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Sneak Peek: The Exclusive Classy Client Experience at the Collaborative

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Published February 28, 2017 Reading Time: 5 minutes

The Collaborative is quickly approaching, which means social sector leaders and entrepreneurs are getting ready to network, learn, and connect. One of the things we’re most excited about is the adventure in store for attendees across all three days of the event. We’ve curated a multitude of content and speakers that provide an exclusive client experience for nonprofits that use Classy.

While we don’t have everything finalized just yet, what we do know is that there will be some special sessions, events, and speakers that will provide opportunities for nonprofit professionals to learn and grow. Here’s a quick peek at what we’ve got brewing for you:

The “Why” of It All

The Collaborative is built on three pillars to give you a conference experience that stands apart. We’ve designed our conference so you can:

Focus on Growth

The Collaborative is an event for nonprofit professionals from all walks of the social sector. Regardless of your role or title, the event presents an opportunity for you to grow personally and professionally.

Personal growth client experience

Experience Something Fresh

You won’t find any stuffy conference rooms, sales booths, dull keynotes, or awkward networking at the Collaborative. We want it to be different from traditional nonprofit conferences. It’s an even playing field where all unite to learn from and connect with presenters, speakers, thought leaders, and other attendees.

Get Actionable Insights

The Collaborative puts the day-to-day grind we all experience into perspective. Through one-on-one conversations, breakout sessions, and keynotes, you’ll see how we work together to solve problems, uncover new opportunities, and collectively advance the social sector.

Highly Engaging Content Tracks

The Collaborative centers on connections, personalization, and unique conference experiences. To take those deeper, and provide an exclusive opportunity for our attendees, we’ve built out four robust content themes.

The Collaborative is an opportunity for social entrepreneurs to come together and grow. You leave there with an entire network supporting what’s possible for your mission. I was reminded that I am not alone in making this world a better place for all.

Zionna Hanson

Founder and CEO Barbells for Boobs

Community Mobilization

Technology enables us to mobilize communities faster and at a larger scale than ever before, and it has become the driving force behind some of the most influential issues of our time. From countering hate-speech to #GivingTuesday, peer-to-peer fundraising to advocacy campaigns, we’ll take a look at the modern strategies, tactics, and case studies that are mobilizing the masses to solve social problems.

  • Session Title: The #GivingTuesday Movement: Past, Present, and Future
  • Description: Asha Curran, CIO of 92Y, shares how a team of influencers and founding partners launched the #GivingTuesday movement and how it has grown into a global day of giving.
Community Mobilization


The funding landscape for social solutions is changing rapidly, and you’ve got to keep up in order to scale. In this track, we’ll explore the most successful funding strategies to fuel your mission. Covering topics like online giving, institutional investing, crowdfunding, and corporate partnerships, you’ll get insights from emerging and established experts who are rewriting the book on funding social impact.

  • Session Title: Dig Into DIY Fundraising
  • Description: Empower supporters to turn their personal life events into opportunities to fundraise for your cause. Uncover how a year-round fundraising program enables supporters to raise money how they want and when they want, generating year-long revenue for your organization.
Fundraising client experience

Technology and Data

Today’s latest technologies dramatically increase the productivity of nonprofits and social enterprises. Helping people do things like visualize problems and deliver aid to tracking performance, software is helping social entrepreneurs make smarter and more effective decisions. We’ll take a look at technologies that are changing the game, and discuss how social enterprises can take advantage of—and keep up with—the latest trends to help them achieve their missions faster.

  • Session Title: Unlock Hidden Opportunities With Classy for Salesforce
  • Description: Classy for Salesforce has an excellent out-of-the-box solution for nonprofits of all sizes. Moving forward, Classy’s integration is offering many more options for organizations to configure the world’s leading CRM however they want. Optimize the way you execute marketing campaigns, evaluate performance, track donor support, and more.
Tech and Data client experience

Leadership and Culture

You are in the business of solving problems to improve the world, and as a leader, it’s critical for you to build strong a organizational culture, a high-performing team, and effective business practices. We’ll explore the creative models and secrets of success behind the fastest growing social enterprises, and hear firsthand experiences from executives who have steered their organizations through unexpected challenges to achieve their missions.

  • Session Title: Unlocking Abundance: Keys to Transformative Change
  • Description: Plenty Consulting will dig into the elements that transform teams: strategy, authentic leaders, communities, and funding.
Leadership and Culture

Top Speakers From the Social Sector

What good would content tracks be without the proper people to support them? We’ve begun building a list of the social sector’s top professionals to deliver keynotes, sessions, and panels that will inspire and inform your work.

Last year I was awestruck by the diverse talent we were able to pull for the event. They were heavy hitters from all across the social sector. For this year’s Collaborative, I’m looking forward to having more for-profit companies involved in corporate philanthropy, and exploring how nonprofits–both big and small–can build relationships with them.

Jo Moya

CS Team Lead at Classy

Top Speakers From the Social Sector

Some of our confirmed speakers for the 2017 Collaborative are:


The Collaborative will be packed with amazing speakers, sessions, keynotes, and panels from and for all cause sectors. Not only is it an event that will take your understanding of the sector to new levels, it will also be an experience like none other.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your ticket now before they sell out!

Classy collaborative

What You'll Learn at the Collaborative

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