Explore Classy’s 2023 Giving Tuesday Resource Hub – Free Access!

Farm Aid’s Giving Tuesday Results Increase by 352% in 4 Years


To build a system of agriculture that values family farmers, good food, soil and water, and strong communities


Catching up on fundraising opportunities on Giving Tuesday


With Classy’s crowdfunding websites, Farm Air’s 2020 Giving Tuesday campaign was their most successful effort to date

We found that focusing on and leveraging Classy platform tools and fundraising strategies helped boost our Giving Tuesday results on one of, if not the most competitive fundraising day of the year! We gained so much traction and raised so much more by really making best use of Classy’s services.

– Caroline Fiore, Development Manager

The Result:


growth in number of Giving Tuesday donors from 2016 to 2020


increase in median gift amount since 2016


increase in number of Giving Tuesday campaign donations in four years

Giving Tuesday was not a big focus for Farm Aid until switching to Classy in 2015, when they were exposed to the staggering campaign totals raised by other organizations on the platform and wanted to become a part of the global movement.

It became more and more evident every year that Giving Tuesday was a strong way to mobilize supporters and kick off the year-end giving season, so Farm Aid launched their first Giving Tuesday campaign in 2016 to increase their visibility and attract new donors. Since that first campaign, their Giving Tuesday strategies have continued to improve every year, maximizing Classy’s tools and incorporating the latest fundraising best practices to engage supporters.

Their 2020 campaign was their most successful Giving Tuesday effort to date. Farm Aid added a compelling video testimonial to their Classy crowdfunding campaign and promoted a time-bound donation matching opportunity. The campaign’s text, colors, and tone remained consistent with other assets to instill a sense of familiarity and trust. Their impact blocks also highlighted how gifts would make a difference.

Farm Aid’s 2020 Giving Tuesday campaign raised $41,000 and grew 58% year over year. This was a 352% increase over their first Giving Tuesday campaign in 2016. 32% of donors to the 2020 campaign were first-time donors.

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