Explore Classy’s 2023 Giving Tuesday Resource Hub – Free Access!

#GivingTuesdayNow: 4 Tips for Global Giving Day Success

4 Strategies to Create a Standout Virtual Fundraising Campaign

Maximize the Power of Email: How to Reach the Right Donors at the Right Time

5 Ways Online Fundraising Pays for Itself

5 Ways Online Fundraising Pays for Itself

Google Presents: 5 Keys to Ad Grant Success in 2020 and Beyond

How to Modernize Your Recurring Giving Program This Year

The Nonprofit Digital Marketing Checklist

Why America Gives 2019: How current events, technology, and seasonality impact donor plans

How To Build Lasting Relationships With Your 2019 Donors in 2020 & Beyond

How to Engage Younger Donors Through Airbnb Social Impact Experiences

6 Quick Tips to Unify Your Offline and Online Fundraising

From Acquisition to Upgrade: 3 Ways to Optimize Your Donor Lifecycle

The First 45 Days: 7 Email Tactics to Steward New Donors and Subscribers

16 Email Templates for Giving Tuesday Through Year-End

Giving Tuesday All-Stars: 10 Stellar Campaigns to Learn From

7 Tips to Boost Year-End Giving With Facebook and Instagram Ads

Your Giving Tuesday Master Checklist

Understanding the True Financial Potential of Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Shriners Hospitals for Children and Classy

Shriners Hospitals for Children and Classy

Shriners Hospitals for Children and Classy

Heifer International and Classy

Heifer International and Classy

Heifer International shares why they use Classy to support their peer-to-peer fundraising initiatives, along with the qualities they look for in technology partners.

Heifer International and Classy

City of Hope and Classy

City of Hope and Classy

City of Hope is one of the most influential treatment and research centers in the world, supporting patients and fighting cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Although their work spans more than a century, the challenges and treatments are constantly evolving. But the ways in which nonprofit supporters engage with and give to organizations has also changed. In the early 20th century, City of Hope supporters organized small events like game nights to rally financial support for the cause. While in-person engagement is still important for building community, large nonprofits like City of Hope must adapt to engage supporters in the ways they want to engage, particularly through online and peer-to-peer fundraising.

City of Hope and Classy

Blood:Water and Classy

Blood:Water and Classy

Blood:Water started when co-founder Dan Haseltine saw that another crisis was making HIV/AIDS even deadlier in African communities. “I was there to learn about HIV/AIDS and all of a sudden this water crisis comes into the picture,” he says. Unsafe and unreliable water sources were at the root of many disease and sanitation issues, but combined with HIV, which weakens immune systems, the risk and death toll skyrocketed. Haseltine knew the huge stigma attached to HIV/AIDS made it difficult to get people involved, but anyone could understand and empathize with the need for clean water. He thought showing people how the two were linked could move people to action. Dan teamed up with Jena Lee Nardella, a passionate young college student to make this vision a reality.

To learn more about Blood:Water https://go.classy.org/customers-blood-water

Blood:Water and Classy

Team Rubicon and Classy

Team Rubicon and Classy

Team Rubicon started by accident. It all began when a small group of veterans and medics traveled to Haiti in 2010 to provide support for those affected by a catastrophic, 7.0-magnitude earthquake. After spending two to three weeks providing aid, they were so deeply moved by the impact they were making, they decided to start a nonprofit organization.

Today, Team Rubicon maintains a roster of 35,000+ volunteers able to deploy throughout the United States and abroad to communities affected by disasters, and has responded to more than 100 disasters around the world. But how does one nonprofit organization grow so rapidly?

To learn more about Team Rubicon & Classy: https://go.classy.org/customers-team-rubicon

Team Rubicon and Classy

The State of Modern Philanthropy 2019: Trends in Return Donor Behavior

World-Changing Work: The Modern Nonprofit Professional’s Experience

The Secrets of Successful Donor Retention

4 Recurring Giving Best Practices to Maximize Lifetime Donor Value

100 Donor Survey Questions

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Benchmarks Worksheet

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