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Unlocking Time-Savings and Cost Efficiency With AI Tools for Nonprofits

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Published June 29, 2023 Reading Time: 6 minutes

Time is an invaluable asset for nonprofits, making it crucial for them to maximize efficiency to allocate more resources toward the core mission. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools, like ChatGPT, provide a game-changing solution by automating time-consuming tasks, freeing up valuable hours to redirect toward meaningful work.

Whether automating data entry, generating AI video content, leveraging writing tools to elevate your reports, or streamlining administrative processes, AI-powered systems can handle these tasks with remarkable precision, allowing nonprofit teams to focus on what matters most—making a difference.

In this blog, we’ll explore 12 of the best AI tools nonprofits can use to streamline internal workflows, inform decision-making with predictive AI models, elevate marketing and brand messaging, and increase outputs in less time to propel their missions forward.

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What Value Can AI Tools Offer Nonprofits?

As alluded to above, nonprofits often face resource constraints and limited budgets, making it essential to maximize funds. Increased efficiency translates into cost savings and improved productivity, contributing to greater impact and scaled services.

For starters, nonprofits often struggle to reach target audiences effectively and communicate their missions in a crowded digital landscape, especially now with Google’s new AI search experience taking effect. AI tools and machine learning can help address these challenges by analyzing large amounts of data to uncover audience preferences, behaviors, and trends.

Additionally, AI design and copywriting tools, like image generation and natural language content engines, can help take your brand to the next level. Do you struggle to build or optimize your website? Have you ever experienced writer’s block when sending email appeals? Do you have a vision in mind for your nonprofit logo but can’t get it onto paper? AI tools can solve these problems and more.

Although we’ve only scratched the surface, this captures the sentiment that AI tools can empower nonprofits to do more with less. Let’s explore a few of the specific user-friendly tools your team can start leveraging today to strengthen your social impact and raise more for your community.

12 AI Tools for Nonprofits to Help Amplify Output


1. AdCopy

AdCopy AI can help alleviate the stress of formulating ad copy for your fundraising initiatives and achieve your anticipated result in less time with fewer resources.

The tool’s AI is specifically for direct-response marketing and driving conversions. You can leverage high-speed autofill to generate and paste your copy into your Ads Manager and maximize its full customization capabilities to craft the perfect ad that reflects your cause.

If you’re interested in this functionality but less inclined to invest in a new tool or AI platform, most ad platforms have already built or have started to build this into existing technology. I encourage you to research whether your current ad platform has or is developing free in-engine AI writing tools that can help you achieve similar results.

2. Buffer

Buffer AI Assistant is a content creator’s dream, providing reliable social media management tools that help your nonprofit create content faster, run experiments, boost engagement, and repurpose social media posts with ease. Create personalized content for your target audiences and set nonprofit brand guidelines that specify your voice and tone to ensure consistency across channels.

Buffer can also assist with translating analytics, navigating comments, building customized landing pages, and generating ideas. Plus, there is a free plan option for those getting started with social media and wanting to get comfortable with the basics. This option includes tools that assist with planning and publishing, generating landing pages, and AI-powered optimizations.

3. Canva Magic Write

Magic Write, powered by OpenAI, is Canva’s AI text generator built to help you write faster and complete content creation tasks in seconds. This content generator can help your nonprofit write anything from social media captions and website copy to email appeals and blog posts.

Take advantage of Magic Write by simply entering a few keywords as a prompt, and it will transform your prompt into high-quality content ready to tweak, refine, and make yours.

4. Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO can provide the workflow to boost your organic traffic, increase visibility, and improve rankings. This AI technology streamlines content creation by researching, writing, and optimizing your words to help your team create more and capture more traffic.

With Surfer SEO, your nonprofit can generate briefs, blogs, and annual reports, write and optimize content in any language, and ensure your writing is plagiarism-free. This is done with search engine optimization in mind—the key to navigating Google’s algorithms and sustaining healthy web performance.

Design & Digital Experiences

5. 10Web

10Web AI Website Builder helps you build or recreate any website in minutes. Create a one-of-a-kind platform that meets your organizational needs and reflects your impactful work through content and images.

Start by answering a few simple questions about your organization, and the AI will generate tailored content based on your responses. You can customize its outputs, add more pages, and complete your website with personal touches. The tool also offers widgets to premium account holders that edit every design element of your website.

6. Adobe Generative Recolor

Generative Recolor, currently in beta, is part of an innovative new suite of AI-powered capabilities powered by Adobe Firefly. Available through the Illustrator app, this tool is for designers and marketers to fine-tune their brand identity, adjust marketing materials, or generate fresh takes on past vector designs, illustrations, or assets,

Nonprofits can use Generative Recolor for any vector design. Personalize your work from the sample color palette prompts provided or enter your color palette prompt inspired by your brand. Whichever experience you try, your designers and volunteers will save time and resources on what used to be a tedious, manual task.

7. Framer

Framer AI offers a complete set of tools to design and maintain a stunning nonprofit website. Generate and publish your site with AI in seconds based on the details you provide. Each section is a unique combination of layout, copy, and styling to capture your brand story and communicate the impact of your cause.

Leverage Framer AI’s built-in copywriter to improve your site’s storytelling and calls to action, elevate your visual navigation to make it easier for donors to find their way around your site, and implement search engine optimizations to improve your site’s Google ranking. Plus, Framer AI automatically formats everything you create for desktop, tablet, and mobile.

8. FullStory

FullStory helps identify what’s working on your site—and what’s not—with data to inform smarter decisions. Use its proprietary automated-capture technology to see where and why users struggle with your website, identify root causes or opportunities for improvement, and practice continued optimization to scale your supporter base and raise more.

After all, creating a unified digital destination is key to upholding a cohesive narrative across all channels, making it easier for donors to familiarize themselves with your organization’s mission, values, and impact. Plus, a poor user experience impacts loyalty and revenue, so finding ways to elevate the steps between acquisition and long-term retention is integral to fundraising.

9. Adobe Photoshop With Generative Fill

Generative Fill can support your nonprofit’s photo editing and art generation tasks, from simple retouches to expert-level refinements. Quickly create, add to, remove, or replace image elements within Adobe Photoshop with simple text prompts powered by Adobe Firefly’s generative AI. Currently, in beta, this AI image technology can help your team push its creative boundaries.

Remove the microphone stand in a photo of your keynote speaker addressing fundraising event attendees or extend the background of an image your volunteer took while supporting crisis relief efforts. Although seemingly small touches, these elevations to your images can open the door to greater storytelling opportunities.

10. Stockimg AI

Stockimg.AI helps nonprofits generate logos, stock images, illustrations, art, and more. With a base of over 1 million users, this AI tool has proven its ability to generate standout creations that consistently exceed expectations.

Need ways to represent your daily impact better? Create images with AI that help tell your story. Ready to launch a new recurring giving program? Leverage Stockimg.AI to generate a fresh logo that celebrates your recurring donor community. You can also create stock images for each impact block displayed on your Classy crowdfunding campaign.

Task Automation

11. Tango

Tango instantly turns any process into a beautiful, shareable how-to guide with cropped screenshots and visuals that lead the way. Instead of screen sharing to walk your newest volunteers through the back end of your nonprofit customer relationship management software, Tango can help save the time you would spend conducting that training by automatically creating an interactive walk-through and detailed templates anyone can easily understand.

12. Krisp

Krisp improves the productivity of online meetings with its AI-powered meeting assistant tools. Are you tired of note-taking while your team runs through a new campaign idea or jotting down all the numbers discussed in your quarterly budget meeting? This tool’s automatic meeting transcription removes that barrier, allowing you to engage with your colleagues in real-time.

Additionally, we all know the pain of a lackluster online meeting when your co-worker’s dog barks over everyone or the echo of your office conference room makes it impossible to understand your boss. Krisp’s voice clarity tool includes background noise cancellation, call summaries, and more to elevate a better experience for everyone involved.

Unlock Your Nonprofit’s Potential With AI Tools

AI tools hold immense potential for nonprofits to unlock time-savings and cost efficiency and elevate marketing strategies and brand messaging. By embracing these no-code technologies, nonprofits can maximize efficiency, amplify outputs, and propel their missions forward with a greater sense of purpose and effectiveness.

If your 501(c)(3) nonprofit is on a mission to raise more and do more this year, we encourage you to discover how Classy can serve as your fundraising partner. Request a demo to dive into the top features of our comprehensive fundraising platform or learn how Classy fuels nonprofits to achieve goals from our extensive library of customer stories.

Copy Editor: Ayanna Julien

Woman's face covered with bright colored lights resembling AI code

AI for Nonprofits: How Google Search Is Changing

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