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The Nonprofit’s Donation Page Checklist [GUIDE]

The Nonprofit's Donation Page Checklist

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Published May 10, 2021 Reading Time: < 1 minute

Your donation page is your organization’s most valuable tool. An underwhelming first impression or a poorly structured design can be the difference between converting a visitor or losing a donation. 

That’s why we’ve created this step-by-step checklist to help pave the way to increased conversion rates, revenue, and donor satisfaction. 

Use this checklist to cover off on must-have elements for your donation page, including things like:

  • Brand colors and logos
  • Giving options
  • Domain-masking 
  • Suggested donation values
  • Custom questions
  • Dedications

Learn how to engage your audience with a branded look and feel, concise messaging, and a seamless checkout flow, and discover how Classy can help your organization reach its conversion goals.

Here’s a peek into what you’ll find inside:

Nonprofit's Donation Page Checklist

Download The Nonprofit’s Donation Page Checklist today to optimize your page for conversion and raise more money for your mission.

The Nonprofit's Donation Page Checklist

The Nonprofit's Donation Page Checklist

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