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13 Free Email Templates to Retain Donors

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Published January 14, 2019 Reading Time: 2 minutes

Only an estimated 19 percent of first-time donors return to make another donation.

At this alarming rate, the work your nonprofit does to attract support is essential. And it’s essential that you do it over and over and over again.

What if you could increase that donor retention rate? What if, rather than reinvesting in donor acquisition over and over again, your nonprofit could focus on less costly activities like retention efforts?

Imagine what your nonprofit could accomplish if your supporters were so devoted that you could depend on their monthly investments.

With the right donor engagement strategy, that vision can become a reality. To help you develop an effective communications cadence that nurtures new donors, we created 13 donor retention email templates like the one pictured here and packaged them in the guide below.

Give thanks: thank you message

The donor retention email templates in this guide include sample text along with tips on cadence, timing, and who should receive each email. From messages of thanks, proper introductions, and notes “just because,” the included templates and tips will help you create a donor engagement strategy that strikes the right balance with your supporters. Give your community the information they need to develop a meaningful relationship with your nonprofit and before you know it, they’ll be a loyal and lifelong supporter.

Get trends in return donor behavior in The State of Modern Philanthropy 2019:

Or, to get 13 templates, tips, and more download the free guide below.

13 Donor Retention Email Templates

Free Retention Email Templates

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