initiatives outside the campaign pages themselves. Here are a few sponsorship examples to get started.

6. Launch a Joint Initiative

Outside of monetary support, enhance your programmatic impact with the tools, resources, in-kind donations, and services your business partners can offer. Expand your range of services by launching a joint initiative with strategic alliances to meet your shared goals. As you build your relationship, you’ll see more opportunities to supplement each other’s services and broaden your combined offerings.

  • Set up a referral program relationship: Have each party direct constituents to the other for further support. For example, let’s say you’re a nonprofit that provides housing for underserved communities. Your programs don’t offer access to computers, but you might partner with an organization that does. Refer to their services in exchange for the promotion of your mission.
  • Collect in-kind donations: Team up around in-kind donations for both organizations to expand services without hiking up budgets. For example, maybe you’re a disaster relief organization that partners with a hydration packet provider for disaster response packages.

4 Simple Reminders For Building a Successful Corporate Partnership

  • Go Beyond “Checkbook Philanthropy”

The first way to set your corporate partnership up for success is to understand that corporate social responsibility is no longer as simple as signing a check. After all, any business can do that. To make the most of this relationship, you need to identify and ask for other types of support that lead to social impact.

  • Compare Audiences

Research your audience of potential corporate partners to find the right prospects. Consider what exposure your nonprofit can offer to a company, and from there, you can find the best match to maximize your positive impact.

  • Know Your Contacts and Decision-Makers

Knowing who to engage with for each task simplifies the process. Assign a point person within your team to communicate and nurture relationships with potential corporate partners. This ensures partner retention and a smooth engagement process.

  • Mobilize Employees for Fundraising and Volunteering

Engage the entire staff of your corporate partner. Beyond financial support from key individuals, employees can be valuable allies. Recruit volunteers for events and initiatives, and encourage peer-to-peer fundraising among employees. By involving employees, you gain financial funding and new donors and advocates.

Choosing the Right Corporate Giving Software

The long-term success of your corporate giving programs and any potential corporate sponsorships you’ll secure depends on repeatable and scalable processes. While every corporate partner may be slightly different, structure your menu of offerings around opportunities that will have the most impact on your organization. Then, put your ideas into action with modern fundraising software, like Classy Live, built to support corporate philanthropy and future decision-making.

To continue your learning, dive into Classy’s Six Ways to Strengthen Your Corporate Partnerships webinar, where The Gary Sinise Foundation and Classy discussed strategies for maximizing your partnerships and tips to strengthen your relationships through a multi-pronged approach to maximize involvement from corporations and employees.

Article Sources

1.   “AFLAC CSR Survey,” Aflac, 2019,

2. “15 Eye-Opening Corporate Social Responsibility Statistics,” Harvard Business Review, June 2021,

Getting Started With Mailchimp: A Guide for Nonprofit Organizations Fri, 14 Jul 2023 07:00:24 +0000 Welcome to your quick guide to Mailchimp for nonprofits. There’s no doubt that nonprofit marketing is critical to a well-rounded fundraising strategy. At the same time, nonprofits need tools that offer them the functionality required to execute their strategies without demanding a huge budget. That’s where Mailchimp comes in.

Nonprofits can now access a dedicated email marketing tool at a discounted rate and directly sync it with existing software. This creates opportunity for a truly connected fundraising experience donors and staff members will love.

Come along as we explore it all, including:

  • The difference Mailchimp makes in email marketing for nonprofits
  • The Mailchimp features and trends to take advantage of
  • The steps to getting started and integrating Mailchimp with other systems
  • The tried-and-true cheat sheet to create successful email marketing campaigns

How Mailchimp Revolutionizes Nonprofit Email Marketing 

Intuit’s Mailchimp is an email marketing platform that simplifies the process of creating unique journeys that flex to any donor scenario. That means nonprofits can create emails, subscriber forms, landing pages, and surveys. 

Mailchimp organizations range from startups and small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, showing you a glimpse of the scalability your nonprofit can have with the email marketing tool.

Mailchimp’s email automation features streamline nonprofit communication by showing insights about donor contacts, segmenting them into specific target audiences, and sending the right messages at the right time to complete their experience with an organization. 

Do More With a Small Marketing Budget

After the initial setup, which we’ll walk through in depth below, Mailchimp keeps your engagement going through automation and workflows built to complement your process. That way, you can focus your staff members and time on other areas that boost your fundraising efforts. 

The simplicity of the email marketing system means that new employees or volunteers can easily use it, and you don’t need a whole team dedicated to making it work. It also helps with staff changes and turnover that may occur while you use the tool.

In addition, it helps you see how donors interact with your emails to get a better pulse on what gets them to act and keeps them around long term. This is a real game changer for improving donor management, as tactics to retain donors add up to more revenue that can funnel into your marketing efforts, campaigns, and overall impact.

Classy’s Why America Gives found that loyal donors (those who give a recurring donation or gave at least three consecutive donations to the same organization in the last five years) gave amounts four times that of passive donors on average.

Stay Ahead of Evolving Spam Filters

We can’t talk about email marketing without talking about spam. The last thing you want is to spend time on an email that never gets to a potential donor or loyal supporter because it got caught in a spam filter or sent to a junk mail folder by default. Mailchimp’s functionality supports personalization, clean email templates, and user opt-ins and opt-outs to help you spam-proof your email marketing

So if you’re curious how one platform can offer you long-lasting benefits, let’s dig into the Mailchimp features nonprofits love.

The Latest Mailchimp Features and Trends for Nonprofits

Audience Management

Information about your supporter audience can guide your email marketing campaigns for more substantial results. Mailchimp offers several audience management features to guide communication strategies that feel personalized for them from start to finish. 

Here’s an overview of each:

  • Donor segmentation: Collect data on each of your supporters through custom sign-up forms, pop-ups, and other opt-in information.
  • Behavioral targeting: Create segments that target specific actions and behaviors to put a particular focus on supporters most likely to convert into donors, volunteers, or fundraising event attendees. 
  • Predicted demographics: Clarify characteristics, such as the most likely age and gender of your donors, to refine your engagement strategy and create donor personas for each of your fundraising campaigns or promotions.
  • Tags and contacts profiles: Get a deep dive into each person in your contacts list on any device and use Mailchimp tags to identify key distinctions, such as “potential major donor,” “local,” “likely to match a donation,” and anything else that supports more relevant and meaningful conversations.

Creative Tools

So how do you send those beautiful emails that make people stop and admire your thoughtful designs and user-friendly formats? Mailchimp’s email services have your answers. 

Bringing your brand into each touchpoint with donors is easier with features like:

  • Content studio: Sync, store, and edit visuals, like images and logos, that you’ll use across multiple automated emails.
  • Dynamic content: Customize certain content blocks for your different donor segments within the same email automatically for each targeted send.
  • Subject-line helper: Get real-time support to refine your email subject lines, as this is the first thing your audience sees and uses to decide whether or not to open your message.
  • Campaign templates: Grab inspiration from over 100 email templates designed and ready for you or use one as a foundation to personalize your nonprofit brand and campaign visual identity.

Marketing Automation

Use the information you gain about your audiences and how they interact with your brand to create personalized donor workflows that help them get to your primary call to action quicker.

Insights and Analytics

A solid nonprofit marketing strategy is all about knowing your donors and how to adapt to their changing desires and actions. Mailchimp offers insights and analytics that can help you pinpoint areas of opportunity and strength in your donor-engagement efforts.

Gain insight with features like:

  • Reports: Track the performance of your communications over time to measure which are the most successful with your target donors.
  • Smart recommendations: Lean on your metrics to guide your next move with each donor segment and communication. 
  • A/B testing: Get creative with new approaches and establish a campaign monitor easily with insight into which led to the best results. 
  • Surveys: Gather feedback from donors, event attendees, volunteers, interested supporters, and more and funnel responses directly into Mailchimp.
  • Content optimizer: Grab personalized suggestions to improve your emails. 

You can also connect Mailchimp with tools and apps like Google Analytics for a deeper view into conversion tracking, social media influence, website clicks, and your overall digital marketing effectiveness.

How Can Nonprofits Set Up Mailchimp?

Follow these simple steps to get started with Mailchimp for your nonprofit organization and leverage the features you need to make a big impact on your donor base in no time.

Step 1: Establish Your Contacts Lists

  • Create a list: Determine which email list makes sense, such as “all contacts” or “donors,” that you can add to a list.
  • Import your contacts: Add any existing subscribers from a CSV file, Excel spreadsheet, Google Doc, Salesforce, or other platforms that house your contacts. 
  • Create groups: Segment your large number of contacts by groups, such as staff members, volunteers, donors, recurring donors, nonprofit board members, corporate partners, and any other tags that will help you get organized.
  • Create your first email campaign: Select your list and an ideal email template, edit the content to the message that makes sense for your communication, design your email to match your branding, and send your campaign immediately or schedule it to go out later.
  • Set up reports and analytics: See how your email campaigns perform by viewing the analytics in your reports, then create email benchmarks to base future campaigns through simple graphs, tables, and maps that show you things like opens, click-through rates, bounces, and unsubscribes. 

Does Mailchimp offer a free plan or nonprofit discount?

Now that we’ve covered the value of Mailchimp’s flexibility with small marketing budgets, it’s natural to think about nonprofit pricing. Mailchimp offers a discount to verified nonprofit organizations and charities for certain features. You can request a nonprofit discount and verify the current pricing plans for your needs by visiting the Mailchimp website or contacting the billing team.

Design Engaging Email Templates in Mailchimp

As you dig into Mailchimp or think about how to get the most out of your email marketing software, having somewhere to start is always helpful. In addition to the design templates Mailchimp offers within the campaign designer, we rounded up a quick list of resources that can help you depending on your nonprofit’s goals and areas of focus.

Save this list of top resources to design engaging email templates:

The Benefits: Integrating Mailchimp With Your Nonprofit CRM

The key to unlocking fundraising success is knowing your donors well and responding to their needs. You have all the information necessary to conduct targeted appeals, but it may be in different systems, from your email platform to your fundraising software to your CRM. Integrations help you bring all that vital information together as a powerhouse of insight at your fingertips. 

Your marketing automation and reporting within Mailchimp go much further when both flow into your entire donor lifecycle. More tasks that happen seamlessly without requiring your team to monitor your systems lead to a smooth donor experience and the most strategic processes for your organization. 

Step Into Connected Fundraising 

We know how crucial it is to build relationships with every supporter you encounter and turn those relationships into donations to advance your mission. It’s all about reaching the right people with the relevant message that makes them feel your intention and purpose. 

That’s why nonprofits that use Classy’s fundraising platform to host campaigns, from events to streamlined donation pages, have the advantage of a free and easy integration into Mailchimp and other vital tools that lead to results. 

We can’t wait to continue offering thoughtful integrations and award-winning application programming interfaces, like the Mailchimp API, to create the most comprehensive view of your supporters and streamline your fundraising efforts.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

10 Ways to Host the Ultimate Donor Appreciation Event Tue, 11 Jul 2023 07:00:00 +0000 Imagine creating an unforgettable experience for your top-tier prospects, where generosity takes center stage instead of ticket sales or donations. Picture an exclusive gathering that sparks interest, breathing new life into your existing donor list.

This special occasion is known as a cultivation event, a valuable opportunity to showcase your organization’s mission and needs creatively, without directly soliciting donations.

A cultivation event unfolds in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, often in the form of a house party or cocktail reception. It allows for meaningful interactions centered around your mission, leaving guests emotionally gratified and more invested in your cause.

Turning Fundraising Into Celebration: Key Elements for a Successful Donor Appreciation Event

Attendees include your leadership team, volunteers, board members, staff, and a client whose life has been positively impacted by your organization.

The goal is to create an environment that feels like a party rather than a fundraising event, sharing your impact and initiating conversations comfortably and naturally. By doing so, your donors will depart feeling emotionally fulfilled and deeply connected to your mission.

A well-planned cultivation event holds immense power as a nonprofit marketing tool. Not only can it secure major gifts, but it also nurtures a stronger bond between your organization and its most significant donors.

During a session at the BBCON philanthropic conference, Penelope Burke, the esteemed author of “Donor-Centered Fundraising” and “Donor-Centered Leadership,” highlighted compelling research findings:¹

  • Donors who attended donor cultivation events rated their satisfaction level between 5 and 7 on a scale of 1 to 7.
  • A remarkable 33 percent of event attendees made unsolicited gifts.
  • 35 percent of solicited donors who made a gift attributed their decision to the event.

To help you plan and host a successful cultivation event, here are our top ten donor appreciation event ideas:

1. Get the Details Right

Once you have set the date for your cultivation event, mark it on your company calendar and secure a venue. Establish the start time and create a project timeline outlining the necessary steps leading up to the event. As you finalize the specifics, take these additional steps:

  • Book special guests well in advance, such as a client with a compelling success story.
  • Determine the roles of staff, volunteers, and your nonprofit board members.
  • Confirm the attendance of all invitees as they RSVP.

Remember that the response rate for events can be modest, typically ranging from 10 to 30 percent. To ensure a robust turnout, invite more people than you expect to attend your cultivation event.

2. Transform Your Event Into a Celebration

Your donors anticipate a fun and enjoyable experience without feeling obligated to give. Remember, thanking donors should be the primary focus of this event.

A cultivation event offers an opportunity for engaging, meaningful conversations that are light-hearted and relaxed. Your aim is to create an atmosphere where guests feel comfortable, deepening their connection with your nonprofit organization and naturally inspiring them to contribute.

The simple word “party” can transform your event entirely. The term carries a more inviting and relaxed connotation, which may entice more donors to attend. Use “party” instead of “event” in your invitations, email communications, and marketing materials when describing your gathering.

3. Curate an Exceptional Experience

A cultivation event is an extension of your nonprofit brand, which is why you want a keen attention to the details. Your invitees likely have deep pockets and are used to attending lavish events and gatherings. Ensure your event appeals to their expectations while remaining mindful of your budget.

It’s vital that your event reflects your organization’s personality and culture. For example, if your nonprofit is based in California and supports children’s orphanages in Mexico, consider having a taco stand with high-quality meals. Encourage your staff to assist with serving to engage in personal conversations with guests.

Pro tip: Encourage your staff to help with serving so they are in a position to strike up personal conversations with guests.

4. Surprise and Delight

Create moments of surprise and delight throughout the event to make it truly memorable for your donor base. These unexpected elements can leave a lasting impression and deepen their emotional connection to your nonprofit organization.

Consider incorporating unique and interactive entertainment options that align with your cause or theme. For example, you could invite a local artist to create live artwork during the event or organize a short performance by individuals who have directly benefited from your organization’s programs. These unexpected elements can engage and captivate your donors, making the event more memorable.

Another idea could be preparing personalized tokens of appreciation for each donor attending the event. These can be small gifts, such as customized keychains, bookmarks, or handwritten inspirational notes. The personal touch demonstrates your attention to detail and reinforces the appreciation you have for their support.

By incorporating surprise elements, you can elevate your donor appreciation event to new heights and create a truly exceptional experience for your supporters.

5. Showcase Collaborative Achievements

Highlight the collaborative achievements made possible by the partnership between your organization and its donors. This approach not only recognizes the impact of their contributions but also emphasizes the collective effort. You can do this through:

  • An Impact Wall. Create a donor recognition wall or display area at the event where you can showcase photos, stories, and tangible results of projects or initiatives that were made possible by donor support. Use visual elements such as infographics or videos to effectively communicate the progress and achievements. Encourage donors to interact with the display to learn more, ask questions, and share their thoughts.
  • Collaborative Presentations. Incorporate collaborative presentations or panel discussions into the event program. Invite beneficiaries, staff members, and donors to share their experiences, perspectives, and success stories. This allows donors to witness the direct impact of their contributions and fosters a sense of pride and connection to the outcomes.

6. Engage Your Board Members

Involve your board members actively in your cultivation event. Give them an official welcome role, making them the first faces donors see upon arrival. Additionally, they can introduce guests to one another, stimulating conversations, and engage with those who may be more reserved.

Consider assigning board members to converse with high-profile guests during the event. Encourage them to initiate casual discussions, such as asking for initial impressions of your organization. Avoid any direct requests for donations; instead, focus on genuinely getting to know individuals while sharing important information about your nonprofit.

Pro tip: Highlight your board members by assigning them a color-coded name tag to differentiate them from other guests.

7. Prioritize Your Guest List

While all of your guests that will attend your cultivation event serve a purpose, there will undoubtedly be some guests that are on your V.I.P. list.

These very important people may include:

  • Long-term donors
  • Donors with deep pockets
  • People you are cultivating for a future gift

These priority guests should not only be paid special attention but there should also be a plan on how to engage them. Prior to the cultivation event, find out who they are, why they are coming, and any background information that could be used as a conversation starter, such as a hobby they are interested in. Assign these prospects to your staff and board members so they make it a point to talk to them throughout the evening.

8. Determine Your Budget

Incorporate cultivation events into your annual nonprofit budget to determine the allocated funds accurately. Consider the following costs when planning your event:

    • Food and drink — Catering, open bar, appetizers
      Money saver: Purchase your alcohol from a local grocery store.


    • Venue — Space rental fees
      Money saver: Hold the event at a board member’s house.


    • Flowers — Hiring a florist to create and deliver center-pieces
      Money saver: Pick up ready-made bouquets at the grocery store or from a local florist.


    • Equipment Rental — Extra chairs, tables
      Money saver: Skip the chair covers.


    • Entertainment — You may need to pay for or provide travel expenses for special guests
      Money saver: Hire local talent.


    • Graphic Design — Invitations, marketing materials, pamphlets
      Money saver: If your office has the technology and staff, design in house.


    • Printing/materials — Professional printing costs for banners, signs, posters, marketing collateral, activities.
      Money saver: Print what you can using your own office printer and save the bigger projects for a professional.


9. Bring the Wow Factor

The day of your cultivation event has finally arrived, and your guests are eager to mingle with one another and your staff. Avoid keeping them waiting by opening the doors 15 minutes before the official start time for early birds.

Strategically position your board members to be the first people guests see upon entering. Set up a welcome table with guest name tags, and have staff or board members stationed there as well.

Appoint a single point person (which could be you) to oversee the smooth running of the event. The primary objective is to make your guests feel special and to express gratitude. Consider the following tips to achieve this:

      • Personally welcome each individual donor as they collect their name tag and check in.
      • Ensure key staff members and board members engage and mingle with donors throughout the event.
      • Keep food and drinks fully stocked and readily available.
      • Capture photos during the event, which can be used in future marketing materials, email newsletters, social media posts, and office bulletin boards to inspire and motivate employees.
      • Assign an employee to be the timekeeper, ensuring the event adheres to the schedule.
      • Pay attention to small details, such as ensuring there are enough seats for all guests during speaker presentations, providing pamphlets about your organization to each guest, and confirming the functionality of microphones before the event begins.

10. Follow Up With Attendees

Within a week of your cultivation event, send a thank-you letter to each person who attended, whether they made a donation or not. By promptly thanking your attendees you are not only being polite, but also cultivating the relationship you established at the event. This is also another opportunity to communicate and connect with your current and prospective donors.

Germaine Frechette of Great Blue Hill (GBH) says, “Most people don’t expect event follow up, so you have an opportunity to stand out among other organizations. Perhaps you have an attractive photo of the donor at the event—this is always a great reason to write and say, ‘Thanks for attending, great to meet you and here’s a nice memory.’”

Even no-shows should be sent follow-up letters. This is an opportunity to develop a relationship that could result in attendance at your next event or even a donation. Tell your no shows you are sorry they weren’t able to make it, give a brief event recap, include any pertinent materials handed out at the event, and say you hope to see them at the next one.

Ultimately, the goal should be to get to know your donors on a more personal level. This kind of relationship is what builds trust and deeper donor loyalty. Frechette adds,

Meaningful events keep the conversation going between the organization and its supporters. Like any relationship, the more you engage with someone, the more you learn about what motivates them into action.

Count on Classy

With Classy’s supercharged platform and tools, your nonprofit can throw the party of the year, leaving donors in awe and ready to support your cause. It’s all about creating an unforgettable experience that’s equal parts fun, engaging, and heartfelt. Classy brings the tech-savvy magic that amps up event planning while ensuring smooth operations.

So, grab your dancing shoes, prepare to mingle, and let Classy be your partner in nonprofit partying. Together, we’ll help elevate your donor management initiatives and make a lasting impact on your mission.

Cheers to unforgettable events and changing the world, Classy style!


Article Sources

    1. Burk, Penelope. Donor-Centered Leadership. 1st ed., Cygnus Applied Research, 2003.
Nonprofit How-to: Creating a Donation Receipt Wed, 05 Jul 2023 07:00:13 +0000 Just as people expect a receipt when they purchase an item from a store, your supporters expect a donation receipt when they donate to your nonprofit organization. Clear and consistent nonprofit donation receipts help build trust with your donors

These also help keep your bookkeeping organized, creating greater financial transparency. Plus, your nonprofit must send donation receipts to maintain its status as a tax-exempt organization.

Streamlining and automating the process of formatting and sending donation receipts can help your nonprofit grow by redirecting the time spent on these financial admin tasks to amplifying your mission. To help make that more achievable, you’ll need to know the basic requirements of donation receipts and how to make yours stand out. 

Below, we cover everything you need to know about creating a donation receipt letter for tax purposes.

What Is a Donation Receipt?

A donation receipt is a written acknowledgment to your donor of their contribution to your cause. In addition to showing donor appreciation, these messages help your supporters file their annual income tax return deductions and help your charitable organization keep good internal records of gifts. 

5 Types of Donation Receipts

While every donation receipt serves the same purpose, there are a few formats you might send based on the type of donation, such as cash donations versus donated items. These are the five main donation receipt categories:

  1. Monetary donation receipts: This receipt acknowledges cash contributions donated by credit card, PayPal, or another preferred payment method.
  2. In-kind donation receipts: This receipt acknowledges the value of the goods or services donated to your nonprofit. For example, when people bring items to a Goodwill donation center, they can receive documentation of their gift.
  3. Quid pro quo donation receipts: This receipt reflects goods or services your nonprofit provides in exchange for a donation. For example, supporters may receive meals and drinks in exchange for nonprofit event registration fees, or an attendee may receive a silent auction item in exchange for donating the highest bid.
  4. Stock donation receipts: This receipt details when a supporter donates stock shares of a company to your nonprofit. It includes the corporation’s name and the number of gifted shares.
  5. End-of-year donation receipts: This receipt (also called a year-end giving statement) totals every gift a supporter donated to your nonprofit throughout the year. It helps taxpayers determine potential tax deductions on their annual filings.

When Is a Nonprofit Donation Receipt Required?

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has specific legal requirements for when to send donation tax receipts.1 Always check the IRS website for the latest nonprofit requirements. In general, these scenarios include:

  • When a donor’s charitable contributions are $250 or more
  • When a donor receives goods or services for donations greater than $75
  • When a donor specifically requests a receipt for the amount of the donation

These requirements apply to all donations, regardless of whether a supporter provided their gift in cash, stocks, or in-kind support. Failing to send donation receipts in these instances can cost your nonprofit a penalty of $10 per donation and up to $5,000 for a single fundraising campaign.

While these situations require nonprofits to send charitable donation receipts, it’s best practice to send them for all donor contributions. Following this process keeps your nonprofit more organized and ensures ongoing compliance. Plus, you don’t have to print these receipts —you can share and store them electronically as long as you send them to the donor.

How Do I Write a Nonprofit Donation Receipt?

Your donation receipt can be a mailed thank you letter or an emailed acknowledgment. Select a process that works best for your nonprofit. For example, you may consider emailing receipts for individual donations supporters make throughout the year, then mailing a more formal end-of-year donation receipt that totals their contributions.

When writing your donation receipts, customize them to continue to tell your nonprofit’s story. Keep these four steps in mind during the process:

  1. Keep the formatting simple: The goal of donation receipts is straightforward, so your formatting can be too. That’s not to say it shouldn’t have a professional design, but the priority is on the content.
  2. Include your branding: Donation receipts benefit from clear nonprofit branding, so include your logo and other brand elements. Leading with your brand makes the receipt look professional while reminding people of your mission.
  3. Thank donors for their contribution: Donors should know how much they mean to your organization, so take every opportunity to show them your appreciation. Include a brief paragraph on your receipt explaining how the supporter’s donation will impact your mission.
  4. Automate the process: Strong nonprofit fundraising software can send electronic receipts instantly to save you time and printing costs.

How to Create Tax-Compliant Donation Receipts

Even though nonprofit donation receipts can look different, there are legal requirements for specific elements you’ll need to include. You should always have the following information on your donation receipts:

  • Name of the organization
  • Donor’s name
  • Recorded date of the donation
  • Amount of cash contribution or fair market value of in-kind goods and services
  • Organization’s 501(c)(3) status
  • Acknowledgment that donors didn’t receive any goods or services for the donation (when applicable)
  • An estimate of goods and services exchanged (when applicable) 

Note: Religious organizations don’t have to describe or assign value to intangible religious benefits.

Those are the basics, but you can take your receipts to the next level by adding a few other elements. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Your organization’s EIN or ID number
  • Your contact information (such as website, phone number, and address)
  • Your short message of appreciation
  • Your executive director’s signature 

Donation Receipt FAQs

The IRS should always be your number one source of information for the latest requirements on donation receipts, but here are a few answers to frequently asked questions.

1. Does the IRS check donation receipts?

Yes. The IRS may not check every individual donation receipt, but it’s best to operate as if it does. You want to be ready if the IRS decides to check your records.

Incomplete records could mean disqualification of your tax-exempt status, and you don’t want to cause any frustration for your donors over an easily correctable mistake.

2. Can you use a donation receipt template?

Yes. First, craft the outline of your donation receipt with all the legal requirements included. Then, you can customize this basic template based on donation type, such as noncash contributions or monetary support. Just be sure to review your donation receipt templates annually to make any necessary updates.

3. Do you need to send recurring donors monthly donation receipts?

As long as you send a recurring donor an end-of-year donation receipt with the total amount of their gifts from that year, you don’t need to send them a receipt every month. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. Ask your donor if they’d prefer to receive the monthly receipt in addition to your year-end statement.

If you don’t send monthly receipts, plan to send an initial thank you receipt at the start of a donor’s participation in recurring giving and each anniversary afterward. Share how much you appreciate their ongoing support and that, while they shouldn’t expect a monthly receipt, they can expect monthly updates about your work. 

Send Donation Receipts to Protect Your Nonprofit Eligibility and Strengthen Donor Relationships

Donation receipts are a crucial part of your nonprofit’s operations and administration. These communications help with donor retention through heightened donor trust and support your organization’s recordkeeping.

Classy helps make the donation receipt process easy. Once supporters submit their donation form, they’ll receive an automated email with their donation information that thanks them for their support. This helps free up your time to keep doing the critical work your donors want to see. You can also customize the appearance and messaging of your donation receipts using Classy’s content blocks and other email features

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

Article Source

1. “Charitable Contributions: Substantiation and Disclosure Requirements,” Internal Revenue Service, last modified March 2016,

HubSpot for Nonprofits: Brilliant Ways to Market and Generate More Donations Mon, 03 Jul 2023 07:00:00 +0000 Intentional, personal relationships with people who care deeply about your work and mission are at the heart of nonprofit success. Creating connected fundraising experiences that deliver meaningful stories to the right individuals at the right time is the first step in establishing those critical connections and building strong donor engagement. 

Today, we’re taking a deep dive into one of the most critical pieces of any nonprofit tech stack: customer relationship management (CRM). We’ll specifically use HubSpot for Nonprofits as our CRM software example and detail why a HubSpot integration into your online fundraising platform is critical to generating more donations.

Consider this your comprehensive guide to harnessing the power of HubSpot’s CRM and marketing platform and amplifying your impact directly. 

We’ll cover:

  • Improving donor management processes
  • Personalizing your nonprofit communications 
  • Maximizing impact using HubSpot’s deal pipeline with Classy
  • Employing donor segmentation as a key marketing strategy for nonprofits
  • Analyzing nonprofit data and metrics with HubSpot and Classy

The Power of HubSpot for Nonprofits

HubSpot for Nonprofits offers organizations access to the leading CRM and marketing hub at a discounted (sometimes free) rate. 

When managing donor relationships, segmenting supporters, creating personalized campaigns, and analyzing data, HubSpot’s CRM functionality is the go-to for over 4,000 forward-thinking organizations. 

5 Reasons Why Nonprofits Gravitate Toward HubSpot

  • Digital marketing becomes data driven: HubSpot’s CRM software helps you manage donor and volunteer relationships by tracking critical interactions, creating targeted communications, and leveraging A/B testing to track outreach effectiveness for future planning 
  • Donor segmentation is simple and organized: HubSpot helps you gain a more organized view into every donor and volunteer with segmented lists that group your supporters into clear categories, such as loyal donors, first-time donors, inactive donors, donors in specific locations, event attendees, and many others
  • You save time but don’t sacrifice quality: HubSpot helps you create messages that resonate and schedule them to automatically send to the right audience, at the right moment, for the most impactful interactions, thanks to accessible email and inbound marketing tools
  • There’s always something to learn and improve on: HubSpot helps you track your data in an easy-to-use dashboard to quickly identify opportunities to improve, whether website performance, email campaigns, social media management, or any other area of interest
  • The value far outweighs the cost: HubSpot helps nonprofit organizations that hold 501(c)(3) status by offering significant discounts on its tools, allowing them to operate at the scale of for-profit organizations without a huge budget barrier*

*With pricing, it’s always a good idea to check in with the HubSpot for Nonprofits website or contact the team to see what eligibility criteria might apply to your unique organization. 

Why Intentional Marketing Matters

Online giving opened up a new realm of fundraising for nonprofits beyond the scope of physical locations. It also reminded us of the sector’s constant rate of change and the value associated with intentional evolution. Today’s donors want to hear from nonprofits through the channels they prefer and use most often, such as social media, mobile web browsers, and apps. 

In today’s saturated digital landscape, you may feel like you need to be everywhere to prompt moments of inspiration to give effectively. While diversifying your nonprofit marketing strategy is key, the more critical piece of the puzzle is identifying the most effective, impactful places to dedicate your resources to achieve the largest return on investment for your nonprofit organization. 

Also, the importance of personalizing those touchpoints to make each supporter feel special cannot be understated. Marketing automation and quick email templates can help, but donors also know when they receive a robotic-templated message as a follow-up to their actions. 

So how do you present your cause in all the right places but maintain your personality and authenticity? 

That’s where connected fundraising comes in with tools like HubSpot. Get strategic about establishing and nurturing relationships with donors and confident you’re not losing the humanistic feeling that makes all the difference in your nonprofit marketing strategy.


Taking It Up a Notch With a Classy + HubSpot Integration

By now, you’re starting to see how impactful HubSpot’s data can be in fueling your supporters’ journeys from their first impression to celebrating their 10th donor anniversary. The Classy + HubSpot Integration, built by Lynton, helps you peel back a new layer of data-driven decision-making and growth.

Integrating Classy with HubSpot brings two critical systems together for change. Discover how. 

Let’s Take a Look

The biggest benefit of Classy and HubSpot platform integrations is unlocking new pathways for data to travel without requiring anything more from your team. 

Together, integrated data sets create richer insights that allow you to see the entire donor journey. So instead of simply tracking one element of their donor journeys, you receive a 360-degree view of supporters’ involvement. That means you can see marketing patterns that lead to your most successful campaign performance, areas of opportunity to promote an upcoming event, and communication prompts for a recurring gift.

Data on each interaction provides visibility into meaningful trends across your donor base and a reliable full view of individual activity despite how your community scales over time. This information leads to solid marketing campaigns and fundraising plans that reflect the needs and interests of each supporter in your network.

How to Integrate Classy and HubSpot

Organizations can integrate Classy by SyncSmart Integration to sync data into HubSpot’s contact activity and deals. 

Data fields that sync back and forth include:

  • Classy Supporters to HubSpot Contacts
  • Classy Transactions and Recurring Donation Plans to HubSpot Deals
  • HubSpot Contacts to Classy Supporters
  • HubSpot Deals to Classy Transactions
  • HubSpot Deals to Classy Recurring Donation Plans

Lynton is also here to help nonprofit organizations integrate Classy and HubSpot no matter the situation or customization required. 

See It in Action: Classy and HubSpot Case Study

The Cornell Feline Health Center is a proud organization using Classy and HubSpot for Nonprofits to drive its mission forward. With the help of Media Cause, a mission-driven nonprofit marketing agency, the Cornell Feline Health Center built a strong partnership between the two solutions that fit exactly what the nonprofit wanted.

The team wanted a change and sought out a multifaceted solution that offered:

  • An easy way to retain existing records of memberships 
  • A superior experience for members and staff administrators
  • A more efficient use of HubSpot to help track and scale the nonprofit’s programs
  • An improvement in functionality to make reporting simpler

With Media Cause’s expertise and onboarding, the Cornell Feline Health Center had three core campaigns, each with an optimized donation form, to boost conversion rates and gain access to cleaner data in HubSpot. 

Now, the organization has a holistic view of each member’s interactions from before the switch and even more insight as donors engage with the integrated systems. 

Real-time communication and reporting in HubSpot gives the Cornell Feline Health Center informed outreach and clarity about the most effective marketing workflows as it continues to scale.


Get One Step Closer to Connected Fundraising

You know your story best and deserve the tools to get it out in a way that pulls in support for your greatest potential impact. A deeper understanding of your supporter relationships and intentional communications across email, SMS, content-rich landing pages, and other inbound channels help you do what you do best. Each interaction is an opportunity for donor retention and expanding your circle.

The teams at HubSpot and Classy are excited and ready to chat through any questions about the integration as you imagine how your donor journey can unfold with the support of connected data insights. 

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien


Unlocking Time-Savings and Cost Efficiency With AI Tools for Nonprofits Thu, 29 Jun 2023 07:00:47 +0000 Time is an invaluable asset for nonprofits, making it crucial for them to maximize efficiency to allocate more resources toward the core mission. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools, like ChatGPT, provide a game-changing solution by automating time-consuming tasks, freeing up valuable hours to redirect toward meaningful work.

Whether automating data entry, generating AI video content, leveraging writing tools to elevate your reports, or streamlining administrative processes, AI-powered systems can handle these tasks with remarkable precision, allowing nonprofit teams to focus on what matters most—making a difference.

In this blog, we’ll explore 12 of the best AI tools nonprofits can use to streamline internal workflows, inform decision-making with predictive AI models, elevate marketing and brand messaging, and increase outputs in less time to propel their missions forward.

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What Value Can AI Tools Offer Nonprofits?

As alluded to above, nonprofits often face resource constraints and limited budgets, making it essential to maximize funds. Increased efficiency translates into cost savings and improved productivity, contributing to greater impact and scaled services.

For starters, nonprofits often struggle to reach target audiences effectively and communicate their missions in a crowded digital landscape, especially now with Google’s new AI search experience taking effect. AI tools and machine learning can help address these challenges by analyzing large amounts of data to uncover audience preferences, behaviors, and trends.

Additionally, AI design and copywriting tools, like image generation and natural language content engines, can help take your brand to the next level. Do you struggle to build or optimize your website? Have you ever experienced writer’s block when sending email appeals? Do you have a vision in mind for your nonprofit logo but can’t get it onto paper? AI tools can solve these problems and more.

Although we’ve only scratched the surface, this captures the sentiment that AI tools can empower nonprofits to do more with less. Let’s explore a few of the specific user-friendly tools your team can start leveraging today to strengthen your social impact and raise more for your community.

12 AI Tools for Nonprofits to Help Amplify Output


1. AdCopy

AdCopy AI can help alleviate the stress of formulating ad copy for your fundraising initiatives and achieve your anticipated result in less time with fewer resources.

The tool’s AI is specifically for direct-response marketing and driving conversions. You can leverage high-speed autofill to generate and paste your copy into your Ads Manager and maximize its full customization capabilities to craft the perfect ad that reflects your cause.

If you’re interested in this functionality but less inclined to invest in a new tool or AI platform, most ad platforms have already built or have started to build this into existing technology. I encourage you to research whether your current ad platform has or is developing free in-engine AI writing tools that can help you achieve similar results.

2. Buffer

Buffer AI Assistant is a content creator’s dream, providing reliable social media management tools that help your nonprofit create content faster, run experiments, boost engagement, and repurpose social media posts with ease. Create personalized content for your target audiences and set nonprofit brand guidelines that specify your voice and tone to ensure consistency across channels.

Buffer can also assist with translating analytics, navigating comments, building customized landing pages, and generating ideas. Plus, there is a free plan option for those getting started with social media and wanting to get comfortable with the basics. This option includes tools that assist with planning and publishing, generating landing pages, and AI-powered optimizations.

3. Canva Magic Write

Magic Write, powered by OpenAI, is Canva’s AI text generator built to help you write faster and complete content creation tasks in seconds. This content generator can help your nonprofit write anything from social media captions and website copy to email appeals and blog posts.

Take advantage of Magic Write by simply entering a few keywords as a prompt, and it will transform your prompt into high-quality content ready to tweak, refine, and make yours.

4. Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO can provide the workflow to boost your organic traffic, increase visibility, and improve rankings. This AI technology streamlines content creation by researching, writing, and optimizing your words to help your team create more and capture more traffic.

With Surfer SEO, your nonprofit can generate briefs, blogs, and annual reports, write and optimize content in any language, and ensure your writing is plagiarism-free. This is done with search engine optimization in mind—the key to navigating Google’s algorithms and sustaining healthy web performance.

Design & Digital Experiences

5. 10Web

10Web AI Website Builder helps you build or recreate any website in minutes. Create a one-of-a-kind platform that meets your organizational needs and reflects your impactful work through content and images.

Start by answering a few simple questions about your organization, and the AI will generate tailored content based on your responses. You can customize its outputs, add more pages, and complete your website with personal touches. The tool also offers widgets to premium account holders that edit every design element of your website.

6. Adobe Generative Recolor

Generative Recolor, currently in beta, is part of an innovative new suite of AI-powered capabilities powered by Adobe Firefly. Available through the Illustrator app, this tool is for designers and marketers to fine-tune their brand identity, adjust marketing materials, or generate fresh takes on past vector designs, illustrations, or assets,

Nonprofits can use Generative Recolor for any vector design. Personalize your work from the sample color palette prompts provided or enter your color palette prompt inspired by your brand. Whichever experience you try, your designers and volunteers will save time and resources on what used to be a tedious, manual task.

7. Framer

Framer AI offers a complete set of tools to design and maintain a stunning nonprofit website. Generate and publish your site with AI in seconds based on the details you provide. Each section is a unique combination of layout, copy, and styling to capture your brand story and communicate the impact of your cause.

Leverage Framer AI’s built-in copywriter to improve your site’s storytelling and calls to action, elevate your visual navigation to make it easier for donors to find their way around your site, and implement search engine optimizations to improve your site’s Google ranking. Plus, Framer AI automatically formats everything you create for desktop, tablet, and mobile.

8. FullStory

FullStory helps identify what’s working on your site—and what’s not—with data to inform smarter decisions. Use its proprietary automated-capture technology to see where and why users struggle with your website, identify root causes or opportunities for improvement, and practice continued optimization to scale your supporter base and raise more.

After all, creating a unified digital destination is key to upholding a cohesive narrative across all channels, making it easier for donors to familiarize themselves with your organization’s mission, values, and impact. Plus, a poor user experience impacts loyalty and revenue, so finding ways to elevate the steps between acquisition and long-term retention is integral to fundraising.

9. Adobe Photoshop With Generative Fill

Generative Fill can support your nonprofit’s photo editing and art generation tasks, from simple retouches to expert-level refinements. Quickly create, add to, remove, or replace image elements within Adobe Photoshop with simple text prompts powered by Adobe Firefly’s generative AI. Currently, in beta, this AI image technology can help your team push its creative boundaries.

Remove the microphone stand in a photo of your keynote speaker addressing fundraising event attendees or extend the background of an image your volunteer took while supporting crisis relief efforts. Although seemingly small touches, these elevations to your images can open the door to greater storytelling opportunities.

10. Stockimg AI

Stockimg.AI helps nonprofits generate logos, stock images, illustrations, art, and more. With a base of over 1 million users, this AI tool has proven its ability to generate standout creations that consistently exceed expectations.

Need ways to represent your daily impact better? Create images with AI that help tell your story. Ready to launch a new recurring giving program? Leverage Stockimg.AI to generate a fresh logo that celebrates your recurring donor community. You can also create stock images for each impact block displayed on your Classy crowdfunding campaign.

Task Automation

11. Tango

Tango instantly turns any process into a beautiful, shareable how-to guide with cropped screenshots and visuals that lead the way. Instead of screen sharing to walk your newest volunteers through the back end of your nonprofit customer relationship management software, Tango can help save the time you would spend conducting that training by automatically creating an interactive walk-through and detailed templates anyone can easily understand.

12. Krisp

Krisp improves the productivity of online meetings with its AI-powered meeting assistant tools. Are you tired of note-taking while your team runs through a new campaign idea or jotting down all the numbers discussed in your quarterly budget meeting? This tool’s automatic meeting transcription removes that barrier, allowing you to engage with your colleagues in real-time.

Additionally, we all know the pain of a lackluster online meeting when your co-worker’s dog barks over everyone or the echo of your office conference room makes it impossible to understand your boss. Krisp’s voice clarity tool includes background noise cancellation, call summaries, and more to elevate a better experience for everyone involved.

Unlock Your Nonprofit’s Potential With AI Tools

AI tools hold immense potential for nonprofits to unlock time-savings and cost efficiency and elevate marketing strategies and brand messaging. By embracing these no-code technologies, nonprofits can maximize efficiency, amplify outputs, and propel their missions forward with a greater sense of purpose and effectiveness.

If your 501(c)(3) nonprofit is on a mission to raise more and do more this year, we encourage you to discover how Classy can serve as your fundraising partner. Request a demo to dive into the top features of our comprehensive fundraising platform or learn how Classy fuels nonprofits to achieve goals from our extensive library of customer stories.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

Beyond the Numbers: Understanding Nonprofit Ratings & Their Impact Wed, 28 Jun 2023 07:00:21 +0000 According to Classy’s State of Modern Philanthropy 2023 report, supporters are more activated than ever. Yet, donation volume and the number of donors decreased by 1.7% and 10%, respectively, year over year. One of the challenges driving this philanthropic paradox is fierce competition for donors’ attention.

And while supporters feel inundated with daily ads and a digital landscape that’s saturated and fragmented, these same barriers also make it more difficult for nonprofits to get through the noise and in front of the right donor at the right time. Nonprofit ratings are a tool you can use to help differentiate your organization and stand out in today’s crowded online space.

Additionally, during economic slowdowns, supporters often have fewer dollars to spend. So naturally, they want to ensure their donations go to nonprofits they trust will best use their money to address the causes most important to them. Reviewing nonprofit ratings may be one of their decision-making steps.

Below, we’ll explore the factors considered when evaluating a nonprofit, the organizations that calculate these ratings, and the strategies for improving yours. We’ll also cover the limitations of nonprofit ratings and provide tips on how to communicate your impact and story beyond the numbers.

Nonprofit Ratings: Why They Matter and What They Measure

Various organizations compile nonprofit ratings. These groups are typically nonprofits themselves, with an aim to help donors make informed donation decisions and bring greater nonprofit transparency to the sector. Chief among these groups’ responsibilities is to aggregate information about nonprofits, such as financial statements and IRS Form 990s, and publish evaluations for the public to access.

Charity ratings measure management effectiveness and funding efficiency for nonprofits. Top-rated nonprofits are financially sound, demonstrate meaningful impact toward their missions, and have donors’ trust.

Supporters may turn to nonprofit ratings to help them decide between two advocacy organizations working on the same issue. They may also keep an eye out for warnings from charity rating organizations about nonprofits disregarding best practices.

Nonprofit ratings offer a quantitative measure of how well your nonprofit operates. A positive rating can add an extra boost to your fundraising efforts and elevate your nonprofit brand strategy.

A Comparison of Different Methodologies for Nonprofit Ratings

Organizations such as GiveWell, GlobalGiving, and GreatNonprofits dedicate themselves to evaluating nonprofits and providing comprehensive ratings. Below are four additional groups—arguably the most well-known—for calculating nonprofit ratings, along with the details of what each organization considers when conducting evaluations.

Charity Navigator

Charity Navigator issues star ratings for nearly 200,000 tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charities. The organization calculates ratings based on a weighted sum of beacon scores for four areas (each on a scale of 0 to 100) to create an overall picture of nonprofit effectiveness:

  1. Accountability & Finance
  2. Impact & Results
  3. Leadership & Adaptability
  4. Culture & Community

All organizations have an Accountability & Finance score based on their IRS Form 990 filing and can earn more beacons by submitting additional information via their Nonprofit Portal. This information includes a nonprofit’s mission, vision statement, strategy, equity and feedback practices, and in some cases, programmatic results.

“The additional beacons are designed to look more holistically at a nonprofit‘s performance, giving donors additional information beyond just Finance & Accountability to make more informed giving decisions.” —Laura Andes, Charity Navigator’s Chief Program Officer

A nonprofit’s weighted score then gets translated into a star rating from 0 to 4, but only if Charity Navigator has enough information in the Impact & Results and Accountability & Finance areas.

Charity Navigator publishes lists of the best overall nonprofits, highest-ranking nonprofits by cause, and top-rated timely nonprofits. For example, the site lists the best nonprofits to donate to for Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May and includes another list in June for Pride Month.

Only organizations with four stars and at least two beacons are eligible for these highly viewed lists. Through the organization’s Giving Basket feature, supporters can also make donations to their favorite nonprofits through the donate button on its Charity Navigator page.

BBB Wise Giving Alliance

The Better Business Bureau hosts to evaluate the trustworthiness of tax-deductible public charities through its 20 BBB Standards for Charity Accountability. Nonprofits complete a questionnaire about these standards, which cover four areas of nonprofit operations:

  1. Governance: This area includes board oversight, size, meetings, compensation, and conflict of interest policies.
  2. Results reporting: This area includes policies and reporting procedures on a nonprofit’s effectiveness at meeting its fundraising goals.
  3. Finances: This area includes program and fundraising expenses, audits, accumulating funds, and nonprofit budgeting.
  4. Truthful transparent communications: This area includes accurate materials, your nonprofit annual reports, website disclosure, donor privacy policies, and complaint procedures.

For each standard, BBB Wise Giving Alliance will mark it as met, not met, or unverifiable. Nonprofits that meet all 20 standards are BBB Accredited Charities and can opt to pay a fee to use the BBB Accredited Charity Seal on their nonprofit website and other materials.


CharityWatch describes itself as America’s most independent, assertive charity watchdog. Rather than relying on nonprofit organizations to submit impact reports and IRS data, the group conducts its own in-depth analysis of a nonprofit’s audited financial statements, tax filings, state solicitation filings, and other information.

After this analysis, CharityWatch calculates two measurements:

  1. Program %: The percent of total expenses a nonprofit spent on its programs that year
  2. Cost to Raise $100: The total amount spent per $100 raised

From this information, CharityWatch assigns a nonprofit a final efficiency rating ranging from A+ to F. The watchdog has completed this analysis for more than 600 charities, generally focusing on those that receive $1 million or more in public donations annually. However, it doesn’t take requests for which nonprofits it analyzes in any given year.

CharityWatch typically updates the rating, governance, and salary information for each charity every other fiscal year.


Candid, formed in 2019, was a merger between GuideStar and Foundation Center. It still uses the GuideStar name to refer to its branch of programming focused on providing donors with comprehensive data and insights on nonprofits.

While the organization doesn’t provide ratings to nonprofits, a nonprofit can earn Candid Seals of Transparency based on the information it voluntarily provides in its Candid profile. There are different data requirements that build on each other for the four levels of seals:

  1. Bronze: This level includes basic information, such as contact information, donation information, mission, leadership information, and grantmaker status.
  2. Silver: This level includes program names, descriptions, and geographic areas served, plus brand information, like logo, tagline, website, and social media handles.
  3. Gold: This level includes the current year’s financials, nonprofit board members’ names, and leader demographics.
  4. Platinum: This level includes strategic plans or responses to two questions on strategy and goals, plus one metric from the current year.

This is a low-barrier approach for nonprofits looking to establish ratings online.

Advantages and Drawbacks of Nonprofit Ratings

Nonprofit ratings become part of your brand identity, which can help your organization gain donor trust. Donors can then find the information they need about you, when they need the information, and in transparent, accessible forms. Plus, if you’re listed as one of the top charities by these watchdogs, you also have an opportunity to reach a wider audience.

However, nonprofit rankings also have drawbacks, like not capturing your latest innovations. For example, if you’ve recently launched a new program or announced an impactful partnership, supporters won’t see that in your nonprofit rating. While nonprofit ratings provide some of your nonprofit’s quantitative data, you may not be able to use the sites to share qualitative data that can strengthen donors’ connections to your cause.

Relying solely on nonprofit ratings to drive donor trust and create an active community of supporters isn’t enough. You need to pair the numbers with your overall brand story. For example, you could:

  • Highlight how you support your staff through a series of Instagram stories
  • Build donor trust with a modern donation site and consistent communications
  • Show that you value donors’ opinions by sending a post-event survey
  • Use social media to highlight key announcements and interact with supporters

4 Strategies for Improving Your Nonprofit’s Rating

According to nonprofit rating systems, there are a few things you can do to help increase your score and position yourself as one of the best charities.

1. Submit Voluntary Data to Charity Rating Sites

Most charity rating organizations rely, at least in part, on nonprofits’ participation. Set up your profile on different sites and provide basic information to ensure you get included.

2. Ask Your Board Members for Help

Managing these profiles is an ongoing effort that requires time your staff may not have available. Let your nonprofit board members know why these ratings are worth their time, and ask for volunteers to keep your information updated on the different sites.

3. Ensure Your Financial Data Is Transparent

Donors want to know about your organization’s financial health. So make sure your Form 990 and financial audits are accessible on your website. This allows supporters to see how their funding is helping you make a difference.

4. Leverage Annual Reports and Social Media to Communicate Impact

Charity watchdogs look for how well you meet your mission, so tell your nonprofit’s story far and wide. Use annual reports to distill key data, share beneficiary stories on your social media channels, and talk about how donors have helped you grow with intentional language on your online donation forms. Ensure that when someone searches for your nonprofit, they find endless examples of your impact.

Be Mindful of Nonprofit Ratings in Your Overall Brand Strategy

Charitable organizations shouldn’t rely solely on nonprofits’ ratings but consider them part of an overall brand strategy. These public-facing profiles can be powerful nonprofit marketing tools that encourage individual donors to trust your nonprofit.

So be sure to incorporate nonprofit ratings when telling your nonprofit’s story to strengthen relationships with your donors and the public.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

12 Celebrity Activists Making a Difference Mon, 19 Jun 2023 07:00:00 +0000 Celebrity activists can be a powerful game changer for social impact organizations. A celebrity’s fan base, social media following, and public relations opportunities empower them to highlight a problem and promote nonprofits making a difference.

Whether they’ve started organizations or partnered with existing ones, here are 12 celebrity activists using their platforms to fight for causes close to their hearts.

1. Glenn Close

CAUSE: Mental Health



Glenn Close has been acting in television and film for over 40 years, appearing in movies such as “The Big Chill,” “Fatal Attraction,” “101 Dalmatians,” “The Stepford Wives,” and many more. She has six Oscar nominations, the most recent being for best actress in the 2011 film “Albert Nobbs.” But off camera, Close co-founded Bring Change 2 Mind, a nonprofit organization working to end the stigma attached to mental illness.

The Close family knows firsthand the challenges people living with mental illness face. Close’s sister has bipolar disorder, and her nephew has schizoaffective disorder.

Bring Change 2 Mind produces public service announcements and organizes social media campaigns to get people talking about their experiences with mental illness to end the stigma and discrimination.

2. Stephen and Ayesha Curry

CAUSE: Childhood Hunger Relief



Stephen Curry is one of the brightest stars of the NBA. Just when you thought he couldn’t top himself after winning the NBA Most Valuable Player Award in 2015, he won again in 2016 by an unprecedented unanimous vote.

But between practices, travel, games, and Nike commercials, Stephen and his wife, Ayesha, fight to end childhood hunger through the Stephen and Ayesha Curry Eat.Learn.Play. Foundation, which they founded in 2019 with a focus on improving the lives of kids and families in Oakland, the San Francisco Bay Area, and across the country.

The organization is committed to unlocking the unique potential of every child by ensuring students have access to quality education, food, and safe places to play and be active.

Anchored around the message that children are our future, the organization strives to develop partnerships and initiatives that make a positive impact for generations to come.

Reading is a crucial building block to academic success and unlocking lifelong opportunities, which is why we’ve made early literacy the focus of our LEARN pillar. We want to encourage kids to read by making it accessible, fun and inspirational.

Stephen and Ayesha Curry1

3. Michael J. Fox

CAUSE: Parkinson’s Disease



Michael J. Fox is perhaps best known for starring as Marty McFly in the “Back to the Future” trilogy, but his foundation is shaping the future of research on Parkinson’s disease. This degenerative neurological disorder can affect motor function, memory, and mood and manifest in other symptoms.

Fox found fame acting in the 1980s’ TV series “Family Ties” and went on to star in TV shows, like “Spin City” and “The Good Wife,” and films, such as “Teen Wolf” and “Stuart Little.” After a young-onset Parkinson’s diagnosis in 1991, he shared his condition publicly in 1998. In 2000, he founded the Michael J. Fox Foundation to find a cure and improve therapies with aggressive, risk-taking research.

Since its inception, the foundation has funded more than $450 million in research on Parkinson’s disease. Its work focuses on a wide range of things, including treatments focused on enzyme activity, a vaccine to slow the disease, and a single scale for measuring dyskinesia, the involuntary movements characterizing Parkinson’s most visible symptom.

4. Angelina Jolie

CAUSE: Refugee Welfare



Angelina Jolie has acted in many Hollywood blockbusters, including “Mr. & Mrs. Smith,” “A Mighty Heart,” and “Maleficent.” But after filming the movie “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” in war-torn Cambodia, the actress began a life of humanitarian work.

The experience made her contact the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to get involved. In her first year with the organization, Jolie visited refugee camps in Sierra Leone and Tanzania, donated $1 million to aid Afghan refugees, and became a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador.

Jolie has been working with the agency for years and has traveled on dozens of field missions. She serves as Special Envoy for refugee issues and continues promoting awareness and aid for displaced people worldwide.

5. Willie Nelson

CAUSE: Family Farms



Willie Nelson has been a country music fixture since the 1960s, having released 68 studio albums. Fans love him for songs like “Always on My Mind” and “On the Road Again” and continue to see the 83-year-old as he tours across the country. Nelson’s influence, though, extends beyond the airwaves and country music charts.

In 1985, Nelson organized the first Farm Aid concert with Neil Young and John Mellencamp. More than 30 years later, the event continues bringing thousands together to celebrate family farmers, raise money, and inspire people to choose family farm food. Every year, Nelson and Farm Aid bring together some of the world’s greatest artists to promote their cause. Past performers include Bob Dylan, Billy Joel, B.B. King, The Beach Boys, Bonnie Raitt, Kris Kristofferson, Jewel, Tegan and Sara, and Matisyahu.

Since its beginning, Farm Aid has raised more than $50 million to support family farmers, with no signs of slowing down.

6. Tim Tebow

CAUSE: Human Trafficking



Tim Tebow was born in the Philippines to missionary parents and is best known as an American professional baseball player and former professional football player. His athletic accolades coincide with his passion for giving back and getting involved on even deeper levels as a three-time New York Times bestselling author, international speaker, and ESPN sports broadcaster.

Tebow started the Tim Tebow Foundation to bring faith, hope, and love to people who needed brightness during their darkest moments. He’s spent time encouraging children with life-threatening conditions, supporting adoptions of international children with special needs, crowning prom kings and queens, and showing love through outreach in many other creative ways.

At the age of 15, I visited a remote village that had never seen visitors. There I met a boy named Sherwin who would impact my life more than anyone I have ever met. Sherwin was born with his feet on backwards and was viewed as “cursed” in his village. When the people saw me hold Sherwin, they realized that the good news of Jesus Christ applies to everyone. It was then that my passion grew to help people.

Tim Tebow 2

7. Lauren Miller and Seth Rogen

CAUSE: Alzheimer’s Disease



Seth Rogan’s hilarious participation in shows and movies like “Neighbors,” “Superbad,” “Pineapple Express,” “The Interview,” and more has nearly made him a household name. This Canadian actor, comedian, and writer started with stand-up comedy as a teen, and today, he and his wife, Lauren Miller Rogan, are touching lives in entirely new ways.

Lauren is a screenwriter, director, producer, and philanthropist with a personal tie to Alzheimer’s disease. Her mother was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease at just 55 years old in 2012. That’s when she co-founded HFC with Seth Rogen to activate the next generation of advocates.

HFC is a national nonprofit on a mission to care for families impacted by Alzheimer’s disease, activate the next generation of Alzheimer’s advocates, and be a leader in brain health research and education.

After feeling really sad and angry for a long time, Seth and I realized that we had this platform and we could use it to change the caregiving experience while also changing the trajectory of Alzheimer’s in the long term by investing in young people and prevention. So we founded Hilarity for Charity (HFC) in 2012, which has been a concurrent career path of sorts for both of us ever since.

Lauren Miller Rogan 3

8. Gary Sinise

CAUSE: Supporting Military Veterans



Gary Sinise is best known from his four-decade stage, film, and television career. Does Lieutenant Dan Taylor in “Forrest Gump” ring a bell? That’s just one of the many roles that led Sinise to nominations for everything from Golden Globes to Academy Awards.

After the tragic events on September 11, 2001, Sinise focused on supporting those deploying in response. Because he felt the deep tie to veterans in his family and had supported military members for years, he took his activism to a new level and founded the Gary Sinise Foundation.

I believe we can never do enough to express our gratitude and give support to the men and women who willingly go into harm’s way to keep us safe and free, but we can always do a little more.

Gary Sinese 4

Recently, Amazon announced a multiyear commitment to supporting the Gary Sinise Foundation through employee volunteer hours at events throughout the country, donations of Amazon Alexa devices, and Amazon fresh groceries to new smart homes built for our nation’s wounded heroes.

9. America Ferrera

CAUSE: Racial Justice, Social Justice



America Ferrera took her passion for activism to become a co-founder of Harness, alongside Wilmer Valderrama and Ryan Piers Williams, after the 2016 presidential election. Ferrera is best known for her role as Betty Suarez in “Ugly Betty” and made her directorial debut with the Netflix adaptation of “I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter.”

Harness sets out to advance racial justice, gender justice, and civic justice. The organization focuses on culture change, community building, artist engagement, and industry impact by sharing the stories of the underrepresented and misrepresented communities in popular culture.

Since the election, so many fear that their voices will go unheard. As artists, women, and most importantly dedicated Americans, it is critical that we stand together in solidarity for the protection, dignity, and rights of our communities.

America Ferrera 5

Ferrera has been known to participate in women’s marches and speak to civil rights in her ongoing work. She also works alongside Eva Longoria Baston and other Latina leaders through a digital lifestyle community and nonprofit called Poderistas, which aims to transform lives, families, and communities through inspiration, information, and affirmation.

10. George and Amal Clooney

CAUSE: Human Rights Abuse



George Clooney is a name many of us know well. Countless accolades include a British Academy Film Award, four Golden Globe Awards, and two Academy Awards in his long career as an actor and filmmaker. His career started with a small part in a feature film after college and grew quickly.

One thing about George is that as his presence and influence grew, so did his charitable behavior. He considers himself a strong First Amendment advocate and spends his time committed to humanitarian causes, even presenting himself to the United Nations Security Council in response to international crises.

George and his wife, Amal, created the Clooney Foundation for Justice to combat the growing number of journalists and defenders of democracy being detained, prosecuted, and jailed. Their work supports women and girls, LGBTQ+ people, and individuals subject to unfair laws and targeted for abuse.

11. Emma Watson

CAUSE: Women’s Rights and Advocacy



Emma Watson has had a long and successful career as a British actor, from Hermione in the “Harry Potter” film series to Sam in “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.” In 2023, she received the Calvin Klein Emerging Star Award at the ELLE Women in Hollywood Awards and the Trailblazer Award at the MTV Movie Awards one year later.

By her mid-20s, Watson was already seeking a greater purpose in activism with involvement in promoting girls’ education and humanitarian efforts throughout Zambia and Bangladesh. In July 2014, Watson became the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador to continue her passion for empowering young women and gender equality.

Women’s rights are something so inextricably linked with who I am, so deeply personal and rooted in my life that I can’t imagine an opportunity more exciting. I still have so much to learn, but as I progress, I hope to bring more of my individual knowledge, experience, and awareness to this role.

Emma Watson 6

12. Leonardo DiCaprio

CAUSE: Environment, Climate Change, Animal Rights



Leonardo DiCaprio won our hearts over in “Titanic” and hasn’t stopped. His versatile acting skills earned him a huge stage for his activism as a prominent environmentalist in Los Angeles and around the world.

Today, DiCaprio is outspoken as an advocate for organizations from the World Wildlife Foundation to the Natural Resources Defense Council to the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

He founded the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation to continue as an environmental activist to support the causes that plague our world by restoring ecosystems and protecting endangered species. In 2007, DiCaprio co-wrote and produced a documentary about global warming titled “The 11th Hour.” Since then, he has continued to work on new and creative ways to bring important environmental causes to the forefront.

We only get one planet. Humankind must become accountable on a massive scale for the wanton destruction of our collective home. Protecting our future on this planet depends on the conscious evolution of our species.

Leonardo DiCaprio 7

Building Pathways to Raise More WIth Celebrity Activism

Actors, musicians, athletes, and other celebrities are uniquely positioned to affect social change because fame amplifies their voice. While none of this work is possible without the tireless commitment of nonprofit professionals and volunteers, many causes have benefitted from a celebrity ambassador or supporter.

At Classy, we will continue to support more organizations, promoting them and building relationships with strong figures who can increase their awareness and drive further impact for good. With GoFundMe and Classy’s combined giving community, we are the largest giving platform in the world. We use this to help you create giving experiences that center around your powerful story and make it simpler for anyone anywhere to get involved in dynamic campaigns.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

Article Sources

  1. “Stephen and Ayesha Curry Tackle Literacy Across Oakland,” Eat. Learn. Play., accessed June 9, 2023,
  2. “To Bring Faith, Hope and Love to Those Needing a Brighter Day in Their Darkest Hour of Need,” Tim Tebow Foundation, accessed June 9, 2023,
  3. “Hilarity For Charity: Lauren Miller Rogen’s Big Idea That Might Change the World,” Medium, last modified April 21, 2023,
  4. “Letter From Gary,” Gary Sinise Foundation, accessed June 9, 2023,
  5. “America Ferrera is All of Us as She Continues to Slam Trump,” Entity Magazine, September 8, 2017,
  6. “UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson,” UN Women, accessed June 9, 2023,
  7. “10 Quotes From Leonardo DiCaprio, Environmental Champion,” Global Citizen, accessed June 9, 2023,
LGBTQ+ Organizations to Support This Pride Month Tue, 30 May 2023 07:00:06 +0000 Each June, the United States comes together for Pride Month to celebrate the history and achievements of the LGBTQ+ community. The colorful Pride parades and epic parties associated with the celebration may be the first things that come to mind. Still, we should recognize how this month honors the history and ongoing fight for justice among LGBTQ+ people and allies.

The last few decades mark incredible growth, love, and acceptance of diversity, but not without challenges to feel seen and accepted. The social sector has stepped up in a big way to support this significant progress, moving away from prejudice and injustices that face lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, and transgender people across America.

We should indeed keep calm in the face of difference, and live our lives in a state of inclusion and wonder at the diversity of humanity.

George Takei

American actor and activist (1)

At Classy, we stand beside the LGBTQ+ nonprofit organizations making a significant impact. You’ll get to see some of the special initiatives happening this June to celebrate Pride Month and more ways to get involved year-round.

Celebrating LGBTQ+ Organizations During Pride Month

What is Pride Month?

LGBTQ+ Pride Month typically falls in June and serves as a time for celebrations, protections, and commemorations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, and transgender community.

In 1969, the Stonewall riots began as a series of gay liberation protests. The timing of Pride Month represents the anniversary of those events in a positive and future-looking light—although Pride celebrations now extend throughout the calendar to continue bringing light to the LGBTQ+ community.

What does the acronym LGBTQ+ stand for?

LGBTQ+ is an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and/or questioning, plus other sexual and gender minorities. While individuals may feel aligned and connected to various adjectives based on their unique experience, gender identity, and sexual orientation, the LGBTQ+ nomenclature is an inclusive way to reference, celebrate, and honor the greater community.

How to Celebrate Pride

Pride is a wonderful time to get involved with LGBTQ+ organizations to learn more. Here’s a quick list of ways to celebrate:

  • Browse social media human rights campaigns that inspire you.
  • Explore your local community for opportunities to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.
  • Research the history and accomplishments of the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Learn about ongoing efforts led by the National LGBTQ Task Force.
  • Make an impact with a donation to an LGBTQ+ organization.
  • Fundraise on behalf of an LGBTQ+ organization.
  • Attend events that help you learn and grow alongside LGBTQ+ people.

6 LGBTQ+ Organizations to Support This Pride Month

1. The Trevor Project

Mission: The Trevor Project’s mission is to end suicide among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning young people.

The Trevor Project is the leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ young people. Trevor provides free, secure, 24/7 suicide prevention and crisis intervention services to LGBTQ youth. These services, along with their public education, peer support, research, and advocacy work – help build a more loving and affirming world for LGBTQ young people.

Check out some ways to celebrate Pride with The Trevor Project:

  • Contribute to supporting LGBTQ young people and showing them that they matter
  • Join your local Pride march to support LGBTQ+ youth, families, and allies to find joy in advocacy and self-expression in a safe, supportive environment. The Trevor Project will be in the New York City and Los Angeles parades!
  • Join Trevor’s 52-Mile Pride Ride Challenge,  a virtual fundraising challenge encouraging people to commit to logging 52 miles in any way it feels best to move, all in an effort to support Trevor’s mission to end suicide among LGBTQ young people
  • Explore Trevor’s resources, such as articles, resources, and guides to learn about preventing suicide, supporting LGBTQ young people, and more

2. Radiant Health Centers

Mission: Radiant Health Centers’ mission is to provide compassionate and comprehensive health services to all underserved individuals in Orange County, with a special focus on the LGBTQ+ community and those living with and affected by HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Radiant Health Centers will host several events supporting more individuals to regain their independence through comprehensive care throughout the month of June.


A thoughtful array of fundraising and awareness campaigns include:

  • An annual LGBTQA+ makers market to explore LGBTQA+ makers, artists, crafters and vendors and make purchases that benefit Radiant Health Centers
  • A Pride kickoff happy hour to get ready for Pride weekend with cocktails and appetizers among friends
  • The Midsummer Night’s Dream Gala happens June 3 at an outdoor venue that feels like a Shakespearean forest to raise money for improving LGBTQA+ health care equity and HIV care in the community

3. The LGBT Community Center of the Desert

Mission: The LGBT Community Center of the Desert’s mission is to provide an open and welcoming environment for all members of the LGBTQ family. Through individual lived experiences and collective power, the nonprofit hosts community events, assistance programs, and various other forms of support in its efforts to create a loving community where everyone belongs.

The LGBT Community Center of the Desert offers a space where everyone belongs and can be unconditionally themselves. The team lives their values of integrity, equity, and joy through events and resources throughout the year, extending into Pride Month for anyone who feels called to learn more and get involved.

This June, The LGBT Community Center of the Desert will offer:

  • Yoga groups
  • Community food bank distributions
  • Book clubs 
  • Support groups for parents of gender-expansive youth
  • Women’s and men’s chats
  • Caregivers support groups
  • Music and art events for community members
  • LGBTQ+ hangouts for young people


Mission:SAGE is the world’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQ+ older people.

In partnership with its constituents and allies, SAGE works to achieve a high quality of life for LGBTQ+ older people, supports and advocates for their rights, fosters a greater understanding of aging in all communities, and promotes positive images of LGBTQ+ life in later years. This Pride Month, SAGE will host several community events to invite more passionate advocates to get involved.


Pride Month community events will include:

  • 31st Annual Fire Island Pines Celebration on June 3, 2023. Celebrating SAGE in the Pines and honoring Joe Conforti, Colin Joyner, Ryan Espinoza & Iman Le Caire
  • Sage & Friends will follow on June 10, 2023 with an open bar, passed hors d’oeuvres, and fabulous company to keep the celebrations going

5. Family Equality Council

Mission: The Family Equality Council’s mission is to ensure everyone is free to find, form, and sustain their families by advancing equality for the LGBTQ+ community.

Family Equality Council gives LGBTQ+ families the public education and support they need to become a strong voice through outreach and legislative actions. Pride Month will be an extension of the help it offers throughout the year.

This June, a virtual hub for LGBTQ+ families will feature:

  • Trans, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming parent meetups
  • A blog and newsletter for families to get new information
  • Alerts to take action in Congress and legislation for equal rights

6. Gay Men’s Health Crisis

Mission: The Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) mission is to be the world’s first HIV/AIDS service organization, working to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all affected.

GMHC is determined to end AIDS and enable more individuals to live life fully. This Pride Month, the organization will open its doors to supporters everywhere to fuel its efforts toward its mission.


Pride Month activities and events will include:

  • The Latex Ball is a free event open to the community that offers HIV and sexually transmitted infection testing while enjoying a celebration of different music genres and musical artists
  • Advocacy opportunities include supporting the 340B Drug Pricing Program, which allows safety-net providers, such as community health centers, to purchase deeply discounted drugs and provide essential financial support services to low-income individuals

Expanding Impact on Classy

LGBTQ+ organizations do the work that brings communities together. With Classy’s comprehensive fundraising platform, these organizations can connect with supporters who believe in and will support them for the long term.

On Classy, LGBTQ+ organizations can build supporter relationships that result in more funding and impact through:

Article Sources

“50 Quotes From the LGBTQ+ Community to Help You Celebrate Pride,” Woman’s Day, accessed May 17, 2023,

Healthcare Organizations Partnering With Classy and Cloud for Good for a Big Impact Tue, 30 May 2023 07:00:00 +0000 Healthcare organizations span various fields, audiences, and models but share a deep passion for impact and community-building. That’s why Classy partners with Salesforce and Cloud for Good—a trusted Salesforce implementation partner—for the simplest path to raise more and change lives through community health. 

Below, we analyze a few different healthcare organizations that integrate Classy and Salesforce with the support of Cloud for Good. We highlight how these organizations leverage Cloud for Good’s expertise in Salesforce implementation to maximize the capabilities of the customer relationship management (CRM) software and take a unique angle on nonprofit fundraising. 

You’ll hear from each team about the specific objectives they target with Classy and Cloud for Good and, most importantly, gain insight into these platforms’ impact on fundraising results.

1. Riley Children’s Foundation

Mission: To inspire people to invest in pediatric research, care, and programs that support the physical and mental health of kids.

Riley Children’s Foundation supports children by funding pediatric research, education, and primary care. The organization functions as one of the top 10 U.S. sites for pediatric health research, with 50 health centers across Indiana. 

A medical center that provides equitable access to exceptional healthcare delivery, Riley Children’s Foundation also invests significantly in training the next generation of: 

  • Pediatric clinicians 
  • Nurse practitioners 
  • Physicians 
  • Scientists 
  • Other healthcare providers 

Millions of dollars in biomedical research investments flow through Riley Children’s Foundation annually to ensure all children have the greatest chance of reaching optimal health and quality of life. That requires a focused and passionate fundraising approach that connects to donors to sustain their loyalty and leave them feeling fulfilled.  

Sharing a Giving Season to Remember for Loyal Donors

Riley Children’s Foundation took advantage of the opportunity to host a memorable fundraising campaign to kick off the year-end giving season.

On Classy’s fundraising platform, organizations see conversion rates double on average between Giving Tuesday and New Year’s Eve, and 79% of U.S. donors who give on Giving Tuesday return to give again in the new year.

Riley Children’s Foundation leveraged the Classy for Salesforce integration to create a cohesive,  multichannel approach to year-end fundraising and donor communications. With the help of Cloud for Good, their team was able to optimize reporting through Salesforce and manage the mass amounts of seasonal data better. 

Salesforce provided a unified view of data coming through the team’s Classy campaign, with dynamic reports that clarified key audiences to engage at particular milestones in the donor journey. Classy added to that information with personalized gift suggestions based on each donor’s giving history and acquisition source.

We use Salesforce (Nonprofit Success Pack) for everything from housing information and interactions with our donors to the transactional donations made. I like to say that if it’s not in Salesforce, it didn’t happen. Our goal is for the system to be as streamlined and automated as possible so that our development team can focus on raising funds and let the system do the rest.

Katie Askey

Senior Project Manager at Riley Children’s Foundation

Impressive Results for Year-End Fundraising

Using Classy for Salesforce and Cloud for Good’s large-scale solutions, Riley Children’s Foundation saw: 

  • 22% more donations acquired by year-end
  • 19% increase in fundraising dollars

2. The CDC Foundation

Mission: To help save and improve lives by unleashing the power of collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), philanthropies, corporations, organizations, and individuals to protect the health, safety, and security of America and the world.

The CDC Foundation extends the lifesaving work of the CDC and the public health system as an independent nonprofit organization. 

It offers world-class quality of care, agility, and scientific expertise to drive lasting impact. The health information delivered by the CDC Foundation supports healthcare professionals in improving the quality of service the healthcare organization offers nationwide. The team’s fundraising is critical to the sustainability of that mission and the accuracy and integrity of their data. 

Fighting COVID-19 With Strong Tech Partners

When faced with the quickly growing COVID-19 health emergency, the CDC Foundation needed to raise funds fast. In under 24 hours, the team turned their existing Classy donation forms into a completely refreshed and up-to-date Emergency Response Fund campaign. The fundraising initiative helped the organization collect donations for immediate, flexible resources that CDC experts needed to address the public health crisis. 

With such an incredible response in donations from individuals, philanthropies, and corporations, the CDC Foundation turned to Cloud for Good to learn how to track and manage contributions better through Salesforce. Salesforce’s sophisticated reports and dashboards helped them better understand who supported its campaign and how to keep those donors involved through the height of the growing pandemic.

These improved donor management processes helped the CDC Foundation further segment communications, making each donor and corporate partner feel seen and heard. The organization also traded paper documentation and generic bulk communications for greatly improved email, phone calls, and direct mail correspondence.

I can create a donation page in under 30 minutes on Classy and that speed helps us respond quickly when [a] crisis hits.

Elizabeth Patrick

Director of Advancement Services at the CDC Foundation

We went from a donor database of 42,000 donors to over 150,000 in just a few months, and individual giving increased by 2,403%, all tracked through Salesforce. We needed this fully-integrated CRM system to handle that.

Laura Croft

Vice President for Advancement

Life-Changing Results From a 360-View of Fundraising

Cloud for Good and Classy were able to keep pace with this unprecedented fundraising effort, helping the CDC Foundation to see:

  • $30M in donations to the Emergency Response Fund in less than three months
  • $1,294,352 raised on Classy between 2020 and 2021 for the Emergency Response campaign
  • 7,240 donors engaged between 2020 and 2021 for the Emergency Response campaign

Feel the Impact of Cloud for Good 


Classy’s continued partnership with Cloud for Good centers on our shared values and principles of uplifting our customers and their stakeholders. We know what it takes to activate, convert, and retain donors at every step of the supporter journey. Together with Cloud for Good, our holistic approach empowers nonprofit teams for the long term, ensuring they meet and exceed their goals. 

Organizations like the ones we’ve featured today who leverage Classy’s comprehensive fundraising platform, Salesforce’s best-in-class CRM, and Cloud for Good’s future-proof implementation services gain empowerment from centralized, actionable data that allows them to strategize beyond the borders of websites. 

Our integrated, holistic solution, coupled with Cloud for Good’s implementation expertise, keeps the supporter experience front and center, allowing you to deepen relationships and maximize supporter lifetime value with:

  • Near real-time results to sync your online fundraising data with your Salesforce instance, make informed decisions, and personalize your donor touchpoints
  • Lightning-ready technology with the deepest integration in the industry 
  • Multicurrency support that allows you to accept donations in up to 130 variations and report on the performance using Classy Passport and Salesforce
  • Nonprofit Cloud that provides you with an even simpler way to produce and measure outcomes 

Amplify Your Impact With Classy

If you hope to double your revenue with optimized fundraising campaigns, we encourage you to explore Classy’s comprehensive fundraising platform. Our technology suite gives you access to everything you need with seamless synchronization to the tools you’re familiar with, such as Salesforce.

That’s why so many nonprofit health organizations partner with us to power high-impact, successful campaigns that keep donors returning.

Request a demo of our nonprofit campaign engine today.

19 Digital Advertising Acronyms for Nonprofits Mon, 29 May 2023 07:00:00 +0000 Digital platforms, like search engines and social media, are free for any organization to participate in. However, these technologies are increasingly becoming pay to play, meaning your nonprofit should strongly consider investing in paid advertising to get its full effect.

Whether investing in social, search, or retargeting, there are a range of different paid ad approaches your organization can take. When done effectively, these ads can boost what you already do with organic marketing content and extend your brand awareness.

However, digital advertising success requires a deep understanding of fundamental advertising principles. That begins with a mastery of the basic acronyms associated with digital advertising. If you don’t yet understand the difference between SEO and SEM or PPC and PPV, we’ve got you covered.

1. KPI: Key Performance Indicator

Before determining which digital ad strategy to take, you must know what goals your nonprofit wants to achieve.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable measurements of performance over time. These significant metrics help inform your organization’s decision-making and strategic improvement, heavily impacting your mission. In other words, these numbers help you make the most of your data.

Not sure which KPIs your nonprofit should measure? Start with these 12 Nonprofit KPIs Every Charitable Organization Should Track.

2. SEM: Search Engine Marketing

Google and alternative search engines index and share websites, blog posts, and other digital destinations in organic search results based on authority, content value, and keywords. However, these tech companies make money from targeted ads that appear among organic search results based on the user’s query.

The practice of paying for these search ad slots is search engine marketing (SEM). This is slightly different from search engine optimization (SEO), which adapts your site’s content to best rank in organic search results. Aside from the issue of paid (SEM) versus not (SEO), both still benefit each other.

If you need some help boosting your nonprofit website’s SEO, take a look at these 7 SEO Tips and Tricks You Can’t Afford to Ignore.

3. CTA: Call to Action

Every digital ad should drive users toward a single, specific action. Whether to donate, volunteer, or visit your website, your call to action (CTA) should be compelling and clear. It should also be simple for the user to execute, requiring just a single click.

While there are plenty of CTAs to choose from, pick one action that nudges your users to continue their journeys with your organization.

4. CTR: Click-Through Rate

Whatever your CTA is, the goal is to receive a click from the user. Therefore, measuring the number of clicks compared to how many people saw the ad is a key metric for understanding the ad’s effectiveness. This is the click-through rate (CTR).

CTR is a crucial metric to track for email marketing as well. An average benchmark for CTR in 2023 is about 6.3%, but the higher the percentage, the better.1

Formula: CTR = (Clicks/Impressions) x 100

5. CRO: Conversion Rate Optimization

Increasing the number of users clicking on your ad requires improving your conversion rate. This process is conversion rate optimization (CRO).

Nonprofits can gradually improve conversion rates by testing out different ad variables like headlines, copy, and CTAs. Here are 6 A/B Test Ideas to Improve Your Nonprofit Marketing Metrics.

CRO isn’t just limited to just digital ads, either. It’s also a helpful practice for optimizing your blog CTAs and even those hosted on your website.

6. CPM: Cost Per Thousand Impressions

The cost per digital advertisement depends on the type of ad it is. Cost per thousand impressions (CPM) is the most common form of ad pricing. It means your organization gets charged a set amount for every thousand times your ad is shown.

Because this strategy focuses more on exposure than conversions, it’s the best option for a brand awareness campaign. In this instance, your goal is to have a low CPM to reach more people with a smaller budget. The average CPM on Google in 2019 was about $41—meaning, it costs $41 for an ad to show up 1,000 times in Google searches.2

Formula: Total Cost = (Total Impressions x CPM)/1,000.

7. CPC: Cost Per Click

The next most popular form of ad payment after CPM is cost per click (CPC). As you can probably guess, you only pay when a user clicks your ad. Keep in mind that the same person could click your ad multiple times, and you’ll get charged for each click.

CPC is the amount you pay and is interchangeable with the concept of pay-per-click (PPC).

This approach is better suited for an action-oriented campaign because the ad might be exposed to fewer people overall, but they’ll be more targeted based on their likelihood to click. The average CPC on an ad is typically lower than CPM—between $4 to $6 in 2022.3

Formula: Total Cost = Clicks x CPC

8. CPA: Cost Per Acquisition

A user might see your ad and even click on it, but this doesn’t guarantee they’ll become a supporter of your organization. If that’s your ultimate focus, consider paying for each new supporter your organization acquires. Known as paying by the cost per acquisition (CPA), this closely relates to cost per lead (CPL), which requires advertisers to pay a set amount for every lead.

CPA ad campaigns are even more action-oriented than CPC ads because the goal is to add people to your organization. You only pay for people who become donors or volunteers, but you’ll usually have to pay significantly more compared to a click or impression.

9. PPV: Pay Per View

Despite how it sounds, pay-per-view (PPV) doesn’t mean paying a cable outlet to watch a boxing match—at least not in the context of digital advertising. In this case, PPV means only paying when specific criteria for viewing the ad have been set, like the impression duration.

This is especially valuable for video views because PPV allows you to track how many viewers engaged with your content for at least a set duration before you pay for the ad placement. It ensures people aren’t scrolling straight past your ad without noticing it.

10. VTC: View Through Click

Not everyone who comes to your site did so because they clicked on one of your ads. There will be plenty of people who saw your ad, didn’t click it, then navigated to your website later. This is a view-through click (VTC).

VTC shows the extended power of digital advertising. For instance, even if someone doesn’t initially click your ad or CTA, you’ve still increased your brand awareness and planted the seed for converting them later.

11. VCR: Video Completion Rate

Similar to PPV, video completion rate (VCR) shows the percentage of viewers who watch your entire video ad to the end. This directly indicates how effective that ad is in holding people’s attention.

VCR can also help inform your optimization strategy for your future video ads, which may include testing various lengths of video content. Video ads of less than a minute have a 58% completion rate compared to a 43% VCR for videos between 2 to 10 minutes.4

12. ROAS: Return on Advertising Spend

If you’re familiar with marketing, you know the term return on investment (ROI). Return on advertising spend (ROAS) is the ad-specific acronym for ROI. It’s essentially a comparison of how much fundraising you brought in from an ad campaign versus the campaign’s ad budget.

ROAS is a valuable metric to keep in mind because you’re likely dealing with a limited marketing budget and need to make every dollar count. As long as your ROAS figure is above 100%, your ad campaign is profitable.

Formula: ROAS = Revenue/Advertising Costs

13. DSP: Demand Side Platform

Nonprofit organizations typically don’t place ads directly on sites or search engines. Instead, ad placement gets traditionally accomplished through a third-party service called a demand-side platform (DSP).

These platforms allow you to show ad inventory across an array of ad networks, including the Google Display Network (GDN)—the largest collection of ad sites online.5 Using a DSP, you can bid on ad buys across a range of sites, and the DSP will place them for you.

14. RTB: Real-Time Bidding

Because ads get paid out based on impressions and clicks, the prices fluctuate. Think about the cost of airline tickets that change by the minute based on supply and demand. That’s why real-time bidding (RTB) is crucial.

Your organization places a bid on how much you’d willingly pay for a click or thousand impressions. The DSP then compares that to the other bids going to the same sites. The highest bid is typically the winner, although search engines like Google also take the relevance of the ad to a specific search term into account.

15. DMA: Designated Market Area

The benefit of digital advertising is how narrowly you can target users, which includes focusing on a specific geographic area with your ads. This geographic location you select to target is your designated market area (DMA).

DMAs originally came about because of television markets and are maintained annually by Nielsen Holdings. However, these areas also apply to digital advertising, except you have the flexibility to be more broad or specific than a static television market.

16. RON: Run of Network

Most digital ad campaigns run through an ad network like the GDN. Run of network (RON) means your ad cycles through a grouping of websites rather than one specifically. This is different from the run of site (ROS), where your ad cycles through placements on a specific website.

Both RON and ROS apply directly to display advertisements that show as banner or interval ads on external websites. Keep in mind that this isn’t synonymous with social media ads that run within a social platform (like Facebook or Instagram) or a search engine ad that appears within the results of a search.

18. SOV: Share of Voice

Your nonprofit is not the only organization bidding on ad placements. The share of voice (SOV) is the percentage that your ad gets seen compared to other advertisers. If you’re one of five rotating ads in a single placement, your SOV is 20%. However, if your ad is the only one displayed for placement, your SOV is 100%.

19. IAB: Interactive Advertising Bureau

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) sets the industry standard for digital advertising, including ad specifications. All online digital ads are subject to IAB standards, and ad publishers must follow them.

Making the Most of Your Nonprofit’s Digital Advertising

To get the most out of your digital ad spend, it’s critical to understand the basics of paid advertising. The ever-evolving online space may feel overwhelming, but with the proper tools and resources, your nonprofit can stay ahead and remain on top.

If you’re ready to continue your learning journey, check out these 10 Tips to Boost Your Nonprofit’s Digital Marketing With Google and Facebook Ads.

Article Sources

  1. “2023 Average Ad Click-Through Rates (CTRs) for Paid Search, Display and Social Media,” Smart Insights, last modified February 14, 2023,
  2. “Google Ads CPC, CPM, & CTR Benchmarks,” AdStage, last modified or accessed,
  3. “2022 Google Ads & Microsoft Ads Benchmarks for Every Industry,” WordStream, last modified December 12, 2022,
  4. “2021 Business Video Completion Rates and Other Benchmarks,” Marketing Charts, last modified June 8, 2022,
  5. “The Straightforward Guide to the Google Display Network,” HubSpot, last modified December 8, 2021,
3 Creative Hybrid Event Examples You Need to See Thu, 25 May 2023 07:00:46 +0000 Today, your nonprofit is in a unique position to take advantage of fundraising with hybrid events. Classy’s annual Why America Gives report demonstrated that today’s donors are passionate and ready to give more but want to see personalized experiences to feel connected to the organization. Events that meet them where they are and cater to the way they’d like to interact are a wonderful way to unlock new levels of generosity.

Hybrid events take things up a notch by helping nonprofits offer authentic and memorable digital experiences alongside physical events in a consistent way. Plus, we saw in Classy’s latest State of Modern Philanthropy 2023 report that multiple avenues for donor interaction deepen supporters’ connection to the cause and positively impact their giving patterns over time.

Today, we’re looking at three of the best hybrid event planning examples from nonprofits that crafted meaningful in-person and virtual interactions to raise more. 

Not All Experiences Are Equal

The days of gathering people on Zoom webinars and closely monitoring the “you’re on mute” or “your sound isn’t working” flukes are over. A hybrid event means so much more when your virtual component thoughtfully complements your in-person efforts. Today’s event attendees want to know that if they log in from home or another part of the country, they’ll still be just as part of the event as your live attendees. 

Our Fundraising Event Attendee Insights Report found that 91% of event attendees are more likely to take further action with a nonprofit through future events and fundraising opportunities after a positive event experience. We also discovered through our research for the State of Modern Philanthropy report that customers offering their experience through Classy’s hybrid event platform, Classy Live, saw an average of $1,258 per donor over the course of a year. 

To put it into perspective, that’s more than a donor who gives a recurring monthly donation of $100 for 12 consecutive months. That’s proof positive the true power of a great hybrid event experience is its far-reaching impact on attendees who return to show their generosity through all other fundraising campaigns you host throughout the year.

The Benefits of Hybrid Events in Your Fundraising Strategy

The hybrid model gives event planners a simple way to provide attendees with the best of both worlds. Instead of narrowing event marketing down to in person or virtual, you give your audience the option to choose based on what matters most. 

Hybrid Is a Practical Event Strategy to Deliver:

  • Stronger connections with donors who have the ability to attend
  • Broad participation on a global scale with lower overhead costs, a higher number of attendees, and more networking opportunities
  • Ample amounts of data to track attendee interactions and donation metrics
  • Personal touches through live polls, gamification, and follow-up functionality of a live and virtual event platform
  • Global communities united around your cause and stories
  • Natural content creation with recordings for social media and promotions

What do hybrid events look like?

You can make anything from your endurance event, performance, auction, gala, or competition into a hybrid event experience. That might mean different aspects catered to in-person or online attendees, but ultimately you’re looking to create a feeling of community and togetherness between the two audiences. 

Hosting your event through an online venue like the nonprofits we’re about to introduce gives you access to everything you need before, during, and after the event.

3 Successful Hybrid Event Examples

1. Shriners Children’s Celebration of the Century

Shriners Children’s has a long reputation of bringing supporters into its community in new and creative ways. When it came to its 100th anniversary, the nonprofit’s team knew they had to make a big impression, and well, they delivered. Not only did they put on an in-person event in November at Minute Maid Park in Houston, TX, but they also carefully orchestrated a livestreamed event and curated content for attendees to enjoy virtually. 

The organization maintained a consistent experience for all attendees through single-event software. In-person attendees quickly checked in through a mobile event app to enjoy the live auction and Dierks Bentley concert. At the same time, virtual attendees could also enjoy the concert from the comfort of their homes alongside recorded interviews with patient families and an online silent auction.

The impact: 750 virtual participants, 700 live attendees, and $1.6M raised 


Takeaways for Your Next Hybrid Event:

  • Create momentum: Add natural moments of giving for attendees online and in person with a virtual silent auction. Displaying fund-a-need items or selling fixed-price items and merchandise are other ways to encourage giving and ensure attendees remember your event.
  • Livestream key moments: Broadcast the on-site portions of your event or featured performances and sessions to everyone in real time. This brings experiences like the Dierks Bentley concert right to your guests despite which event format they choose.
  • Clarify the impact: Highlight your “why” from the moment supporters view your event page through the in-person signage, online campaign progress bar, and live fundraising thermometer celebrating key milestones.

2. Central Caribbean Marine Institute’s Reefs Go Live

Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) brings the ocean directly to classrooms around the world through livestream, underwater lessons in its famous Reefs Go Live hybrid event series. The creativity level is pretty high for the CCMI team, which shares new episodes and supplemental teaching resources with students and teachers for engagement in a whole new way. 

By opening up their undersea world and love for vibrant oceans and coral reefs, the CCMI team reaches wider audiences. The hybrid event model gives them the platform to bring real-time interactions with their Little Cayman Research Centre to students everywhere. And of course, recordings are available afterward to reach more with their adventures. Viewers are then encouraged to engage with a simple donation page to make an even bigger impact.

We feel that creating a connection to the ocean and sharing the beautiful coral reefs of Little Cayman with others, both locally and abroad, is one of the most important ways to increase support for critical, timely issues such as marine protection and sustainability.

The CCMI team

The impact: More than 107,000 viewers in 22 countries for the 2022 broadcasts


Takeaways for Your Hybrid Event:

  • Share event content: Follow the lead of CCMI’s readily available resources by creating unique learning materials, launching an annual report, sending out  letters from those who have benefited from your nonprofit’s work, or providing instructions for attendees to access at any time and participate in your next event. 
  • Build your agenda: Feature engaging sessions or segments like the Reefs Go Live episodes, keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and dedicated networking time for registrants to get them excited about your hybrid experience.
  • Simplify the payment process: Give attendees an option to donate directly and make it as simple as possible with trusted payment options, like PayPal or Venmo, then pair it with the convenience of fast mobile checkout. 

3. King County Sexual Assault Resource Center’s BE LOUD Breakfast

King County Sexual Assault Resource Center (KCSARC) took a long-standing tradition and brought it to a live and virtual audience. The organization’s annual BE LOUD Breakfast is an event that supporters look forward to attending to celebrate how they raised their voices for survivors over the past year. In 2023, KCSARC hosted its 34th annual breakfast at a venue in Seattle and online with virtual elements for anyone who couldn’t be there live.

What better way to celebrate four decades of advocacy and progress than to bring as many supporters together without location barriers? KCSARC then invited registrants to participate in peer-to-peer fundraising to raise even more awareness leading up to the main event, where they heard inspiring stories of hope and recovery from the organization’s Empowered Voices program. Virtual attendees could also stream these speeches.

The impact: Sponsorship from names like Amazon, Chase, and The Seattle Times


Takeaways for Your Hybrid Event:

  • Unite supporters through online fundraising: Show attendees how easy it is to set up an individual fundraising page, and give supporters who can’t attend the ability to donate directly to your cause pre- and post-event.
  • Recognize sponsorships: Give your sponsors and exhibitors a shoutout directly within your online event venue and offer them the opportunity to engage with virtual attendees through digital booths, breakout rooms, and Q&A sessions.
  • Get the most out of your event content: Make it easy for attendees and livestreamers to hear from incredible speakers with high-quality livestreams available on demand through Vimeo. These captivating conversations can help your organization continue raising money even after the event concludes. 

Choosing the Right Hybrid Event Platform

All three organizations we’ve highlighted take a unique approach to hybrid events that reflect the target audience, mission, and goals. With the support of the right event technology built to engage virtual and in-person audiences in any time zone, each organization could focus on growing supporter relationships.

Classy Live takes care of everything, from an easy registration process to event management and reporting. What could your event look like with more time to focus on the guest experience?

37 Email Subject Line Examples to Use for Fundraising Wed, 24 May 2023 07:00:00 +0000 Coming up with an original email subject line is easier said than done. It takes know-how, creativity, and a clear understanding of your target audience. 

First impressions matter, especially online, and email subject lines have the potential to make your campaign—or not. Done right, these help smoothly capture each reader’s attention and inspire them to answer your call to action

To ensure email success with your next initiative, use the following email subject line examples as inspiration to guide your creative thinking.

37 Email Subject Lines to Inspire Your Next Fundraising Campaign

Here are some different types of email subject line examples and templates to incorporate into your fundraising campaign to make it more effective.

Focus on the Cause

Give your reader immediate insight into the impact of your mission by leading with a memorable subject line. Elevate a particular pain point you solve or feature a captivating statistic that communicates your good work. Then, briefly describe what their donation will make possible with a straightforward and emotionally powerful statement.

Different Subject Lines to Consider:

  • Help reach children in need.
  • 10 minutes could save 10 people.
  • Give the gift of change.
  • A little donation goes a long way.
  • Help feed 100s of children this month.
  • Your donation could save a life.
  • Join us in changing the world.
  • Make a lasting difference (starting today).
  • Be a part of something bigger.

Intrigue the Reader

Pique your reader’s interest with an effective email subject line that leaves them wanting more. Invoke curiosity to get them to open your message and keep reading through the email body.

Different Subject Lines to Consider:

  • Want to know the power of $10?
  • See what impact really looks like.
  • It’s a hand-up, not a hand-out.
  • You’d want the same—wouldn’t you?
  • Build tomorrow by starting today.

Use Urgency

Create a sense of urgency when writing email subject lines based on your campaign’s fundraising goal.

Use words that highlight the significance of the email content, such as “important,” “breaking,” “urgent,” “tomorrow,” “limited time,” “expiring,” and “now.”

Entice readers to take action and participate in your cause before they miss the chance by setting a deadline. Stirring up this fear of missing out (FOMO) is an effective approach to any nonprofit marketing strategy.

Different Subject Lines to Consider:

  • One week left to join.
  • We just need a handful more donations.
  • [First name], last chance to get your gift matched.
  • Give today, we’ll match tomorrow.
  • Time is running out.

Show Gratitude

Don’t overlook the importance of developing a relationship with email recipients. After all, donor stewardship is one of the most foundational elements of sustainable fundraising. 

So take the time to follow up with donors to thank them for taking action and contributing to your campaign. Similarly, lead with gratitude to appeal to potential donors and reiterate that their individual support makes your fundraising efforts possible.

Different Subject Lines to Consider:

  • We couldn’t have done it without you.
  • Look at the difference you made.
  • Your support changed lives.
  • Thank you for your support.
  • We appreciate you.
  • The world needs more people like you.
  • You brightened up someone’s day.

Personalize Your Subject Lines

Add a personal touch to your email subject lines to help increase click-through rates and open rates

One personalization option is crafting a subject line that incorporates the email recipient’s first name. You might even consider editing your sender name to be a particular person in your organization (like your CEO) instead of your organization’s name. This gives the impression of a personal conversation between two people and adds a more intentional element of connection.

Different Subject Lines to Consider:

  • [First name], look what you made possible.
  • We need your help, [First name].
  • Thank you for your donation, [First name].
  • Give the gift of food, [First Name].
  • Know anyone that might be interested, [First name]?

Incentivize the Open

Try weaving fundraising incentives into your subject line if you have any for your campaign. Perks may include invitations and vouchers or special recognition at your main event.

Another approach is to remind your prospective donor that they’re joining a special community of people making a significant impact. This sentiment is even more powerful when promoting a branded recurring giving program.

Different Subject Lines to Consider:

  • You’re invited to our annual celebration.
  • One donation earns you a ticket in our raffle.
  • Want your name in stone?
  • Every referral gets you another ticket in the raffle.
  • Want to take your donation one step further?
  • Interested in becoming a recurring donor?

5 Email Subject Line Best Practices to Increase Email Open Rates

Email is a crowded space. Most recipients receive dozens (if not hundreds) of emails daily, and they certainly don’t open every single one—there’s just not enough time. It’s your job to write great email subject lines that motivate action and avoid the spam folder.

Follow these email best practices to boost engagement and increase your open rates.

1. Keep It Short

Keep your email subject lines short and sweet. Experts suggest keeping it to five words or less, but experiment to see what performs best with your audience.¹ Try using emojis to communicate more with less, especially on mobile devices.

Pro Tip: Tools like Grammarly can help improve your copy’s readability and, therefore, increase your email engagement levels. 

You can also use A/B testing tools to fine-tune your subject lines and boost open rates.  Experiment with a few different types of subject lines, and your email-sending platform will find the best one based on initial engagement.

2. Add Preview Text

Add captivating preview text, the short bit of copy that appears next to your subject line, to hook readers.

This prime piece of real estate lets you add more context to your catchy email subject line and can be the pushing point that gets someone to open your email.

3. Deliver Value

Demonstrate the value of your fundraising email to a reader and how they’ll benefit from opening it. Tell your donor what’s inside and give them a reason to click to open:

  • Is there a great fundraising opportunity? 
  • Are you holding an event near them? 
  • Will taking action improve their lives or the lives of others? 

Can you provide any freebies?

Higher open rates mean your subject lines get the job done, but low click-through rates might indicate readers don’t find enough value or feel like your subject line is clickbait or spammy.

To track how your email campaigns perform, keep tabs on these metrics:

  • Open rate
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Click-to-open rate (CTOR)

4. Segment Your Audience

Segment your email list to ensure you send to the most appropriate audience—an email blast to your entire list isn’t always the right fit. You want to avoid alienating your audience and causing some recipients to unsubscribe from future sends.

Think about your audience’s behavior and demographics. For example, if you host a volunteer event in Austin, Texas, segment your emails to recipients in that area.

5. Send at the Right Time

Test different days and time slots to see what works best for your audience’s engagement. While the time of day and deliverability rate are crucial aspects of an email, there’s no single send time to guarantee a successful email campaign, which is where testing comes into play.

The most popular email marketing services, including ActiveCampaign and AWeber, come with easy-to-use automation tools. These tools simplify the process of creating and scheduling your emails ahead of time.

Launch a Better Fundraiser With Classy

These email subject line examples provide a great starting place for your fundraising campaigns, but there’s more. After your recipient opens your email, the next step is to drive conversion—and that’s where Classy comes in.

Classy’s comprehensive fundraising platform allows you to build customized donation websites, campaigns, and donation forms that can 2x your revenue. Along with safe, seamless payment processing, in-person, virtual, and hybrid event management, and world-class CRM, email, and marketing integrations, your nonprofit can achieve anything it sets out to accomplish.

Schedule a chat with a Classy expert to learn how we can help your nonprofit fundraise with ease.

Article Sources

  1. “Email Subject Lines: Best Practices, Tips, and Examples,” Best Practices, Twilio SendGrid, last modified on May 26, 2022,
How to Create a Unified Digital Destination for Your Nonprofit Donors Tue, 23 May 2023 07:00:29 +0000 This blog was written by Mary Blasberg, a dedicated Senior Account Strategist at Mittun. Her primary focus areas are steering strategy, interpreting analytics and data, and harnessing the power of storytelling to glean insightful strategies that help inform today’s nonprofits. 

In today’s noisy online space, maintaining a consistent digital experience for donors is paramount in fostering trust and loyalty. It is vital for organizations to ensure their brand and story remain at the forefront of every supporter touchpoint.

By upholding a cohesive narrative across all channels, donors can easily familiarize themselves with your organization’s mission, values, and impact, ultimately encouraging continued engagement and strengthening their personal connection to your cause.

A well-structured digital experience begins with a user-friendly and visually appealing website that elevates your unique story and goals. The same visual and textual elements should then be carried through to your donation page and donation form to mirror your established brand identity.

Below, we cover how to achieve this cohesiveness, with a fundraising event campaign serving as our example. It’s crucial to apply this strategy across all campaign types, but if you’re feeling overwhelmed, choose one to start with and allow this article to be your guide.

4 Benefits of Creating a Cohesive Digital Giving Experience

A cohesive digital experience allows your organization’s vision, mission, and values to carry through every touchpoint, facilitating supporter engagement and enhancing visibility of your impact. The following are some compelling benefits of investing in a cohesive digital destination for your nonprofit.

1. Strengthened Brand Authority

A cohesive and polished digital destination can bolster your organization’s brand authority by conveying professionalism and credibility.  Consistently showcasing your mission, vision, and values across all digital touchpoints helps create a strong brand identity that resonates with supporters, differentiates your organization from others, and ultimately enhances donor retention and loyalty.

2. Engaged and Committed Supporters

When your nonprofit’s digital destinations all clearly ladder back up to one central narrative, it invites deeper levels of interest.

Mobilize donors to learn more about your powerful story through interactive and immersive experiences to increase the likelihood they grow closer to your cause over time. This sense of community can facilitate active engagement among supporters, encouraging them to become long-term advocates for your organization.

3. Enhanced Transparency and Trust

A well-structured digital platform can showcase your organization’s work, accomplishments, and impact in real time, fostering trust and accountability among supporters. By providing updates on ongoing projects and initiatives, donors can see the direct results of their contributions, which inspires further support and increases overall visibility.

4. Aggregated Data for Improved Decision-Making

A cohesive digital destination not only captivates and retains more supporters, but also serves as a data goldmine. By offering a seamless and unified digital experience, you can increase the number of supporters who interact with your organization, thus generating more data regarding their behavior and preferences.

This rich pool of aggregated data empowers your organization to refine fundraising strategies, tailor outreach efforts, and optimize campaigns effectively. Consequently, this leads to more insightful decision-making and more efficient resource allocation, all underpinned by the cohesive nature of your digital presence.

3-Phase Approach to Optimizing Your Digital Destination

Successful fundraising hinges on an immersive experience that seamlessly integrates data, storytelling, and technology. Our comprehensive three-phase strategy is crafted to enhance the engagement and efficacy of your digital fundraising initiatives before, during, and after your event.

1. Before the Event: Build Anticipation With Cohesive Storytelling

To lay the foundation for a successful event, or any campaign, it’s essential to define your campaign story. This narrative will flow between your website, social media posts, email appeals, and donation website.

Data: Starting on the Right Foot

Analyze past data to identify which aspects of previous event campaigns have historically generated the most engagement with your digital channels. Use this information to guide your storytelling and design choices.

Don’t forget to also establish clear metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) for this current campaign to ensure you’re collecting the insights you need to inform future improvements. In addition to your platform data, lean on industry insights to help shape your strategy.

For example, Classy’s Fundraising Event Experience Report offers a comprehensive overview of the current event landscape, providing insights into best practices, emerging technologies, and innovative strategies that can inform and enhance your own event approach.

This analysis, combined with your in-house data, enables you to make well-informed decisions and tailor your campaign story to better resonate with your target audience, drive engagement, and increase the overall effectiveness of your fundraising efforts.

Storytelling: Crafting the Magic

Begin by developing a compelling narrative around your event, incorporating its goals, mission, impact, and activities into your cross-channel messaging. Focus on creating an emotional connection with your audience by highlighting personal stories, testimonials, or case studies that showcase the transformative power of your cause and how this event will further support those efforts.

Technology: Engaging Audiences Before the Big Day

Utilize various digital tools and features across your website and donation page to build excitement, such as countdown timers, videos, and interactive maps. Showcase event highlights, behind-the-scenes content, or teasers that pique curiosity and encourage sharing on social media.

Make essential information, like registration and fundraising preparation, easily accessible through intuitive navigation and clear calls to action.

With Classy’s innovative technology, nonprofits can effortlessly customize their campaigns, donation forms, and receipting to maintain brand consistency without sacrificing conversion rates. It’s a perfect blend of personalization and performance, enabling organizations to mirror their unique identity across all fundraising touchpoints.

By fostering familiarity and trust, Classy’s user-friendly interface helps nonprofits exceed their fundraising goals, ensuring your brand remains front and center throughout the donor journey.

2. During the Event: Maximize Excitement and Establish Deeper Donor Connections

Focus on providing a conversion-optimized online experience during your event that maintains brand consistency.

Data: Tailor Your Site to Mobilize Conversions

Use the data you’ve gathered from previous campaigns to optimize your day-of digital destination. Which digital elements do donors typically interact with on event day? This could be anything from live-streamed videos to a silent auction or a carousel of user-generated photos posted by event attendees.

Continuously collect information on engagement, user behavior, and overall performance to identify challenges, successes, and areas for improvement. Implement real-time adjustments and enhancements based on this data to ensure the event experience remains engaging and effective.

Storytelling: Manufacture Excitement and Provide Encouragement

Share real-time content from the event on your website and social channels, highlighting the impact supporters are making. Showcase participants’ achievements, the progress being made, and the positive change their contributions are driving.

Update the copy on your donation page to motivate and inspire immediate action while emphasizing the broader context of each contribution and the significance of the event’s goals.

Technology: Provide Ways to Engage and Personalize

During the event, it’s vital to sustain the momentum built at the beginning of the supporter’s journey. One way to do this is by leveraging engaging, tech-driven features that provide a sense of continuity and personalization for your supporters.

First and foremost, ensure your donation form’s branding and messaging align with the marketing materials your attendees received leading up to your event. Additionally, identify which online donation experience is best to offer your attendees.

At Classy, nonprofits can offer embedded donation forms to reduce friction points. In fact, Classy customers who enable embedded donation forms routinely see 2x industry-average conversion rates and an average 29% increase in revenue per site visitor. 

Facilitate friendly competition during the event by keeping leaderboards and fundraising thermometers visible and updated in real time. This keeps the sense of urgency and camaraderie alive.

In addition to highlighting the competition between others, celebrate individual achievements with digital trophies, badges, and social media recognition.  These not only extend your reach but also generate more buzz, mirroring the excitement of the pre-event stage.

3. After the Event: Maintaining Engagement

The event may have concluded, but the opportunity to build lasting relationships with your supporters through ongoing storytelling continues. Focus on cultivating a sense of community and deepening connections with your audience in order to foster long-term commitment.

Data: Get “Closure” on Your Campaign

While supporters are still engaged, gather feedback through post-event surveys and other data collection methods to inform future campaigns. Analyze the performance of different aspects of the event, like communication channels, activities, and fundraising strategies. Use this data to refine your future storytelling and design decisions and ensure future events are even more successful and engaging.

Storytelling: Cultivate Relationships and Community

Showcase the event’s impact and the tangible changes it has brought to your community. Share stories of how the funds raised have directly benefited your beneficiaries, and highlight any milestones or achievements that were reached. Reinforce the sense of camaraderie and shared accomplishment among participants, emphasizing the power of collective action and the importance of their ongoing support.

Technology: Encourage Their Continued Involvement

Share event statistics and highlights on your website to emphasize supporters’ role in achieving your goals and making a difference in the community.

Create a media hub to archive event content, including photos, videos, and stories, so you can leverage it next year or for future event promotions. Encourage ongoing involvement on your event landing page by suggesting the next steps, such as signing up for your nonprofit newsletter, volunteering, or attending future events.

Technology mobilizes your organization to uphold brand consistency, immerse donors in your experiences, and consistently enhance performance year after year. It is an essential tool that supports your unwavering commitment to your mission.

Beyond the Event: Snowballing Your Success

In the nonprofit sector, the application of technology can be a game-changer, especially when it comes to organizing fundraising events. Utilizing the strategy of “Reuse and Iterate,” you can optimize your digital initiatives without starting from scratch each time.

Build upon the digital framework you’ve established. This includes the structural blueprint aesthetic elements, and technological features that were successful in driving engagement and donations in the past.

The process of reusing isn’t about repetition, but rather about refinement. It encourages you to incorporate enhancements based on valuable feedback and performance metrics. This iterative approach allows you to craft more impactful and engaging experiences for your donors and supporters.

Exceed Donor Expectations With a Unified Giving Experience

By following these steps, you can create a cohesive digital experience for all supporters to ensure your mission, goals, and impact is always immediately clear. This will help support more successful fundraising campaigns, stronger brand authority, and an even greater impact on the community you serve.

Discover how Classy can help your organization customize its campaigns to keep your story front and center—the way it should be. Learn how our comprehensive donation website platform has helped the world’s top nonprofits 2x their revenue and 100x their impact.  Schedule some time to talk today.

The Top 5 Best Nonprofit Websites Mon, 22 May 2023 07:00:42 +0000 Donors from anywhere in the world can find your organization online. Your nonprofit website is the face of your mission and an opportunity to make a first impression that leads visitors to take action that supports your cause.

Our donor trends report Why America Gives showed us that 60% of donors said they’re most likely to visit a nonprofit’s website to do research before making a donation or fundraising on a charitable organization’s behalf

You probably already have a website, but how can you be sure it moves the needle for supporters, partners, board members, and potential employees? That’s where this post comes in to help you out. 

Below we dissect five of the best nonprofit website examples and what makes them stand out.

The Simple Anatomy of a Great Nonprofit Website

Let’s start with a breakdown of what makes a nonprofit website stand apart. 

Make an Impression

User experience is everything. Picture a curious internet browser looking to learn more about climate change or a passionate supporter who clicks on your site from an Instagram story their friend shared about your new program. 

Nonprofit website visitors can come from anywhere, on any platform, browser, or device. Thinking about the many paths to arrive on your homepage helps you craft an experience that’s smooth for everyone. One extra click or confusing call to action (CTA) can be enough to send someone looking elsewhere. That’s why the details, such as button colors and font, make a big difference. 

Also, consider the website content and visuals that greet people: 

  • What are the first things they see and read? 
  • Is it immediately clear what you do and why they should want to be a part of it? 


Your website is where you can use the best infographics, videos, images, and design elements available.


Tell Your Story

It’s time to tell your story in the most authentic and relatable way to showcase why your mission exists and the impact it makes. 

Everything from your homepage to your “about” sections and program overviews should feel consistent to ensure easy navigation and the best user experience overall.

Even the most beautifully-written webpage can go unread if it’s too overwhelming. Think about the most critical information on each page, then lean into typography and styling that draws the eye to one heading or section at a time. 


Provide a Clear Call to Action

Now that you’ve hooked your visitors to learn more, create that feeling of connection and purpose within them. The last piece to a successful nonprofit website is to give them a clear way to take action on those feelings through giving donations, taking part in volunteer work, fundraising, attending upcoming events, or sharing your work.

Every webpage should include unique CTAs that are clear and relevant to what comes before them. It begins with the most important CTA on your homepage to capture interest quickly and direct visitors where you want them to go. 

For many nonprofit organizations, a streamlined online donation form or timely donation page is the most valuable action visitors can take. For anyone not ready to take action, include social media links and contact information to keep them in the loop.

Learn From 5 Nonprofit Website Examples

Now that you have the anatomy of a great nonprofit website in mind, these five examples show you what it looks like when it all comes together. 

1. The Sarara Foundation

The Sarara Foundation’s minimalist color scheme and calming web design bring its story to life and drive supporters to join the community.

Make an impression 

Site visitors land on a simple visual complemented by impactful language to welcome them. The language is thoughtful and descriptive while remaining concise enough to scroll through and keep people wanting to learn more. 

nonprofit-website-exampleTell the story

A clear “Our Story” section of the website navigation menu pulls on visitor curiosity. Within this tab, users are encouraged to watch a video that immerses them in The Sarara Foundation’s story and other educational resources. 

A beautiful mixture of text and visuals follow the initial impression to teach potential supporters about the organization’s work to preserve large tracts of biodiversity that, in turn, create prosperity and opportunity for indigenous communities. The nonprofit website design remains consistent with every other page a visitor may explore. 

Provide a clear call to action

From anywhere on the website, visitors can see a clear How to Donate button that leads them to a page where an embedded, flexible donation form is ready to use. Interested supporters can complete an impactful one-time donation based on suggested donation amounts or start a monthly giving program with the organization to strengthen their impact in a matter of clicks. 

Did you know that Classy customers who enable embedded donation forms routinely see donation conversion rates twice the industry average?

2. Just One International

Just One International presents a website example full of color and creative visuals to share its mission and attract new donors.

Make an impression 

The first thing visitors see on this organization’s website is a thoughtfully arranged display of images they can connect with and grow curious about supporting through various community-oriented programs.

Tell the story

Once users enter the page, they’re inspired to continue immersing themselves in the stories of those who benefit from Just One International’s work. The bold header and intentional white space draw the eye to keywords and programs the nonprofit organization hopes to highlight. It also highlights testimonials to bring natural language onto the page and hopefully motivate a new audience to stay on the website.

Provide a clear call to action

Just as visitors begin to see what Just One International is all about, they’re offered several ways to take action based on their intent. Supporters can dive right into becoming a sponsor, making a team donation, or choosing to follow along on social media or through its nonprofit newsletter. With so many options, there’s more opportunity for people to continue their experience with the organization at a pace that’s most comfortable for them.

3. charity: water

Charity: water’s website appeals to anyone stopping by for the first time or returning to give again, regardless of the device they use to get there. 

Make an impression 

From the first page visitors land on, there’s a powerful image, a clear explanation of the organization’s impact, and a donation form to contribute to that. The website is also mobile-friendly, so supporters can find what they need within a few scrolls.

Tell the story

Beyond the first impression, charity: water gives website visitors substantial numbers to quantify its efforts and explain the meaning behind its many projects to support clean water. Among the many clean water organizations, nonprofit organization tells its story through the beneficiaries and outcomes built around its mission and shares that in an eye-catching infographic.

Provide a clear call to action

From the first impression to the main donation site, supporters are always seconds away from being able to complete a donation. They also have many options to get involved through a monthly donation program, corporate sponsorship for special projects, cryptocurrency donations, and more. A wide array of subsequent possible actions meets any donor where they are.

4. Second Harvest Madison

Second Harvest Madison’s website is a standout example of balancing bold visuals, powerful storytelling, and a humanistic feel.

Make an impression 

Visitors can understand what Second Harvest Madison is about in seconds, followed by bold text that speaks to the nonprofit mission statement in just two strong words. Donation buttons in red attract attention quickly and draw interest.

Tell the story

The story continues with a proud display of the organization’s impact through its work as a community food bank. Confident and assertive language tells visitors they found an organization they can count on to produce a significant impact as they grow more intrigued by the opportunity to participate.

Provide a clear call to action

Thoughtful language continues to invite supporters to get involved in various ways based on their preferences. Visitors can take significant action with peer-to-peer fundraising on behalf of the organization or start with an e-card to kick-start their involvement.

5. The Greater Boston Food Bank

The Greater Boston Food Bank pairs its love of helping a community in need with branding and language to match that sentiment.

Make an impression 

A soft color choice of purple opens the door to new visitors’ experiences on this website, paired with a visual of a young beneficiary demonstrating just how important the organization’s mission is. It also has a big red button with the call to “Join Us,” making visitors feel at home.

Tell the story

Once visitors begin scrolling, they can quickly see why this food bank makes waves in the Boston area. The mission is clear, followed by design blocks designated to specific areas of impact that explain it one step further.

Provide a clear call to action

Thoughtful language continues to invite supporters to get involved in various ways based on their preferences. Visitors can take significant action with a peer-to-peer fundraiser on behalf of the organization or start with an e-card to kick-start their involvement.

5 Quick Reminders for Your Nonprofit Website 

Here are some final tips for nonprofits looking to create or reimagine websites.

  1. Take advantage of website builders like WordPress that give you templates to build a dream website without coding or graphic design skills. 
  2. Focus on search engine optimization (SEO) to bring new traffic to your website that already shares an interest in your work.
  3. Leverage modern fundraising technology to help you set up a donation page that matches the look and feel of your website with a donor-first experience. 
  4. Bring your website design, videos, animations, images, and branding to life with tools like Canva for nonprofits as you picture a fresh look to resonate with supporters.
  5. Make your website the hub of your nonprofit marketing approach to build a complete experience for your donors.

Complete Your Website Experience With Classy

We hope you’re inspired to offer new supporters a memorable experience, from first impression to transaction completion. Classy’s fundraising tools complement your website and bring curious visitors to a donation experience that leaves them feeling connected to your cause. With mobile-optimized donation forms and modern embedded donation modals, you have the simplest way to convert website visitors into donors and advocates at your fingertips. 

Explore how organizations like Feeding San Diego see a 44% conversion rate from a Classy embedded donation form and how to start seeing your results with a free demo.

Philanthropy Trends Report: The State of Modern Philanthropy 2023 Tue, 16 May 2023 07:00:01 +0000 It’s an exciting day for nonprofit professionals who want a glimpse into today’s most impactful fundraising trends and the data to back them up. Classy is proud to release its annual philanthropy trends report, The State of Modern Philanthropy 2023: Creating Dynamic Journeys to Maximize Supporter Lifetime Value

Your daily decisions are some of the most influential in shaping the future of the social sector. The State of Modern Philanthropy 2023 makes those decisions simpler with over 130 fresh data points to guide you at every stage.

Confidently attract new supporters, convert them into donors, and retain their support for the long run with Classy platform data collected across 54,000 active campaigns.

Data to Navigate the Changing Giving Landscape 

Does the rate of change in online giving make your head spin? We get it. 

You may already know the key to growing a sustainable donation stream is offering authentic, memorable experiences to supporters online and offline. Even then, each time we turn around, there seems to be a new way to do it, like crafting personalized email appeals with artificial intelligence (AI) language tools

Based on insights from this year’s report, personalization and connection are critical to nonprofits’ donor acquisition, conversion, and retention strategies. 

The State of Modern Philanthropy 2023 has the data to help you reach the right donors in the right places at the right time to make the most significant impact possible.

Dive Into the Trends Shaping Philanthropy

This year’s report combines Classy platform data with insights from our parent company, GoFundMe, to give you the full picture of the giving landscape. Our combined giving community across these platforms sits at over 150 million donors, making Classy and GoFundMe the holders of the largest and most unique philanthropic data set in the world.

Regardless of where your focus is this year, the size of your organization, or your cause category, you’ll find relevant information that boosts your confidence about where to place your time and resources. 

Bonus: Unpacking the Strongest Results From the Leading Nonprofits

We’re also peeling back the layers on some of the highest-performing nonprofits on Classy to demonstrate what it looks like to lean into these trends strategically. 

  • 44% conversion rate for Feeding San Diego (3x industry average)
  • 13-point lift in conversation rate for V Foundation
  • 56% increase in donation volume for Many Hopes 

Build and Empower a Passionate, Active Community 

So are you ready to build your powerful, multifaceted donor experience to retain your loyal community? 

Choose where you want to focus as you land on our interactive report website:

  • Building community and engagement
  • Fundraising beyond your donation website 
  • Revealing patterns in donor retention

The Outcome: Keys to Lifelong Donor Relationships

At Classy, and in partnership with our GoFundMe community, we mine the latest insights across our platforms each year to inform how we build a comprehensive suite of fundraising experiences that best support nonprofits on a mission to raise more so they can do more. 

Take advantage of this year’s data and fundraising themes to identify how your organization can provide supporters with multiple ways to participate in and support your mission to grow relationships over time.
