Explore Classy’s 2023 Giving Tuesday Resource Hub – Free Access!

Westside Food Bank Quickly Creates a Registration with Fundraising Campaign and Raises $70K


To end hunger in our communities by providing access to free nutritious food through food acquisition and distribution, and by engaging the community and advocating for a strong food assistance network


Turn a third-party event idea into a registration with fundraising campaign in less than a week


Classy’s registration with fundraising model allowed Westside Food Bank to quickly create and promote a professional, beautiful campaign and raise over 3x the original goal

The visual appeal of our Classy campaign attracted new and returning supporters to participate in our event, and also gave us the confidence to ask key partners for their support.

– Genevieve Riutort, President & CEO

The Result


raised at the First Great Backyard Campout


transactions on their Classy campaign page

When a Scout troop wanted to host a backyard campout fundraising event on behalf of Westside Food Bank (WSFB), the organization built on this creative idea and launched a larger registration with fundraising campaign on Classy in less than one week to engage their entire community.

After securing a $10,000 match from the troop, the original one-day campout grew to become a season-long event, spanning from May to July 2020. Participants were asked to donate $25 or more per family to reserve a spot, and then commit to raising additional funds through a Classy fundraising page.

The ability to quickly create and promote a professional, beautiful campaign on Classy allowed WSFB to quickly run with this creative idea, gather immediate support from key partners, and raise over $71,000—more than three times their original goal.

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Westside Food Bank

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